30 April 2010
Author: Sharie Kohler
Publisher: Pocket, 368 Pages (December 26th 2007)
From: Borders
Synopsis: She doesn't know what bit her...
Seemingly overnight, Claire Morgan has transformed: the normally mousy schoolteacher is now bold, and her behavior is truly wild. Her eyes gleam silver. Suddenly she's a self-confident femme fatale with a libido that just won't quit. After an impulsive makeover, she's even...dare she say it?...sexy. Is Claire going insane?
Then brutally handsome stranger Gideon March tells her she was bitten by a werewolf, and Claire figures he's the insane one. Sure, she was attacked by a nasty dog in a back alley, but this guy stalking her says he's a member of an underground society of lycan hunters -- and his mission is to kill her immediately.
When Claire finally realizes she really is a lycan, there's no turning back -- because by now Claire and Gideon are bound by a hungry passion. If they can't break the curse by the next full moon, Claire's soul will be lost forever and Gideon will be forced to terminate his prey -- a woman dangerously close to devouring him, heart and soul.
Review: 4 Stars - For me, this was a new series that I found not all too long ago. I picked up the first and the third book... couldn't find the second which the author was amazing and sent a copy so I could read the whole series. The first book didn't disappoint me at all; it was a great beginning with an interesting take on Lycans and their hunters.
There was suspense, romance; danger and I mean come-on - Werewolves! Kohler does have a twist to her werewolves, or as they are called throughout this one, Lycan's in the fact that when they turn and kill there's no going back. Pretty much everything about who they use to be as a human is gone. There's a little bit more to it all in how it actually happens and what each person who gets bit goes through, but I leave it at that.
Also, we get to see things through the eyes of not only a woman - one of our two main characters Claire's eyes after being recently bitten, but we get to see through the eyes of our other main character - Gideon who just happens to be a Lycan hunter. And yep, you guessed it there's just a bit of tension and a HUGE conflict of interest when these two cross paths. Gideon sets out to go against his better judgment AND against all he knows to try to break the curse for Claire. Trying to save a person from the curse isn’t anything he’s done before and it brings up things from his past that is told throughout the book. He knows that if he can't do it, he'll have to kill her.
The story, characters and writing kept me turning the pages fast to see if Gideon could save Claire in time. If you want to find that out for yourself, be sure to pick up copy soon because I for one am glad that I have the next two books in the series because I can't wait to see what's coming next.
FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.
28 April 2010
Title: Take Me There
Author: Carolee Dean
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 336 Pages (July 20, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble, The Book Depository
Synopsis: Dylan has a bad-boy past and a criminal record. He knows that rich, beautiful Jess is way too good for him—but she has always been the one person who sees through his tough exterior and straight to his heart, and he has been hopelessly in love with her from the first time they met. He would change his life for a chance with her.
But trouble follows Dylan wherever he goes, and a deadly mistake soon forces him to hit the road and leave his dreams behind. He's on the run and in search of answers—answers to questions he wishes he'd never asked.
Oh, the cover love for this book! And then reading what it's about... yeah it's a book for me. Can't wait to read it. Anyone else with me on looking forward to reading this book?
27 April 2010
Author: Kristina McBride
Publisher: EgmontUSA, 228 Pages (May 25th 2010)
From: EgmontUSA, Thanks!
Synopsis: It’s been two years since Noelle disappeared. Two years since her bike was discovered, sprawled on a sidewalk. Two years of silence, of worry, of fear.
For those two long years, her best friend Tessa has waited, living her own life in a state of suspended animation. Because how can she allow herself to enjoy a normal high school life if Noelle can’t? How dare she have other friends, go to dances, date boys, without knowing what happened to the girl she thought she would share everything with?
And then one day, someone calls Noelle’s house. She’s alive.
A haunting psychological thriller taken straight from the headlines, The Tension of Opposites is a striking debut that explores the emotional aftermath of a kidnapping on the victim, and on the people she left behind.
Review: 4.5 Stars - First off, I read this book pretty much in one sitting. It was one that I didn’t want to put down, one of those books that grabs you from the first page and doesn’t want to let you go until you’ve heard all that it has to tell you. Until its characters within get all who read to hear their story. And what a story McBride has created!
This is a book about two friends and the aftermath of what happens when one is kidnapped, survives and how not only the victim is affected but the people around her.
I was able to quite clearly understand just what our main character Tessa was going through since the kidnapping of her best friend Noelle. It was easy to really know what it felt like to be in Tessa’s shoes from when it happened right through to the end. Since Noelle’s kidnapping Tessa had become more of a loner who enjoys taking pictures in solitude then letting people get too close. She has her reasons for this that’ll be clear to each reader.
