13 May 2015

Title: Tessa Ever After (Caged in Winter #2)
Author: Brighton Walsh
Publisher: Berkley, 304 Pages (May 5th, 2015)
From: the Publisher
Format: eARC/Paperback ARC
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Check out my review for: Caged in Winter (Caged in Winter #1)

NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+
Synopsis: In this grippingly emotional New Adult novel from the author of Caged in Winter, what you want isn’t always what you need…

Jason’s been living (and loving) the rich playboy lifestyle for five years, but now his parents are pressuring him to get involved in the family business. The last thing he wants is another obligation, but when his best friend moves out of state and asks Jason to look after his sister, he can’t just say no.

Tessa had to grow up way too soon. After dealing with the aftermath of her parents’ deaths, then becoming a teenage mom, she knows the meaning of responsibility. Which is why, at twenty-two, she’s looking for so much more than a party boy. She’s looking for someone who can stand by her and her daughter…forever.

A relationship between them is doomed from the start, but who says they can’t have a little fun? But as Jason gets closer to Tessa—and her daughter—fun starts to turn into something else… Something Jason’s not sure he’s ready for.

Review: 4 Stars - Tessa Ever After, the second book in the Caged in Winter series from author Brighton Walsh is more of a companion novel to the first book. It’s a continuation of the story, yet with a different set of characters who take the center stage and allow readers to follow along with their journey as the story unfolds.

Something I love about reading is finding an author who quickly and without question becomes a “go-to” author that you’ll read anything they write. Brighton had without a doubt become that type of author for me after reading just one of her books, now I’ve read three I just can’t get enough.

I loved Caged in Winter so when I found out Brighton was writing Tessa Ever After, and it was going to tell Jason and Tessa’s story, I bounced in my seat with excitement! There was something about each of these secondary characters from Caged in Winter that you knew once they took a good look at the other and really saw just who the other was the sparks would fly.

And WOW, was I right! Jason and Tessa have known each other for just about forever, being Tessa’s brothers best friend Jason was more like part of the family. So with Tessa’s brother Cade living far from home making his dream come true Jason steps in to help Tessa out as she learns to navigate life on her own raising her young daughter. She quickly learns it’s not so easy after relying on her big brother so much as she had. Having Jason around to lend a hand when the pipes burst was just the perfect starting point for these two. The spark to see each other for more than just the friends they’ve always been.

Each of these characters are dealing with pressures and growing pains while they try to figure out how to cope and face what comes next in their lives. Along the way they question more than where they’re headed but what life might be like if they give in and take a risk on each other. And let’s just say that they have some serious chemistry and Brighton brought the heat for these two one minute and some of the sweetest moments the next.

One thing I’ve come to love is that Brighton’s stories flow from beginning to end and before you know it you’ve been sitting in one place with a huge smile on your face and a couple of hours have past. You grow attached to the characters and just don’t want the story to end, maybe stop and absorb it more but in the end yet you can’t stop reading *takes a deep breath*…. There are also moments where your heart sits on the edge because the characters mean something to you and you only want amazing things to happen to them. I had that a few times with Tessa and Jason’s story.

In the end, I’ll stand by my statement at the beginning of this review – Brighton Walsh is one of my “go-to” authors and I’ll read anything from her. She had me hooked with one book and now I can’t get enough.

If you haven’t read a book from her, you don’t know what you’re missing. I HIGHLY recommend her Caged in Winter books and Captive, which is totally different, and oh so amazing in its own right.

You could say I have a reader crush on Brighton, and I can’t wait to read what she’s written for us next. Enjoy!

About the Author:

Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with writing. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children.

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