31 March 2010

Blog Makeover and a HUGE thank you!

My blog has had a HUGE makeover! Thanks to the ever magical Parajunkee!! She's worked her magic here and I think it's amazing! She's great at what she does, takes everything you said you’re looking for and makes it all come to life.
If you’re looking to give your blog a makeover be sure to check out Parajunkee's Design Blog here for more info.

There are a few things new as well. First - I have BUTTON! GASP! Yep, finally a button! Over the next few weeks I'll be adding in some buttons from others blogs I follow and love as well. So, feel free to snag the code and post it on your site or blog soon!

Second, now you can follow via your email! On the left side you'll see a place where you type in your email and subscribe. Every time I make a post you'll get it sent directly to your email. It'll let everyone keep up to date on everything here from Reviews, to contest to interviews... to guest posts and more! So subscribe today!

I have a bunch of tweaks to do yet here, so bear with me on a few things. I still want to add a few things as well, so it'll be changing a bit here and there too.

Thanks again to Parajunkee and all her beautiful work! You are amazing chicka!

Comments, Comment and more Comments! What all do you guys think? And, who's taking my button? Because I'm looking to take some myself now!

Also - don't forget to enter to win 1 of 3 copies of Numbers By Rachel Ward! Contest ends tonight, but I'll let it run until I wake up tomorrow. So get your entries in now!

Then while your at it, enter to win an ARC of Perchance to Dream. There's still a couple weeks left for that one, but you still don't want to miss out on it.

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"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: 13 to Life: A Werewolf's Tale
Author: Shannon Delany
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, 320 Pages (June 22, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Jessica's life seemed difficult enough since the sudden loss of her mother, but meeting Pietr Rusakova turns her world upside down again. The newest member of Junction High, Pietr is a first generation Russian-American, a fact that by itself makes him different enough to get lots of attention in the small town. But Pietr is far more than good looks and an interesting accent, Pietr has secrets to hide-secrets including dramatic changes he's undergoing that will surely end his life early. Secrets dating back to the Cold War get the better of Jessica's curiosity, leading her into an exciting and dangerous world where her understanding of reality and what makes a man or a monster will be challenged.

Another book that the cover caught my eye and had me clicking to find out more. I think this one sounds like a must read. Who all is with me?

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30 March 2010

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Here's what you do...

-Grab your current read
-Open to a random page
-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!
Title: Morpheus Road - The Light
Author: D.J. MacHale
Publisher: Aladdin, 352 Pages (April 20, 2010)
Order From: Amazon, Borders, Barns And Noblens, The Book Depository

"This is... this is... impossible," the mumbled.
"But it isn't. This thing has been coming after me and now it's after you. It's like Grorge O. said. The more people who know, the more will be in danger."
"Know what?" Sydney cried. "I don't know anything!" (Pg. 214)

This book take creepy to a new level that's for sure! It's keeping me more then freaked out. I won't be reading this in the dark again anytime soon. If you like scary movies or books, this one's for you. Happy Reading!

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29 March 2010

First off, I just want to thank Emily for writing my first Guest Post here. It was great of her to take the time to write about a topic I know I often think about while writing or reading reviews. So, here we go, Emily take it away -

What Do You Look For in A Good Review?

Reading reviews is kind of like going on a date- with the book, the author, and with the person writing. This is especially true of reviews of books that I personally haven’t read; a review, regardless of whether it’s good, bad or indifferent, definitely affects my perspective of a book and whether or not I’ll feel the need to read it.

I have to say, reviews are easily my favorite things that book bloggers write. All the other content is all well and good and special and all that, but reviews are really what determine if I’ll end up being a follower of a blog or not. With that said, there are things in reviews that really suck me in and keep me there:

The reviewer takes a stand. Honestly, I don’t care if you loved a book or found it dull as a beige room. Express yourself! This is usually the place where a lot of people add the caveat of “without being mean,” but I’m going to head out on a limb here and say that personally when I’m reading reviews, I value honesty above all else. There are books out that there that absolutely rub us the wrong way; my dearly beloved has found books that drove me to insanity thrown all over the place, the sad tatters of a book-tantrum. Sharing the feelings that you had while reading a book you did not enjoy, even if they were bad, will not turn me off. I can handle your intensity! Lord knows, I have enough of my own.

The reviewer makes me want to read the book without giving stuff away. Or, if stuff is given away, you warn me about that. Spoilers are sad!

I can tell a real person wrote the review. Book bloggers are a force to be reckoned with, both in terms of publicity, whether it be positive or negative, and in facilitating conversations about characters, books, and their meanings. The need to be articulate is absolutely there, but my absolute favorite reviews have a distinct voice to their writing that shines in every review; a sense of humor, well-organized arguments for and against a book. Let your personality shine through! For my own reviews, I tend to make my major points with YouTube videos. Write/include what you want to include!