Then we have Noelle… one of our other main characters. She was kidnapped and held for two years. Living with her kidnapper and all she went through changed not only her, but the people around her. We learn little about what Noelle went through, but it’s a story that makes it not hard to imagine what she had to live through day to day in order to survive. The reasons why she finally got away are told throughout, but don’t worry… I won’t give anything away. I’m not one who likes give to much away in my reviews, so no need to worry; I try my hardest to always be spoiler free.
It’s a sad story, one that’ll pull on some of your emotions. One that’ll make you feel for each of the two girls and what they are going through. There’s trauma, understanding, love, pain, and fear in this one, yet none of these emotions too overpowering – as McBride has written just the right mix to leave a mark.
One person who was such a light in this story full of emotional scars was Max. He had a clear head and was there for Tessa in a way she never allowed anyone to be for her before. Never pushing, never questioning, just being…. I liked the fact that he was the boy next door type. Max had some great things to say to Tessa that made her think and that I found was needed to balance out some of the healing of Tessa and through her to Noelle.
All in all The Tension of Opposites is one of my favorite books for 2010. McBride has made a fan out of me and I’m looking forward to seeing what she writes next. I would recommend this book to anyone, so be sure to keep an eye out for it. It arrives in bookstores on May 25th. Enjoy it guys.
FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.
25 April 2010
WOW, another week of In My Mailbox is here already? Crazy that its that time again. So, here's a look at all the goodies that arrrived on my doorstep either by purchase or for review. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. As always, thanks so much for hosting it Kristi!
So here's what I got this week.....
This is a little late this week. Sorry about that, just have been so busy around here this weekend. So, what all did you guys get this week? I hope it's some great stuff. Happy Reading :)
23 April 2010
Author: P.C. Cast
Publisher: September 1st 2006 by Luna (first published 2001), January 15th 2010 by Mira Books
From: UK Publicity Company
Synopsis: (Per Goodreads) The most excitement teacher Shannon Parker expected on her summer vacation was a little shopping. But then her latest purchase--a vase with the Celtic goddess Epona on it--somehow switches her into the world of Partholon, where she's treated like a goddess. A very temperamental goddess…
It seems that Shannon has stepped into another's role as the Goddess Incarnate of Epona. And while it has some very appealing moments--what woman doesn't like a little pampering now and then?--it also comes with a ritual marriage to a centaur and the threat of war against the evil Fomorians. Oh, and everyone disliking her because they think she's her double.
Somehow Shannon needs to figure out how to get back to Oklahoma without being killed, married to a horse or losing her mind….
Review: 4 Stars - I’d had this series on my wish list for awhile now, and was lucky enough to be asked to review the series for the UK release of the books. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but being that I love the House of Night Series, I knew I was bound to enjoy this one as well. The first book may look daunting due to its size, but don’t let that stop you from reading it.
From the first page to the last I can say that I was extremely entertained by the story. Shannon, our main character is witty, sharky and written perfectly for someone so out of place in this world she’s sucked into. I could almost picture the other characters faces when she spoke so unlike they did. From hearing about Rhiannon from the other characters within Partholon and getting such a vivid picture of who Shannon was - Cast did a great job at writing two people who have so much in common, yet are polar opposites.
There’s a little bit for everyone in this book. Fantasy… I mean there’s beautiful and perfect Centaurs…. in this book! To the landscape and scenery that makes up Partholon, to the castles, to the evil that lurks…. To the love and romance that forms throughout the story. It’s a match made of so many things that each reader should be able to find one or two things in it that they could like, love or relate to.
Something I found interesting while reading was the way people could forgive each other and understand why characters had to do certain things. How most people from Partholon so easily gave one another a second chance. There are so many books and well, real people out in the world that hold grudges and it’s nice to read something that there’s actual understanding and forgiveness that comes through. Well, for this reader.
Another thing I should mention is… only part of this series is considered Adult. Three books – Divine By Mistake, Divine By Choice and Divine By Blood. While the other two books – Elphame’s Choice and Brighid’s Quest are both Young Adult titles. The thing about this first book in the series is even though it was an adult book there was little sex, and even the sex scenes that were in the book weren’t much, if maybe even only a couple sentences and nothing graphic in the slightest. It’s more flirting, suggestive talk and innuendos and a little bit of cursing that makes this more of an adult title. Well, other then the fact that all our main characters are very much adult. *Note: For my younger readers, please don’t by any means judge weather or not you’re allowed to read this book based on what I’ve just said. As always, that’s something that is between you and you parents.
