25 May 2015

Book Wars a weekly feature hosted between two book review blogs – A Life Bound By BooksMuch Loved Books!

It’s a fact that book lovers know all about the covers of the books they covet. Often when a title is released here in the UK, it’s sometimes vastly different across the pond in the US.  So, Michelle from Much Loved Books and I have come together to create Book Wars to talk about the difference in covers when it comes to the US vs. UK versions.

We hope from time to time authors will chime in with their thoughts as well. We welcome everyone to comment and share their thoughts too! The more the merrier!

Before we get to this weeks Book Wars, we have a winner to announce.The Book Wars winner for Out of Control by Sarah Alderson is...USA!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who voted for both books, and for picking a winner.

Also, there's a poll at the bottom of the post that we'd love to hear your input for the two covers! Tell us which one YOU love the most. 

Left: US - Right: UK
Title: Extraordinary Means
Author: Robyn Schneider
Publisher: US - Katherine Tegen Books, 336 Pages, (March 26th, 2015), UK - Simon & Schuster Children's Books , 336 Pages, (June 4th, 2015)
Add to Goodreads: USA Version | UK Version
Order online here: USA: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository UK: Amazon UKWaterstonesWHSmith, The Book Depository

Synopsis: A bitter-sweet, coming-of-age novel that's perfect for fans of John Green and Stephen Chbosky.

When he's sent to Latham House, a boarding school for sick teens, Lane thinks his life may as well be over. But when he meets Sadie and her friends - a group of eccentric troublemakers - he realises that maybe getting sick is just the beginning. That illness doesn't have to define you, and that falling in love is its own cure.

Extraordinary Means is a darkly funny story about true friendships, ill-fated love and the rare miracle of second chances

About the Author: Robyn Schneider is a writer, actor, and online personality who misspent her youth in a town coincidentally similar to Eastwood. Robyn is a graduate of Columbia University, where she studied creative writing, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, where she studied medical ethics. She is also the author of the middle grade Knightley Academy books, written as Violet Haberdasher. She lives in Los Angeles, California, but also on the internet. You can watch her vlogs at youtube.com/robynisrarelyfunny and follow her on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram.

Find Robyn Online: Website | TumblrTwitter

Let the Wars Begin: Its now time to make our decision, let's see what we think about the covers and pick our favorite cover.
Lisa It's so funny that Michelle has chosen this book for this weeks "Wars". I just received a finished copy and I can't wait to read it.

However when you look at each of these covers side by side I kind of love them both. And the US cover looks so much better in person than just in the graphic here. Yet that's almost always the case, right?

And while I love them both, there can only be one favorite, and I'm thinking it has go to the UK cover. I mean look at it! It's kind of stunning the way they've used the tree, branches and leaves to portray lungs. As I haven't read the book... YET, I can only imagine that this book just might hurt my heart a little and for some reason that makes this one a must read even more so.

So, this week I'm voting for the UK cover because it's stunning in it's own right and makes me want to put this one to the top of my reading list even more so.

Which is YOUR favorite? Click on graphic and tell us below!
Michelle This is such an easy choice for me. I think the USA cover is nice, but I don't get how it connects with the story. The UK cover though is a different matter. I love how the subject matter of the story has been portrayed into the cover of this book. I love how the inner workings of a lung have been used to make this upside down tree, its eye catching and makes you want to see what's inside the pages. If you visit the authors webpage, she has a different version of the UK cover up, her one has house along the top of the book, so if its turned upside down you see houses with leaves falling off the trees onto them. Anyway, back to my thoughts. It's a UK win for me this week, and I wan't wait to make a start on this one.
*please bear with us as we try out some new ways of collecting your votes*

VOTE for YOUR favorite cover of Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider Now!

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1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read this one and I rely like the US cover. Not sure why it just grabs me more.


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