The reviewer isn’t afraid to have expertise. My favorite reviews are ones that make me think, that challenge my perceptions of a book or idea, that entertain me, that frustrate me, that engage me. Book bloggers are a passionate bunch- we love talking about books! When that love of books shows through in a review, it grabs me by the nose and makes me pay attention.

Ultimately, every blogger is different, every review style is different, and while there are certainly styles out there that don’t inspire me to run out and grab the book in question right this minute, there are many that do. Ultimately, if your review is honest, your point is well expressed, and your personality is infused in the writing, you have my full and undivided attention. Scout’s honor.

More info about Emily and where she can be found:

Blog address: What Book Is That? I've been reviewing since August 2009
Twitter username: @heynocupcake
Goodreads username: whatbookisthat

Currently reading:

Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh

Must reads: (links back to her reviews for each book)

Blog Button:

Emily read's and review's a lot of paranormal romance and urban fantasy but is game for just about anything. She's also an HBIC reviewer for Blog with Bite, where they party all the time, have some sweet features and giveaways, and review adult/YA PNR AND urban fantasy titles too.

Thanks so much Emily for being the first person to Guest Post here! It's been great! I had a lot of fun and I think you covered this topic perfectly! I couldn't have said it any better myself. So, what do you all think about what Emily has to say about this topic and what she looks for in good reviews? What do you guys look for? Comment, comment, comment!

If anyone else would like to guest post here sometime in the future, please email or comment and let me know. Thanks!

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24 March 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: a blue so dark
Author: Holly Schindler
Publisher: Flux, 228 Pages (May 1, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Mom looked down at me, her eyes not just glittering but snapping with fire, like two Fourth of July sparklers. "We're just alike, me and Aura." And, you know, back then, the idea of that didn't scare the absolute hell out of me.

Fifteen-year-old Aura Ambrose has been hiding a secret. Her mother, Grace, a talented artist and art teacher, is slowly being consumed by schizophrenia, and Aura has been her sole caretaker ever since Aura's dad left them. Convinced that creative equals crazy, Aura shuns her own artistic talent. But as her mother sinks deeper into the darkness of mental illness, the hunger for a creative outlet draws Aura toward the depths of her imagination.

Just as desperation threatens to swallow her whole, Aura discovers that art, love, and family are profoundly linked- and together offer an escape from her fears.

Another book that sound heartbreaking, yet amazing! 2010 in books is HUGE! Anyone else adding this to their wish lists or preorder lists?

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23 March 2010

Review: Claire de Lune By: Christine Johnson

Title: Claire de Lune
Author: Christine Johnson
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 256 Pages May 18th 2010
From: Author/Publisher - Thank you!

Synopsis: Torn between two destinies?

Claire is having the perfect sixteenth birthday. Her pool party is a big success, and gorgeous Matthew keeps chatting and flirting with her as if she's the only girl there. But that night, she discovers something that takes away all sense of normalcy: she's a werewolf.

As Claire is initiated into the pack of female werewolves, she must deal not only with her changing identity, but also with a rogue werewolf who is putting everyone she knows in danger. Claire's new life threatens her blossoming romance with Matthew, whose father is leading the werewolf hunt. Now burdened with a dark secret and pushing the boundaries of forbidden love, Claire is struggling to feel comfortable in either skin. With her lupine loyalty at odds with her human heart, she will make a choice that will change her forever?

Review: 4 Stars - Claire de Lune was so unlike any other werewolf book I’ve read in the past. There were many things that shocked me about this book, but all in good ways. I don’t want to give too much away so I’ll try hard to be spoiler free.

Things start off pretty quickly and never waver or slow right through the last page. On Claire’s sixteenth birthday she finds out she’s a werewolf. Just as she thinks she’s figuring things out, figuring out who she is. she comes to find out that her life will never be the same again.

The struggles of being a teen come through strong along with the struggles of her coming to terms with what she’ll change into at each full moon. Claire questions things, but really deals with everything pretty well for all she’s facing.

The strained relationship with her mother will be one that many teens can relate to and understand. It was great to see that relationship change throughout the course of the book. Claire first love – Matthew and their budding romance was nice and sweet and fresh. Through this you could see Claire come more into whom she was as a teenage girl and a new werewolf; something she really struggles to come to terms with on both counts and how she’s able to find balance between the two vastly different sides of her life.

With a threat – of a rogue werewolf hanging over her and her fellow pack members heads, she has to learn fast how to survive in a world that knows that werewolves exist and those who want to capture and cure them. That part was shocking for me to see just how everyone reacted as werewolves coexisted among humans, though no human really knows the true identity of who the werewolves are, I would have liked to hear a bit more about that back story, to see when and how the world found out about them.

There’s a little bit of everything in this book. Paranormal, romance, angst, mystery, danger…. Just the right amount to make this story flow from page to page. Johnson had me hooked from page one and didn’t waiver her storytelling in the slightest. She’s an author to keep an eye out for. I can’t wait to see what she gives us next.