All in all, I enjoyed this book and didn’t want it to end. I’m thankful that I have the rest of the books in the series here waiting for me to read them. I can’t wait to see what adventure/trouble Shannon/Rhea, ClanFintan and everyone else, new characters and old face next.
FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review..
22 April 2010
With the help of Random.org the winner is..........
Congrats to you on your win. I've sent you a email and you have 48 hours to get back in touch with me or I'll have to pick another winner.
Thanks again to everyone who entered... don't forget about my other contest I have running right now. 5 lucky winners will each get a finished copy of The Light By: D.J. MacHale. Enter HERE!
Also, I have a couple other contests coming up soon, so keep an eye out here for more info and how to enter! Good Luck to you ALL!
This series might not be new, but it's kind of new to me. I was lucky enough to be asked to review this series as it's being released in the UK. So, I thought I'd take the time to post about the series. To all my UK followers and lurkers and those that love to collect books with pretty covers from different countries, or those who haven't read this series yet, this post is for you!
The Goddess of Partholon Series By: P.C. Cast
UK Release date: Feb 2010 £6.99
US Release date: September 1st 2006 by Luna (first published 2001)
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble
Per Press Release: Waking up in another world Shannon Parker discovers she has swapped places with Partholon’s high-priestess and is revered as a Goddess by all. While she can’t believe her luck – who doesn’t like to have wall to wall wardrobes of made-to-measure silk dresses and wine on tap, not to mention the personal Spa and handmaidens – being Partholon’s high-priestess is far from easy.
On her first day in Partholon Shannon is expected to be married to High Shaman, ClanFintan, a centaur who has no idea of her real identity. Then there is the threat of Fomorian war on the horizon, and as the high-priestess of a warrior Goddess, Shannon must lead the people of Partholon into battle. Nothing a feisty high-school teacher can’t handle-right?
Divine By Choice
UK Release date: March 2010 £6.99
US Release date: December 1st 2006 by Luna
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble
Per Press Release: Just when she’d got use to being treated as a Goddess, quaffing red wine with foot rubs on tap, Shannon is sucked back to earth where, frankly, she’d rather not be. Back in Partholon she was treated like a movie star, happily married to ClanFintan, her hunky centaur husband, and decidedly pregnant with their child.
Trying to get back to Partholon through the divide, Shannon realises an evil force has followed her and is threatening to destroy all she holds dear in her old world. With the help of an ancient power hidden in the forests of the Oklahoma wilds, Shannon must do battle with her most dangerous nemesis yet-but not until she’s explained to her father exactly where she’s been for the last six months.
Divine By Blood
UK Release date: April 2010 £6.99
US Release date: September 1st 2007 by Luna
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, Waterstones
US Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble
Per Press Release: Morrigan Parker knew she wasn’t like the other girls in her class. First there were the voices she heard on the wind and then there was the way she could make her skin glow with light – which was pretty cool. A trip with her friends to a local cave system unlocks an ancient power within Morrigan and she is sucked through a secret divide into the world of Partholon.
Discovering that her mother was chosen of the Goddess Epona and hearing whispers that she wields the same power, Morrigan sets out to become the most powerful priestess that Partholon has ever seen. But is it her destiny to become High-Priestess or will she be seduced by the same dark powers that plagued her mother’s life? With no friends except her pet Lynx Brina, Morrigan must face her destiny as the Goddess’s chosen.
Coming in May and June to the UK, from The Goddess of Partholon Series:
Elphame’s Choice
UK Release date: May 2010 £6.99
US Release date: September 29th 2009 by Harlequin (first published December 1st 2004)
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble
Synopsis: I was marked from birth as belonging to the Goddess Epona--but that didn't make my life easy. Because of my "blessings," I was set apart, worshipped, unable to make real connections with others. Then came the Feeling, and with it a glimpse of my destiny. It led me to the MacCallen castle of legend, deserted since the terrible Fomorian war.
I followed the wordless call to breathe new life into a place long dead, but I didn't realize there were dark remnants of the war lingering in the nearby forest--victims and survivors who remained hidden. Others marked as different, powerful. Feared.
My choice was now twofold. I could keep to the happiness and safety of my newfound home, or I could choose a path that led to something more terrible, more dangerous, more thrilling than anything I'd ever expected.
And in that future I might never be alone again...
Brighid's Quest
UK Release date: June 2010 £6.99
US Release date: December 1st 2005 by Luna
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble
Synopsis: Torn between the possibilities . . .
