11 May 2015


Book Wars! The Girl at Midnight By: Melissa Grey (81)

Book Wars a weekly feature hosted between two book review blogs – A Life Bound By BooksMuch Loved Books!

It’s a fact that book lovers know all about the covers of the books they covet. Often when a title is released here in the UK, it’s sometimes vastly different across the pond in the US. So, Michelle from Much Loved Books and I have come together to create Book Wars to talk about the difference in covers when it comes to the US vs. UK versions.

We hope from time to time authors will chime in with their thoughts as well. We welcome everyone to comment and share their thoughts too! The more the merrier!

Before we get to this weeks Book Wars, we have a winner to announce.The Book Wars winner for The Return [Titan #1] by Jennifer L. Armentrout is... the UK Cover!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who voted for both books, and for picking a winner.

Also, there's a poll at the bottom of the post that we'd love to hear your input for the two covers! Tell us which one YOU love the most. 
Left: US - Right: UK
Title: The Girl at Midnight
Series: The Girl at Midnight #1
Author: Melissa Grey
Publisher: US - Delacorte Press, 368 Pages, (April 28th, 2015), UK - ATOM, 361 Pages, (April 28th, 2015)
Add to Goodreads:USA Version | UK Version
Order online here: USA: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository UK: Amazon UKWaterstonesW H Smith, The Book Depository
Synopsis: Beneath the streets of New York City live the Avicen, an ancient race of people with feathers for hair and magic running through their veins. Age-old enchantments keep them hidden from humans. All but one. Echo is a runaway pickpocket who survives by selling stolen treasures on the black market, and the Avicen are the only family she's ever known.

Echo is clever and daring, and at times she can be brash, but above all else she's fiercely loyal. So when a centuries-old war crests on the borders of her home, she decides it's time to act.

Legend has it that there is a way to end the conflict once and for all: find the Firebird, a mythical entity believed to possess power the likes of which the world has never seen. It will be no easy task, but if life as a thief has taught Echo anything, it's how to hunt down what she wants . . . and how to take it.

But some jobs aren't as straightforward as they seem. And this one might just set the world on fire.

About the Author:

Melissa Grey penned her first short story at the age of twelve and hasn't stopped writing since. As an undergrad at Yale, she learned how ride a horse and shoot a bow and arrow at the same time, but hasn't had much use for that skill since graduating in 2008. Her debut novel, THE GIRL AT MIDNIGHT, will be published by Delacorte/Random House in spring 2015. To learn more about Melissa, visit melissa-grey.com and follow her on Twitter @meligrey.
Find Melissa Online: Website | BlogTwitter| Facebook

Let the Wars Begin: Its now time to make our decision, let's see what we think about the covers and pick our favorite cover.
Lisa Well, this is a first for me, which makes this weeks cover an even MORE difficult choice than ever before. Why you ask? Well... I'm not really a fan of either cover.

There are small things I like about both but nothing really jumps out to me to give me a favorite of the two. However that's not what Book Wars is about, there must be a winner. And the one that has a slight edge over the other would be the US cover. The main thing I like about this one is the stars. Otherwise is just feels kind of fuzzy. I won't even get started about what I'm not liking when it comes to either of these two, other than to say they just don't do it for me.

And I HATE that! So, since I have to choose one over the other my vote goes to the US cover.

Do either of these covers appeal to you? Share your vote below!
Michelle Looking at these covers side by side it has made it even more clear in my mind which is my favourite. When I first saw the covers I fell in love with the USA edition, and even now it’s still my favourite out of them both. The UK one doesn't seem to grab my attention, and it reminds me of another book. The USA cover is eye catching, and really connects with the title. With the midnight like background with stars, the mist and the fire. It just fits perfectly and would definitely make me pick it up. Its a USA vote for me this week.
VOTE for YOUR favorite cover of The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey NOW!

Which is YOUR favourite cover of The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey
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