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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21 March 2010

In My Mailbox - (16)

Here's another week of In My Mailbox. This marks week 16 of a peek into the various books that I've picked up, ordered or had arrive on my doorstep for review. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Thanks again for hosting it Kristi! So here's what I got this week.....

It was kind of a quiet week, but great nontheless. No picture again, sorry guys! Here's the loot:

For Review:

The Ghost and the Goth By: Stacy Kade
Morpheus Road: The Light By: D.J. MacHale

Thanks to Stacy and both authors publishers for sending out these books.

From Amazon:

The Body Finder By: Kimberly Derting
Twilight The Graphic Novel Volume 1

So, that's what I got this week. What all did you guys get? Great stuff I hope!
None book purchases - I did pick up New Moon on DVD. Then again, I'm thinking that many of us did that this weekend too :o)
I'll see about posting pics next week. Oh and my blog is getting a make over! I'm excited and can't wait for everyone to see it. Thanks to Parajunkee for all her amazing work.

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18 March 2010

Contest Winners!

Okay, after taking a couple days to tally all the entries.... and let me tell you there was a TON! I just used random.org to pick my two winners for Gift Certs to The Book Depository and here they are:

First place and For $15 -


Second place and for $10 -

I've emailed you both, so please be sure you check your email, including your junk folder and get back to me. You have 72 hours before I pick another winner or winners.

Thanks so much to everyone who entered, it was great, it was huge and yeah, it will be happening again sometime soon, so keep an eye out!

Anyone looking to enter additional contests here, don't forget about the two I still have running. Follow the links for more info and good luck!

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17 March 2010


I was lucky enough to have a second copy of Perchance to Dream (Théâtre Illuminata, #2) By: Lisa Mantchev arrive on my doorstep. So, I figured I'd host a contest to win this extra copy.

Rules are easy. Fill out the form to enter, it's just a couple questions, nothing that should take longer then a minute at the most. Comment are great, and we love them all - just please use the form to enter.

Anyone who enters must be at least 13 years old.

This is a contest open to US and Canada only. Sorry to my international followers - However, if you have someone who would be willing to send this book to you, then feel free to enter.

*note to anyone in the UK - I'll be there in May. So, if you'd like to enter, I'd be willing to bring the book with me and mail from there, you'd just have to wait until May to get it. It's up to you*

Contest ends on April 19th, 2010.

Enter Here!

If you have any questions, please let me know. Looking for more info about the books in this series so far, check out my reviews here:

Good Luck to everyone who enteres!

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"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: WEREling
Author: Steve Feasey
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends, 288 Pages (April 27, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Trey Laporte is not a kid anymore. Not after the day he wakes up in agony—retina-splitting, vomit-inducing agony. His clothes are torn. His room is trashed.

Enter Lucien Charron, the mysterious, long-lost “uncle” with freakish fire-flecked eyes and skin that blisters in the sun. Suddenly, Trey finds himself living in a luxury penthouse at the heart of a strange and sinister empire built on the powers of the Netherworld—vampires, demons, sorcerers, and djinn.

And there is a girl—Alexa Charron—who is half vampire, half human, and insanely pretty, with powers all of her own. Trey is falling for her.

Trey is training night and day to control the newly discovered power lurking inside him. Now, demons are closing in on every side, and the most psychopathic bloodsucker to rock the Netherworld wants to destroy him. Above all, he must face one terrifying question:

Is he a boy . . . or is he a beast?

Okay - the cover is a bit creepy with this one, but the story sound good if you ask me. What do you guys think? Anyone else looking forward to this book?

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16 March 2010

Teaser Tuesday - Shade By: Jeri Smith-Ready (7)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Here's what you do...

-Grab your current read

-Open to a random page

-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.

-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!

Title: Shade
Author: Jeri Smith-Ready
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 320 Pages (May 4th 2010)
Order From: Amazon, Borders, Barns And Noble, The Book Depository

"I know what it is," Zachary said softly. "But I think you should figure it out yourself." I tried to force my mind back to the project instead of counting how many weeks it had been since anyone had touched me - really touched me, the way I wanted Zach to. I mean, the way I wanted Logan to. (Pg. 151)
I'm really looking forward to getting more into this book. I've just read the first couple pages... trying to finish up another book before really getting into this one. Anyone else looking forward to reading this one?

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15 March 2010

Author Interview Ryan Potter

Exit Strategy By: Ryan Potter

Synopsis: Who are you supposed to look up to when it seems like every adult you know is more screwed up than yourself?

Looming above Zach Ramsey's hometown are the smokestacks of the truck assembly plant, the greasy lifeblood of this Detroit suburb. Surrounded by drunks, broken marriages, and factory rats living in fear of the pink slip, Zach is getting out of Blaine after graduation. But first, he's going to enjoy the summer before his senior year.

And Zach's having a blast until he uncovers dark secrets that shake his faith in everyone, including his best friend Tank (a state wrestling champion), whose 'roid rages betray a shocking habit. Falling in love with Tank's twin sister Sarah, an Ivy League-bound scholar, doesn't exactly make Zach's life any easier.