Fleeing her centaur clan's increasingly militant beliefs, Brighid Dhianna has begun to find peace and acceptance among the humans of Clan MacCallan. Still, she agrees to leave her newly formed friendships to guide her clan chieftain's grieving brother home.
As she journeys, Brighid discovers that the long-dormant Shaman blood that runs so thickly in her veins will no longer be silenced. As seductive new powers begin to beckon, Brighid glimpses a future that is more impossible -- and more magical -- than any she could have dared to imagine.
But when tragedy summons her back to the Centaur Plains, Brighid must make a decision that will affect not only her friendship with the humans, but the centaur herd and indeed the world. For the Great Goddess Epona has set her on a new path that demands everything she has to give.
When the whole world is turning to her for help, healing the heart of a warrior doesn't sound so daunting . . .
About P.C. Cast:
P.C. Cast is the bestselling author of the House of Night young adult series about a finishing school for Vampires which she co-writes with her daughter Kirstin. PC Cast has so far sold over 8 million copies worldwide, been published in 39 countries, is a WH Smith top ten bestseller in the UK and is hugely popular with fans of Stephenie Meyer.
P.C. Cast’s Goddess of Partholon series is to be published in the UK for the first time at the beginning of 2010. Written before her bestselling House of Night series (which so far has sold over 1 million in the UK) the Goddess of Partholon trilogy contains Cast’s favourite character, the sexy centaur ClanFintan and is a chance for adult readers to enjoy her writing. When the Goddess of Partholon series was first published in the US it was awarded the Prism, Holt Medallion and Laurel Wreath awards and was also shortlisted for the National Readers' Choice Award.
For more information on the author please visit her website: P.C. Cast
Check out this Exclusive Interview with P.C. Cast!
I just recently finished the first book, Divine By Mistake and LOVED it! Look for a review to come soon. Enjoy the series, I know I am so far.
21 April 2010
Title: Paranormalcy
Author: Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen, 320 Pages (September 21, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository, Barns and Noble
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Evie's job is bagging and tagging paranormals. Possessing the strange ability to see through their glamours, she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency. But when someone--or something--starts taking out the vamps, werewolves, and other odd beasties she's worked hard to help become productive members of society, she's got to figure it out before they all disappear and the world becomes utterly normal.
Normal is so overrated.
Such a pretty cover for this one and yeah, it sounds like a great story! I can't wait to read it, what about everyone else?
20 April 2010
-Grab your current read
-Open to a random page
-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!
Title: Marked By Moonlight (The Moon Chasers Series, Book 1)
Author: Sharie Kohler
Publisher: Pocket Star, 368 Pages Reprinted Edition(August 18, 2009)
Order From: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble, (due to Volcano, no Book Depository link)
Gideon motioned between the two of them. "This has got to stop."
"This thing between us. It's distracting me from what I need to be doing... which is focusing on finding the alpha to break the curse."
"I thought that's what we've been doing?" (Pg. 187)
OOER... I glanced at what happens right after this and with what I've already read... yeah, you could say it's good! Enjoying it, glad I have the next 2 books in the series as well. Anyone read this yet or looking forward to reading it?
This info just hit my inbox and I thought I'd share it with everone!
Check it out:
Not able to meet D. J. MacHale while he’s on tour?
Not to worry! You can still ask him all your questions about Morpheus Road on publication day!
Here’s how to do it:
Go to: http://www.ustream.tv/simonandschuster
Login on the right side via Twitter or Facebook to post questions for me.
D. J. will be answering the questions LIVE on pub day, 4/20 at 6:00 PM Eastern time, and you can watch it there then!
19 April 2010
The Light is released tomorrow, so keep an eye out at your local book stores for copies! If you happen to not win one here, be sure to pick up a copy soon!
Click HERE for more info about the contest and the form to enter.
Also, be sure to check out my review of The Light HERE and the books trailer HERE.
For more information about the author and his books, please visit his website - D.J. MacHale Book.
18 April 2010
Another week has just flew by, and with the end of another week, comes In My Mailbox #19. Slow week, but good none the less... so here's the list of what arrived on my doorstep. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. As always, thanks so much for hosting it Kristi!
So here's what I got this week.....
So, that's what I ended up witht this week. Can't wait to read each of these. What all did you guys get? Hope you all have a great week ahead of you!
16 April 2010
I thought I'd take the time to point out a few things that are new around the blog. With the big blog make-over that was just recently done - via Parajunkee there was a few things added that I didn't have before.
First off, I have a button! I'm excited that now I have one to share with everyone. Who ever wants to take it, feel free! You can find it down on the right side. Speaking of buttons, I started adding other blog buttons here too. You can check out the scrolling button roll that is also located on the right side. I’ll be adding to it here and there over time, so that'll always be changing.
