08 November 2011


Review: Overprotected By: Jennifer Laurens

Title: Overprotected
Author: Jennifer Laurens
Publisher: Grove Creek Publishing, April 29th, 2011
From: Purchased eBook from Amazon

Synopsis: Ashlyn: A lonely society princess living in New York City.

Daddy hired you to be my bodyguard.

Colin: Childhood enemy, now her protector.

Daddy thought I’d be safe. He thought I’d never fall in love. He thought he could keep me forever.

Charles: obsessed with keeping her safe, keeping her his, he hires the one person he knows she could never fall in love with: Colin.

Daddy was wrong.

Review: 3 Stars - Overprotected is the first title by author Jennifer Lauren's that I've had the chance to read. This was one of those titles that I couldn't wait to get my hands on and start. The synopsis had me eager to read from a long time ago.

Ashlyn lives a different life from most of us in the world. She’s a girl with body guards, living life under lock and key. Colin is someone from her past that Ashlyn would rather never see again, but somehow he ends up being hired by her father to be her new bodyguard.

The best part about the book and the story was getting to know both Ashlyn & Colin. They have a past, which Ashlyn wants nothing more than to leave there… but she’s not so lucky. When her current  body guard over steps his mark, daddy hires someone new. Someone who he figures will be the last person on earth to over step, or for Ashlyn to possibly fall in love with. Ashlyn has some growing up to do, but I imagine it would be difficult when you always have someone watching. Lauren’s has a knack for writing scenes with Ashlyn at the piano. I could almost feel the pages melt away throughout these scenes and it was this that also added to the enjoyment I found throughout this title.

Colin was what made this book for me. I know, for me as a reader, it’s often one single character that will make a book come alive and he’s one of those.  The way Lauren’s has written him, he made Ashlyn brighter. I loved the interaction between these two characters and it’s easy to see the growth in both from beginning to end. Colin might have been somewhat closed off because he’s in full on bodyguard roll, but there’s just something about him that I couldn't resist.

While the book is a quick read, and was well written with a character that made this title for me… I still felt that it was a tad lacking. Sadly, it was often predictable. There weren't many surprises for me, which was okay because over all I did enjoy the story but it’s always nice not to know so much about a book before starting.

All in all Overprotected was a quick and entertaining read with an ending that was action packed and will knock your socks right off your feet! This might have been the first title I've read by Lauren’s, but it won’t be my last. Enjoy!

FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book, and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading this book and or writing this HONEST review.

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  1. The premise does sound great. It sounds cute and fun like you said even with the predictability.

  2. I have a magnet of this book on my fridge from a swag pack I received. I haven't decided whether I should read it or not.

  3. I liked this one a lot more than I expected to, because it was EXACTLY what I was looking for when I read it. :)

    I'm glad that you liked it, even if it was a bit predictable!

    And can I just say, that her dad totally creeped me out. He didn't act like an overprotective father. He acted like a jilted lover. CREEPER!!


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5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
4 Stars - I Really liked/Loved it.
3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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