Eventually, with enough evidence to nail the town's steroid kingpin, Zach is faced with the toughest decision of his life—one that will prove just what kind of adult he's destined to be.

How did you come up with the idea for Exit Strategy?

I knew I wanted to write a book geared toward male readers in their late teens and early twenties. I thought about what I wished was out there back when I was that age, especially when it comes to peer pressure topics like alcohol, tobacco, and teen sexual pressure. Those are things a lot of guys don’t feel comfortable sharing their emotions about, so I wanted to write a story that explored those issues in a realistic way, without getting too “preachy” about them.

Having said that, it’s been great to hear from female readers who have read the book and enjoyed it. The crossover appeal has surprised me, but in a very good way, of course.

Did you find it hard to write about such sensitive subject matter such as steroid use in teens?

I did in the beginning. In fact, I wasn’t even sure I could justify the idea of having a high school steroid scandal in the book. I kept asking myself, “Is this realistic? Could it happen?” So one day I Googled “high school steroid scandal” and had my answer within seconds.

Without giving too much away, what's your favorite part of the book and why? Favorite scene or line?

My favorite part is the very last scene. Zach (main character) is alone and terribly confused about everything he’s been through. It’s not exactly a happy ending, but I think the themes of confusion and loneliness hit home with most teens.

My favorite line is when Zach says, “I imagine a giant suction tube falling from the sky and slurping me up and out of Blaine, then spitting me out into some clean, sterile city free of smokestacks, layoff notices, fighting parents, and drug-dealing football coaches.”

Was there any part of your road to becoming published that you were completely unprepared for?

Writing a novel is a lonely experience, but the loneliness ends once you get an agent and make a sale. The final product you see in bookstores is the result of a great deal of teamwork between the author and many other talented people. The teamwork and dedication of everybody involved with EXIT STRATEGY has amazed me. It’s been a wonderful experience.

If you had the choice to take a favorite song and turn it into a book, what song would that be and why?

I’ll go with Green Day’s “American Idiot,” because it sounds exactly like something I’d love to read—edgy and brutally honest.

Lastly - I read your currently working on a new book. Anything you can tell us about that and when we might be seeing it in print?

Here’s a quick, one sentence movie-like synopsis: Four rich but bored high school seniors embark on an innocent challenge that spirals violently out of control and changes their lives forever.

In terms of seeing it in print, I’ve set a self-imposed completion deadline of August 2010. We’ll see what happens from there. But I promise to keep you posted!

Thanks, Lisa!

For more info about the book and the author - please be sure to visit these links.
Ordering Information:
Thanks so much for taking the time Ryan, looking forward to reading more from you in the future!

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14 March 2010

In My Mailbox - (15)

Here's another week of In My Mailbox. This marks week 15 of a peek into the various books that I've picked up, ordered or had arrive on my doorstep for review. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Thanks again for hosting it Kristi! So here's what I got this week.....

So, this week was a pretty good week again. Not as many books, but some GREAT ones that I'm really looking forward to reading. Here's a run down.

For Review:

WEREling By: Steve Feasey

Thanks to Feiwel & Friends!

From Amazon:

Sing Me To Sleep By: Angela Morrison
The Luxe By: Anna Godbersen
Snap By: Alison McGhee (already read, review to come soon)
The Vast Fields of Ordinary By: Nick Burd

From Paperback Swap:

Rogue By: Rachel Vincent

Sorry there's not a picture with this one. Next week, I'll be sure to post some pictures :o)  So, all in all it was a pretty great week if you ask me. Can't wait to see what you guys got this week? Great stuff I hope.

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12 March 2010

Review: Exit Strategy By: Ryan Potter

Title: Exit Strategy
Author: Ryan Potter
Publisher: Flux, 312 Pages March 1st 2010
From: Ryan (thanks!)

Synopsis: Who are you supposed to look up to when it seems like every adult you know is more screwed up than yourself?

Looming above Zach Ramsey's hometown are the smokestacks of the truck assembly plant, the greasy lifeblood of this Detroit suburb. Surrounded by drunks, broken marriages, and factory rats living in fear of the pink slip, Zach is getting out of Blaine after graduation. But first, he's going to enjoy the summer before his senior year.

And Zach's having a blast until he uncovers dark secrets that shake his faith in everyone, including his best friend Tank (a state wrestling champion), whose 'roid rages betray a shocking habit. Falling in love with Tank's twin sister Sarah, an Ivy League-bound scholar, doesn't exactly make Zach's life any easier.

Eventually, with enough evidence to nail the town's steroid kingpin, Zach is faced with the toughest decision of his life—one that will prove just what kind of adult he's destined to be.

Review: 4.5 Stars - Exit Strategy was far from many things I’ve read before. I seem to be saying that often these days. The characters and story were written from the view point of our main character Zach – a 17 year old boy who wants more from his life then what’s happening around him, then what he knows his town can offer. It focuses on the months of the summer before his senior year of High School.