Another thing... and this I think is great, I use it to follow a few other blogs and I'm looking to use it more. What am I talking about you ask? Well... you can now subscribe to my blog! Yep, you can get updates from me sent right to your email. It's quick and easy to do. Just scroll down on the right side... it's located under my followers - Subscribe Via Email. Type in your email address and hit the subscribe button and your pretty much set to go!
Other new and exciting things happening around here would be that I've become affiliated with Open Book Society. It's a great site with TONS of information on everything from books to movies and so much more. Be sure to take a look throughout the site to see all they have to offer.
Note worthy amazing things I have coming up, that I’m more then excited about - An interview with the author of Claire de Lune, Christine Johnson. Along with that will be a giveaway for a finished copy of the book! Also I have an interview with author of Shade, Jeri Smith-Ready and a possible giveaway with her as well! Other then the two mentioned, there are other interviews and various other contests in the works, so be sure to follow, subscribe and keep and eye out here for more information coming soon!
Don't forget to enter the two contests I have running right now. The chance to win an ARC of Perchance to Dream is about to end (4/19). Enter Here.You still have a couple days to enter. The other is a chance to win 1 of 5 finished copies of The Light (5/3) Enter Here. Good luck everybody!
15 April 2010
Author: Melina Marchetta
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers, 343 Pages (May 9th 2006)
From: Amazon
Synopsis: MOST OF MY friends now go to Pius Senior College, but my mother wouldn’t allow it because she says the girls there leave with limited options and she didn’t bring me up to have limitations placed upon me. If you know my mother, you’ll sense there’s an irony there, based on the fact that she is the Queen of the Limitation Placers in my life.
Francesca battles her mother, Mia, constantly over what’s best for her. All Francesca wants is her old friends and her old school, but instead Mia sends her to St. Sebastian’s, an all-boys’ school that has just opened its doors to girls. Now Francesca’s surrounded by hundreds of boys, with only a few other girls for company. All of them weirdos—or worse.
Then one day, Mia is too depressed to get out of bed. One day turns into months, and as her family begins to fall apart, Francesca realizes that without her mother’s high spirits, she hardly knows who she is. But she doesn’t yet realize that she’s more like Mia than she thinks. With a little unlikely help from St. Sebastian’s, she just might be able to save her family, her friends, and—especially—herself.
Review: 4 Stars - It’s hard to come up with the words for this review. I mean this book was great. It started out a little bit slow for me but I loved the witty come backs and just how smart Francesca was when it came to most of the people around her. She really did see people for who they were and called them on it and by this I talking about her school mates. She was a straight shooter and I felt as a reader that she learned more along the way. Isn’t that what were all supposed to do in life anyway? Grow along the way?
Francesca has a hard time at school and at home. When she’s forced to change school’s she ends up one of only a handful of girls at an all boys school. The school recently opened its doors to girls and she’s stuck going there with a bunch of boys who want nothing more but their all boys school back and well, while their at it to torture the girls just a bit.
With the help of some of her fellow female school mates - they try to change things up to be a bit more equal for the girls who attend and reading what happens to their requests you could almost feel the guys cringe. Then her home life isn’t the greatest when her mom ends up bedridden with a horrible bout of depression. It forces Francesca to look at things differently. It forces her father and brother to look at things differently. It’s an uphill struggle and some truths come out all around.
With the help of some new found, yet true friends – and some realizations about friends from her old school…. Not forgetting to mention first love, Saving Francesca has a little bit for everyone. This is my first book by Machetta and it won’t be my last. I’m looking forward to more from her. Jellicoe Road is sitting on my shelf waiting to be picked up and I’m also looking forward to picking up and reading Finnikin of the Rock. If you haven’t read this one yet but keep meaning to… go for it and enjoy!
FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.
14 April 2010
Title: Winter Longing
Author: Tricia Mills
Pubisher: Razorbill, 272 pages (August 19, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository
Synopsis: When Winter’s boyfriend is killed in a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness, she’s robbed of the future she’d only just allowed herself to believe might be hers. Winter and Spencer had been destined for one another. And after his death, Spencer’s presence continues to haunt her.
But when her next-door neighbor becomes an unlikely friend, Winter begins to accept all that she can’t change. Can she open herself to a new future . . . and a possible new love?
With many books, the cover calls to me. Sometimes they even scream my name. This one did that for me. I love this cover. After staring at it's pretty-ness for awhile I got around to reading the synopsis and fell for the idea of this book and story even further. This was another book I've added to my ever growing preordered list. What about you? Does this sound like a book you want to read? Have you preordered it?