Zach wants nothing more then to get out of his hometown of Blaine. Much of the focus on his story is about the varying BEP – “Blain Escape Plans” for not only Zach, but the other characters throughout as well. It’s something that Zach wants more then anything, not only for himself, but also for the people he cares about and this aspect of the story comes through clearly. There were many shocking truths that are brought to light, making the characters full of so many layers that the author sometimes only touches lightly upon. Giving the readers just enough to fully comprehend what each was going through throughout the story – via the eyes of Zach.

Potter makes being a 17 year old boy in a no where town real and true. From Zach and his search for more in his life and those around him, to Tank – his best friend, and his need for perfection on the wrestling mat; to the root of the subject matter and it’s affects that ripple throughout so many lives, which wasn’t nice or sweet – it all fit and worked in this well written story. Let’s not forget about Sarah – Tank’s twin sister who wasn’t found often throughout the story, but Potter worked magic in what was there. I never felt like I missed anything in the complex relationship she had with her brother, father and Zach.

Strong characters make up a huge part of any great book and this one doesn’t disappoint. Understanding early on what this book was about didn’t take away from anything while reading. There was plenty to give me as a reader and I’d suspect anyone else - room to question just where the characters would find themselves at the end of the story. The end was bittersweet but worked perfectly and really, I don’t think any other would have fit like this one did.

All in all author Ryan Potter has written a story that surpassed my expatiations and I for one am looking forward to seeing just what he writes next. For more information about the author and Exit Strategy, please visit: http://www.exitstrategy17.com also, please keep an eye out here for an interview with Ryan soon.

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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11 March 2010

Winners - 3 Copies of Wherever Nina Lies

Thanks to everyone who entered for a chance to win 1 of 3 copies of Wherever Nina Lies! With the help of Random.org we have our winners:
Jessy Blair
Paul Hankins
Jill Foltz

Since I have your mailing info, I've sent it off to the media company who provided me with the copies for this contest. You should get them in the mail soon, so keep an eye out.

Thanks again to everyone who entered and don't forget to check out my new contest for a chance to win a copy of Num8ers By: Rachel Ward.
Enter Here! And good luck to everyone.

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10 March 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: The Clearing
Author: Heather Davis
Publisher: Graphia, 228 Pages (April 12, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Amy, a sixteen-year-old recovering from an abusive relationship, moves to the country to start a new life with her aunt–all she wants is for everything to be different. In the clearing at the back of Aunt Mae’s property, she makes an amazing discovery—Henry, a boy stuck in the endless summer of 1944. Henry and his world become Amy’s refuge and she begins to learn that some moments are worth savoring. But when the past and present come crashing together, both of them must find the courage to face what is meant to be, even if it means losing each other forever.

Doesn't it sound like a great story? I know I'm looking forward to this. So many great books coming out, so many different sounding great books. Who else is with me on this one?

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This Contest is now CLOSED!

And they just keep coming! Enter for your chance to win ONE of THREE copies of:

Num8ers By: Rachel Ward!!

You can find out more info about the book on the Scholastic Site Here.

Synopsis: Ever since she was child, Jem has kept a secret: Whenever she meets someone new, no matter who, as soon as she looks into their eyes, a number pops into her head. That number is a date: the date they will die. Burdened with such awful awareness, Jem avoids relationships. Until she meets Spider, another outsider, and takes a chance. The two plan a trip to the city. But while waiting to ride the Eye ferris wheel, Jem is terrified to see that all the other tourists in line flash the same number. Today's number. Today's date. Terrorists are going to attack London. Jem’s world is about to explode!

- Three (3) winners from your site will receive:

NUM8ERS in hardcover, Books are valued at $17.99 each. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. You must be at least 13 years old to enter.

Entering is easy - just fill out the form: HERE

This contest will run until March 30th, 2010. If you have any questions, please let me know. Any entries in comments won't count. However, comments are always welcome! Good Luck to everyone :o)

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09 March 2010

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Here's what you do...

-Grab your current read

-Open to a random page

-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!

Title: Exit Strategy
Author: Ryan Potter
Publisher: Flux, 312 Pages (March 1st 2010)
Order From: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

This story has no hero. In fact, if you're into the hero thing at all you might as well put this book down and move on to something else, maybe visit the fantasy section of your local library or something. Personally, I think I'm about the farthest thing from a hero as one can get. (Pg. 3)
Thanks again Ryan! Just started this book over the weekend. Already has my attention. Review to come soon.

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08 March 2010

Review: Num8ers By: Rachel Ward

Title: Num8ers
Author: Rachel Ward
Publisher: Chicken House/Scholastic Inc., 325 Pages (February 1st 2010)
From: Big Honcho Media

Synopsis: Whenever Jem meets someone new, no matter who, as soon as she looks into their eyes, a number pops into her head. That number is a date: the date they will die.

Burdened with such an awful awareness, Jem avoids relationships. Until she meets Spider, another outsider, and takes a chance. But while they’re waiting to ride the Eye Ferris wheel, Jem notices that all the other tourists in line flash the same number. Today’s number. Today’s date. Terrorists are going to attack London. Jem’s world is about to explode!

Review: 3 Stars - First off, I almost didn’t finish reading Numbers. It kept me forever waiting for something to happen. I never felt that I connected with either of the characters until I’d say the last few pages. Then I finally felt like Jem was or could be a real person, who was more then the hard shell she put up around her.

After I finished reading, I figured a few things out, that the parts of the book that dragged for me, needed to drag for the end result to have the affect on me that it did. To be able to really see just what the message of this book was, there needed to be all that came before it. At least for me to be able to understand things that is.

The message is finally clear in the last few pages and I’m sure there are other readers out there who will have the same reaction I did. I don’t want to tell anyone because it will give too much away.

Jem is such a strong 15 year old girl that sometimes that strong nature gets in the way. She tries to stay away from everyone for her fear of the numbers that she knows are the dates people will die, she just doesn’t understand why she can see them or what they really mean.

Along the way she allows herself to connect with a fellow classmate Spider. After witnessing a horrible event, they run. Most of this story is of the two of these characters as they flee from London. Oh, and that’s another thing I loved about this book. It’s all set in England. Some who aren’t familiar to British terms or slang might be a little confused, but don’t let that bother you. With the internet it’s easy to look things up to understand what the various things mean.

Jem and Spider somehow fit together. They are both so different from each other and yet they work. At the end of the book I was rooting for them in their relationship and in their troubles with the police.

As I said before, there’s a bigger picture to this whole story, it just took this reader awhile to get there. If it wasn’t for the ending I don’t think, no correction - I would not have been able to give it the star rating that I did.

If you’re just picking this book up and want to give up, keep reading. If your hearing mixed reviews, give it a try; just don’t give up on it. The message at the end is well worth it. I’ll be reading the sequel – Numbers 02. The Chaos, what about you?

*Check back here on wednesday for a change to win a copy of this book!

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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07 March 2010

In My Mailbox - (14)

Wow, that week went fast! Here's another week of In My Mailbox. This marks week 14 of a peek into the various books that I've picked up, ordered or had arrive on my doorstep for review. It's hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Thanks again for hosting it Kristi! So here's what I got this week.....

For Review:
Life, After By: Sarah Darer Littman
Claire de Lune By: Christine Johnson
Shade By: Jeri Smith-Ready
The Tension of Opposites By: Kristina McBride
Raised By Wolves By: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Perchance to Dream (Théâtre Illuminata, #2) By: Lisa Mantchev (2nd copy)
Exit Strategy By: Ryan Potter
From Paperback Swap:
Shift By: Rachel Vincent
From Amazon:
Roadkill By: Rob Thurman
Broken By: Shiloh Walker
The Line By: Teri Hall
From Barns and Noble (via store or ordered online):
Graceling (The Seven Kingdoms Trilogy, #1) By: Kristin Cashore
All Unquiet Things By: Anna Jarzab
Before I Fall By: Lauren Oliver
In a Heartbeat By: Loretta Ellsworth (nice surprise! It was signed! Thanks goes out to Yan from Books By Their Cover for holding the contest and to Loretta for signing the copy!)
A HUGE thanks goes out to all the authors and publishers for sending out all the books.
WOW, I had a great week! Wondering how next week will go. What all did you guys get? I hope it was all great stuff. Enjoy the rest of your sunday and have a great week!
*as for the 2nd copy of Perchance to Dream - I might be holding a contest for it, so keep an eye out!

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05 March 2010

Title: Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires, #6)
Author: Rachel Caine
Publisher: Signet, 241 Pages (June 2nd 2009)
From: Amazon

Synopsis: In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace-until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants-the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?

Review: 4 Stars - Carpe Corpus begins soon after Lord of Misrule ends. Claire’s stuck in the middle and forced to work on the wrong side, Bishop’s side. Amelie has vanished, thanks to Myrnin, who just happens to be sitting pretty right next to…. you guessed it, Bishop. Michael was forced to stand at, yep… right again Bishop’s side. Eve’s pretty upset with everyone, including Claire and Shane’s stuck in jail with his dear old dad. Did I paint you a pretty picture yet?

If you thought living in and with a town run by vampires couldn’t get any worse, well you’re wrong there. Things are about to bubble over for everyone. Caine continue to work her magic in this new installment. She’s good at leaving me guessing as to what’s lurking around the next page.

One highlight was the introduction of Ada. At first I thought, oh right, yeah come on already! However, since I really do enjoy this series I kept reading and found that her character was kind of a creepy perfection that fit right in with, well everyone and everything. I mean why not have… wait, I won’t tell you just who or what she is. I don’t want to ruin it for anyone who’s yet to read.