13 April 2010
It's time for another contest! A special thanks goes out to the publisher for giving me 5 finished copies of The Light - Morpheus Road By: D.J. MacHale to give away.
Entering is easy. Just follow the link and fill out the form. No entries in comments please (ANY entries in the comments will not be counted!)... but comments are always loved and welcome!
This contest is open to the US only. Sorry guys!
You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
Contest ends on May 3rd, 2010
*note - contest end day subject to change*
You can check out my review here: The Light
Take a peek at the books trailer: Here!
The Light - Morpheus Road hits shelves on April 20th, 2010!
Any questions, please email. Good Luck to everyone who enters!!
-Grab your current read
-Open to a random page
-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!
Title: Divine By Mistake (Lookie at the pretty UK Cover)
Author: P.C. Cast
Publisher: UK publishing info - Mira Books, 576 Pages (15 Jan 2010)
Order From (For UK): Amazon, Waterstones, WH Smiths, The Book Depository
Order From (For US): Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble, The Book Depository
He squinted at me, trying to blink the remainder of the soap from his eyes.
I giggled again.
"What's so fun-" As his lips fromed the beginning of the word funny a bubble popped out of his mouth, just like he'd blown it from a big ol' wad of Bazooka.
I couldn't stand it- at the sight of that bubble popping from his serious, soapy face, my giggles convulsed into laughter. (Pg. 188)
12 April 2010
Author: D.J. MacHale
Publisher: Aladdin, 352 Pages (April 20, 2010)
From: The Pubisher
Synopsis: Marshall Seaver is being haunted. In the first installment of this chillingly compelling trilogy, sixteen-year-old Marshall discovers that something beyond our world is after him. The eerie clues pile up quickly, and when people start dying, it’s clear whatever this isit’s huge.
Marshall has no idea what’s happening to him, but he’s soon convinced that it has something to do with his best friend Cooper, who’s been missing for over a week. Together with Coop’s sister, Marsh searches for the truth about what happened to his friend, ultimately uncovering something bigger than he could ever have imagined.
Review: 4 Stars - When I first started reading this book I soon learned that I wouldn't be reading it in the dark. It had such a high creep factor for me that I almost didn't pick it back up again. What can I say; this book was scary and well… I'm a big chicken. lol I did in the end finish it... and was a little bit confused while reading, but I liked the story and the build up for what's to come in the rest of the series.
Our main character Marshall finds himself being haunted by a character he's dreamed up in his head. It's this character that adds the creepy factor to this book. I mean even his name – Gravedigger wouldn’t give anyone the warm and fuzzies. While Marshall thinks he's going crazy and well, running for his life - he finds himself in a much bigger mystery when his best friend Cooper goes missing.
With the help of Coopers icy sister Sydney, who somewhat thaws throughout the story they embark on a journey that really the two of them only know about. Yeah, there are other's who are swept up into the story and have trouble due to Gravedigger and all, but really it's Marshall and Sydney who are deeper into things then they want to be.
It's a thrilling book that had a bunch of twists and turns. It answered some of the many questions I had from the beginning, but left me asking more questions after finishing.
Sometimes I felt the story was a bit long and that maybe there was just a bit too much going on. Sometimes we see that in first books in a series, so it wasn't anything that I wasn't really use to. I mean we all need some back story to our characters and some details and explanations and such, right? I can see how this might put some people off, especially because it’s a long read and for those who are about to start reading this one or have picked it up and put it back down again…. Give it another try. I mean I thought it was worth it. Not to mention MacHale does well in describing things. Often I felt like I was watching a movie more so then reading a book.
All in all, I'm glad that I pushed through and finished this one, creep factor and all. There's a bigger picture here behind all that's going on and I'm looking forward to finding out just what's next for Marshall, Sydney and Cooper in the books to come.
Check out the books Trailer here:
FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.
11 April 2010
I can't believe this week is over! WOW, did that go by fast or what? With the end of another week, comes In My Mailbox #18. I think I had a pretty great week, so here's the list of what arrived on my doorstep. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. As always, thanks so much for hosting it Kristi!
So here's what I got this week.....
For Review:
When I opened the envelope and found Linger in there waiting for me I almost screamed out loud. I did jump up and down a bit... lol I never thought I'd get an early copy and can't wait to start it! I hope to read it this week! So, what all did you guys get? Great stuff I hope!
Also, a quick Hello and Thank You to all my new (and old) followers! I'm almost at 300 and that's HUGE to me. To celebrate I have plans for some contests coming up, so keep an eye out. Also, don't be shy! I love comments just as much as every blogger does, so yeah... comment away :o)
Have a great week in books, reading and everything in between!