It was nice to see all the characters growing and changing. The new trials Claire and her friends – human and vampire will face. Oh, let’s not forget we get to see the true Myrnin, who gets cured in this book. I’m looking forward to seeing more of him in the future.

The book ends on a happy note. No cliffhangers like in previous books. I for one don’t think things will stay too cheery for to long, I mean we are talking about Morganville.

I have the next book – Fade Out ready to read, and then Kiss of Death on order. If you’re new to this series, be sure to start at the beginning – Glass Houses. Enjoy!

FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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04 March 2010

Title: Perchance to Dream (Théâtre Illuminata, #2)
Author: Lisa Mantchev
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends, 384 Pages (May 25th 2010)
From: Author/Publisher

Synopsis: The stuff that dreams are made on.

Act Two, Scene One

Growing up in the enchanted Thèâtre Illuminata, Beatrice Shakespeare Smith learned everything about every play ever written. She knew the Players and their parts, but she didn’t know that she, too, had magic. Now, she is the Mistress of Revels, the Teller of Tales, and determined to follow her stars. She is ready for the outside world.


But the outside world soon proves more topsy-turvy than any stage production. Bertie can make things happen by writing them, but outside the protective walls of the Thèâtre, nothing goes as planned. And her magic cannot help her make a decision between—

Nate: Her suave and swashbuckling pirate, now in mortal peril.

Ariel: A brooding, yet seductive, air spirit whose true motives remain unclear.

When Nate is kidnapped and taken prisoner by the Sea Goddess, only Bertie can free him. She and her fairy sidekicks embark on a journey aboard the Thèâtre’s caravan, using Bertie’s word magic to guide them. Along the way, they collect a sneak-thief, who has in his possession something most valuable, and meet The Mysterious Stranger, Bertie’s father—and the creator of the scrimshaw medallion. Bertie’s dreams are haunted by Nate, whose love for Bertie is keeping him alive, but in the daytime, it’s Ariel who is tantalizingly close, and the one she is falling for. Who does Bertie love the most? And will her magic be powerful enough to save her once she enters the Sea Goddess’s lair?

Review: 4.5 Stars - Perchance to Dream picks back up right where we were left in Eyes Like Stars. Bertie and her ever present fairies, along with the air elemental, Ariel have set out on a merry road trip away from the theater to save the kidnapped Pirate Nate.

Now, I’m going to write this review without giving anything away, so all who are looking forward to reading this sequel – don’t worry there will be no spoilers given away here.

I can say that in the first book – Eyes Like Stars I fell in love with the fairies. Each and every one of them was just laugh out loud funny. Mantchev doesn’t disappoint in the slightest when it comes to the comic relief of our four fine pie-eating fairy friends - Peaseblossom, Mustardseed, Moth & Cobb. For me, in both books they often stole the show. It’s always great when a book can make me laugh out loud and this one did that on more then one occasion.

Throughout the book were introduced to a couple new characters and some that answer questions left in the first book. Throughout the troupes journey on the outside world they face new and exciting challenges and adventures that kept this continuing story very interesting and fun to say the very least.

I enjoyed watching Bertie learn more about herself, the questions she must face, the challenges she must face. And then Ariel, what’s to say about Ariel. The whole Ariel vs. Nate thing was always a question and I can tell you that you’ll have to read this book to find out what happens.

The only downside about this book was that sometimes I was confused as to what was going on. I found myself having to go back and reread a few pages here and there to get a better grasp as to what was going on with the characters and the scenes around them. I would have given it 5 stars if not for that; however, since this was an ARC things are always subject to change. Truthfully, it didn’t take that much away from enjoying the characters and the story.

All in all – in this sequel, Mantchev further paints such a amazing story that makes me eager to read the next book to see just where Bertie and her vibrant cast of characters head on their furthering adventures. If you haven’t read Eyes Like Stars, be sure to start there. This series is very different from anything else out there which makes this a welcome breath of fresh air. I’m looking forward to the third in the series, currently titled So Silver Bright.

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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03 March 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: Thirteen Days To Midnight
Author: Patrick Carman
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 304 Pages (April 12, 2010)
Preorder here: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

Synopsis: You are indestructible. These are the words that transfer an astonishing power to Jacob Fielding that changes everything. After all, there's something addictive about testing the limits of fear, experiencing the thrill of walking through fire, or saving your friend from a beating in front of the whole school. Then Ophelia James, the beautiful and daring new girl in town, suggests that they use the power to do good, to save others at risk of death. But with every heroic act, the power grows into the specter of a curse.

How to decide who lives and who dies? And why does darkness seem to be chasing them? Jacob only has thirteen days to figure out how to harness a power that even the world's greatest escape artist could not outrun...and the answer is chilling: What if he has to kill the one he loves to save her? In the context of a unconventional gothic super hero story, Pat Carman has envisioned a high concept tale of intrigue, romance, friendship and adventure that probes deep into what teens face as they enter young adult years: navigating increasingly complex choices with greater consequences, as well as the grey areas blurring the definitions of right and wrong.