09 April 2010
Author: Angela Morrison
Publisher: Razorbill, 320 Pages (March 4, 2010)
From: Amazon
Beth has always been “The Beast”—that’s what everyone at school calls her because of her awkward height, facial scars, and thick glasses. Beth’s only friend is geeky, golden-haired Scott. That is, until she’s selected to be her choir’s soprano soloist, and receives the makeover that will change her life forever.
When Beth’s choir travels to Switzerland, she meets Derek: pale, brooding, totally dreamy. Derek’s untethered passion—for music, and for Beth—leaves her breathless. Because in Derek’s eyes? She’s not The Beast, she’s The Beauty.
When Beth comes home, Scott, her best friend in the world, makes a confession that leaves her completely torn. Should she stand by sweet, steady Scott or follow the dangerous, intense new feelings she has for Derek?
The closer Beth gets to Derek, the further away he seems. Then Beth discovers that Derek’s been hiding a dark secret from her …one that could shatter everything.
Review: 3 Stars - First off, let me just say that I’d been wanting to read this book since I first heard about it last year. The idea for the story sounded amazing. It’s been at the top of my wish list for awhile. I mean the cover is amazingly beautiful, I love this cover. I’ve heard nothing but great things about Morrison’s previous book – Taken By Storm (which I just ordered and received from Amazon a couple days ago and can’t wait to read) so I knew I’d want to read Sing Me to Sleep pretty much right when it arrived here.
Our main character Beth – I understood her and got why she felt the way that she did about everyone around her and how she was treated, but at one point enough was enough with how much of a downer she was. Even when things picked up in her life she continued to whine. It grated on me; I wanted nothing more for it to stop.
The makeover for her was interesting. After she got use to things it seemed Beth as a person started to change a bit. It was hard for her to do, that was conveyed well throughout. I just wish we would have heard more about her thoughts as the actual makeover was happening. Most of what we heard from her was after it had happened and she was talking things over with her – well only real friend Scott.
Speaking of Scott – you can tell he wants to be more then friends with her early on (pre makeover), but she couldn’t see it through all her self worth issues. Scott was a hero to me then but that changed quickly when he kept pushing himself and a relationship with Beth even when she was with Derek.
It was great to finally get to see who Beth was when we meet Derek. It felt like Beth shined more when she was with him, letting her escape from her doom and gloom. The story in the last few chapters was what made the book. I had an idea that something like it was coming and no, I won’t tell you to spoil it. It didn’t make it any less emotional and to finally see Beth see herself as the person she really is and not just the one others made her out to be - was great. It’s sad how it all finally happened, but I’m glad that it happened nonetheless.
I haven’t mentioned much about Derek, so I’ll take a minute to tell you that he was the bright spot not only for Beth, but for me in this book. It seemed like he turned things around for me as a reader. I mean it felt like the whole thing shifted somewhat when Derek was in the story. Even in the few last few hard to read chapters, it all made me come to realize that what made Sing Me To Sleep, was Derek. It’s one of the reasons why I gave this book the rating that I did.
In the end, I look forward to reading Taken by Storm and to see what else Morrison has in store for us next. This book might not have been a favorite of mine (and it’s far from the worst I’ve ever read – it won’t keep me from reading more from this author in the future), but don’t let my words discourage you from reading.
FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.
08 April 2010
How to keep our children reading -
An article written by John Holt entitled “How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading,” goes through multiple ways that teacher’s who teach reading actually drive our students away from it. As a teacher of reading, this was a hard article for me to read, especially when I found that I was beginning to agree with some of the things that Holt was saying.
First, teachers and parents have a tendency to want to push children to reading things that we think will make them look smart. For some reason, Tolstoy’s War and Peace has become a book that shows a child as gifted. So, parents and teachers automatically want children to read books like that. I still have not read War and Peace and I was an honor student throughout my schooling years. In high school, I hated reading classics. How many people can honestly say that they enjoyed reading The Scarlet Letter? Is it worth teaching that book? I’m going to pay for this remark, but I don’t think there is anything about teaching that book that makes our students better. The symbolism can be found in more interesting books, and there is no reason that we should force our students to struggle through the language. I think that the literary value of that book is not nearly worth the torture our children feel from it. So, why are we killing our students interest in reading by forcing them to read these books that we feel, as an intellectual community, have a specific value? Is this a rite of passage? As a teacher, I believe that we need to give more freedom to our children in the area of reading.
If you want your children or student to be interested in reading, allow them to read interesting matieral. I can not tell someone what they should be interested in. Parents can not tell their teenager what to be interested in. I should repeat that, but I’m not going to, because if you have a teenager then you know what I mean. If you give a child of any age the ability to choose what they want to read, whether it be a comic book, magazine, picture book, or novel, then they are more likely to want to read it. There are literary values to each type of reading.
Comic books and graphic novels have become increasingly popular, especially with boys (which is the hardest group to reach). Why should anyone keep them away from reading such a book? I have graphic novels in my classroom and they are the first to disappear. I have had teachers ask me why I allow my students to read such things, and I ask why not. Does a graphic novel have characters, conflict, themes, a plot line, figurative language, etc.? Yes! I have yet to find a graphic novel that lacks any part of this. Graphic novels also give you the visual element that must be followed in order to comprehend the story. This adds another thinking process into the comprehension level and is probably increasing the brain activity and higher level thinking that our children are receiving from this type of litearture.
Magazines suck everyone in. What is the first thing you grab at a Doctor’s office or on a place? It is the magazine that is on the table or in the cuff of the seat in front of you. Not only are magazines filled with non fiction writing (a genre most children say they hate), but they also allow a reader to explore things that they would not do get in another circumstance. These non fiction segments often peak an interest into researching further into that topic. If you notice that your child is consistently reading articles on skin care, why not suggest they take a look at books on the internet that will also hit that subject. Magazines can often spark the interest in someone to find books that will relate to the subjects that they enjoy reading about.
Lastly, if we give a child free reign to choose the fiction book that they want to read, then we are developing a trust with them and encouraging their desires. If a teen decides that they want to read an adult book, be careful telling them no. It would be smarter, in my opinion, to take that book and read it yourself and then discuss it with your teen rather than just saying no. A lot of books talk about drugs, sex, violence, etc., and teens are interested in those subjects. Reading and discussing is going to be a better route than forbidding. If we are consistently saying no to books and pushing them towards books that are not interesting to them, then we efficently kill any love of reading availble. So, a teacher’s advice to keep your children in love with reading is to allow them the option of reading what they choose without expecting them to read only a certain type of book, or shutting down their reading of literature that is not considered within the literary cannon.
More info about Jen and where she can be found:
Jennifer Miller is a devoted English teacher of both eighth graders and college students. As an teacher who cares deeply about her student's love of books, sharing her opinions about books has become a passion, so she recently started blogging publicly about what she reads at Kaydence's Book Blog.
Blog Address: Kaydence's Book Blog
Twitter username: @KaydenceCA
Currently Reading:
The Forest of Hands and Teeth By: Carrie Ryan
Fireworks over Toccoa By: Jeffrey Stepakoff
Must Reads (links back to her review):
The Book Thief By: Markus Zusak
Thank you SO much for writing up a Guest Post Jen! It was great and really you hit the nail on the head when it comes to getting kids to read! I’m sure I’m not the only one who agrees with what she has to say on this topic. Let’s hope after your post and information more will agree as well. Anyone have any comments they'd like to discuss about this topic please feel free, I'd love to hear what you guys think too.
For everyone out there, no matter your age.... as always, Happy Reading!
07 April 2010
Title: Caleb + Kate
Author: Cindy Martinusen-Coloma
Publisher: Thomas Nelson, 288 Pages (May 4, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository
Synopsis: Private school, rich friends, vacations in France--Kate has it all, except a belief in love.
When Kate's family purchases a hotel in the Pacific Northwest, she enters a world that is wholly unknown to her. She never has any privacy because of the constant flow of guests. And as the hotel owner's daughter, she struggles to make friends.
Then she meets Caleb, a strange combination of working-class, Hawaiian culture, and Christian bad boy. He talks about love in an all new way that she finds so alluring. But the two have nothing in common. He rarely smiles, rides a motorcycle with a rough crowd from town, and worst of all, he totally ignores Kate. But Kate has something that he needs and she resolves to prove to him that what she has doesn't define who she is.
I always love a good story of a bad boy and a good girl. Don't most of us? Sounds like a great story right? Who else is looking forward to reading this one?
06 April 2010

-Grab your current read
-Open to a random page
-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!
Title: Saving Francesca
Author: Melina Marchetta
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers, 256 Pages (May 9, 2006)
Order From: Amazon, Borders, Barns And Noblens, The Book Depository
"He goes to leave but then stops again. "And just so you know," he tells me. "I know you're behind the disappearance of the biscuits."
"My nonna's S bisuits."
"Funny, that. My nonna makes S biscuits too. She's actually the Queen of S biscuits."
He's trying not to grin. (Pg. 88)