Okay, sound great right? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Another must read book for 2010. They just keep coming out of the woodwork! 2010=great year in books.

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02 March 2010

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Here's what you do...

-Grab your current read

-Open to a random page

-Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

-BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

-Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!

Title: Claire de Lune
Author: Christine Johnson
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 256 Pages (May 18th 2010)
Preorder From: Amazon, Borders, The Book Depository

"He goes to school with me. We didn't hang out much last year, but..." Claire trailed off.
"But?" Lisbeth raised her eyebrows and grinned. "Oooh- you like him, don't you?"
Claire couldn't stop herself from smiling. Lisbeth had just given her the perfect cover. (Pg. 161 - in the ARC, which as always... ARC's are subject to change.)

Hmmm wonder what could be going on here? I'm just about to start this book. Another interesting one if you ask me. Anyone else looking forward to it?

*note - since this is an ARC - Should there be a problem, please let me know and I'll be sure to remove this post. Thank You.

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01 March 2010

Review: Some Girls Are By: Courtney Summers

Title: Some Girls Are
Author: Courtney Summers
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, 256 pages (January 5th 2010)
From: Amazon

Synopsis: Climbing to the top of the social ladder is hard--falling from it is even harder. Regina Afton used to be a member of the Fearsome Fivesome, an all-girl clique both feared and revered by the students at Hallowell High... until vicious rumors about her and her best friend's boyfriend start going around.

Now Regina's been "frozen out" and her ex-best friends are out for revenge. If Regina was guilty, it would be one thing, but the rumors are far from the terrifying truth and the bullying is getting more intense by the day. She takes solace in the company of Michael Hayden, a misfit with a tragic past who she herself used to bully. Friendship doesn't come easily for these onetime enemies, and as Regina works hard to make amends for her past, she realizes Michael could be more than just a friend... if threats from the Fearsome Foursome don't break them both first.

Tensions grow and the abuse worsens as the final days of senior year march toward an explosive conclusion in this dark new tale from the author of Cracked Up To Be.

Review: 4.5 Stars - WOW - where to start. First off this story was amazing, which is hard to say due to the content. The writing and characters were spot on and sadly true. It brought me back to High School and honestly, I could see this happening, which is heartbreaking.

Regina is sitting pretty at the top of the High School food chain when, at a party one weekend she's deemed the designated driver. While being the sober one she's faced with a horrible situation, and the following day no one believes her. She finds herself outcast and among all the people she herself outcast - and surprise, surprise everyone hates her or thinks she's got what was coming to her.

This story isn't nice or pretty and it's far from sweet. There are struggles and emotions not only for Regina and other characters, but for the reader as well.

I saw Regina as someone who had to further develop her tough skin to deal with the day to day problems she had to face as she went back to school. And many of those problems were horrible for anyone to have to deal with, especially if you had to deal with them alone. Throughout the story it was sometimes even hard for me to feel sorry for her as stories from how she treated others came out.

She attempts to seek solace with a fellow outcast who sits alone each day at lunch. Their relationship, if you could call it that is very push and pull... rocky to say the least. Seeing both their struggles to come to terms with various things gave such a dark and disturbing story a bit of light and strength. Regina had to learn the hard way that saying you’re sorry to someone you've wronged won't solve everything in the blink of an eye.

The emotions I felt while reading this book really made me think of how we treat others throughout life. How people can be cruel and just not care. The only thing I can say that I didn't like about this book is how blind and absent the adults were. I felt that Anna and all the others who did such horrible things should have had something coming to them in some form of punishment and that the ending was just a tad rushed. None of this took away from the story, just something I observed while reading.

This is my first book by Summers and it won't be my last. I have Cracked Up To Be sitting in my to be read pile and I’m looking forward to that and more. If you’re thinking about picking this book up, do it. It’s well worth the read. Enjoy!

FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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In accordance with FTC Guidelines, I have not received any monetary gain for any information posted within the pages of this website/blog. Any and all information has been provided by the publisher, author and or publicist for free. Content is also based on purchases made by myself or of my guest reviewer(s). Any and all opinions expressed within the pages of this website/blog are solely my own or those of the authors of any and all guest reviewers(s) or guest bloggers.

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Hi, I’m Lisa and I'm a proud bibliophile.

I enjoy reading and reviewing a variety of different books within the Young Adult, "New Adult" & Adult genres/categories. If you have any questions or if you are an author or publisher and would be interested in promoting a book, please feel free email. You can find my email under the "mail" button or under the contact link at the top of the page.

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My Ratings

When I review I rate from 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the highest rating. I review based on many different things from the writing, to the story - to the characters and how I can relate to them or how they are developed. I also review based on if an author has worked their magic and was able to draw me into a story so deeply that I don't want to put the book down. If you would like me to review a book, please contact me or view my Contact Information and Review Policy for further details.

5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
4 Stars - I Really liked/Loved it.
3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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