14 May 2015

Title: The Phoenix Candidate (Grace Colton #1)
Author: Heidi Joy Tretheway
Publisher: Jasper Ridge Press, 250 Pages (January 12th 2015)
From: Amazon UK
Format: eBook
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NOTE: This is a Adult novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+

Synopsis: Fans of Scandal, House of Cards, and The Good Wife will love Grace Colton...
U.S. Congresswoman Grace Colton is the most famous woman in politics—and the loneliest—until a drawling, sexy stranger offers her one night: no strings and no regrets. And it rocks her world.

 Grace wakes to an empty hotel room and a phone call. The dark horse for the 2016 presidential election, Senator Shep Conover, is considering her as his vice presidential running mate.

 Before she can be selected, Grace must be vetted and coached by Shep’s political consultant, Jared Rankin, who already knows too many intimate details about her. He’s Mr. One-Night Stand.

Grace is torn: play nice with Jared to join the senator’s ticket, or play hardball and back the slick frontrunner? As the Democratic National Convention approaches, Grace must decide where her loyalties lie and if she can trust Jared with her future—and her heart.

 The Phoenix Candidate is an adult erotic romance recommended for mature readers.
Review: 4 Stars - Warning this is an Adult content novel 18+

I will hold my hands up and say that I know nothing about politics neither US nor UK, so part of me was wondering about this book and whether there would be a lot of political terminology used. I was pleasantly surprised and thankfully I could understand most of it, Google helped me with any terms/phrases I didn’t know.

Grace Colton is a U.S. Congresswoman. She has had tragedy in her life; her husband and son were killed when a gunman went on the rampage through a busy shopping mall. Everything she has ever fought for has been for them, her policies reflecting her life and beliefs.

Grace is having a few drinks with friends when she is approached by a gentleman with a southern accent, crisp white shirt and dark belted jeans. Grace is drawn to him, although she initially tries to ignore him, she finds she’s suddenly flirting with him.

Jared offers Grace one night, with no stories, no strings and no regrets in the morning.
One thing as they say leads to another and Grace and Jared spend the night together.

When Grace wakes and Jared is gone she thinks it’s just as he said it would be. What she doesn’t know is it’s not the last she sees of Jared Rankin.

A telephone call from the office of Senator Conover is the last thing Grace expects to receive. He has no reason to request a meeting with her.

Another Senator also seems to suddenly be taking an interest in Grace. This is when things start getting interesting and political warfare starts in more ways than one.

The Phoenix Candidate brings to light a few of the underhand tactics some politicians may use to get where they want to be. It doesn’t matter to them whether they upset other people in the process, dishonour relationships and try to show people in a bad light.

Full of steamy scenes The Phoenix Candidate also has the suspense of a political race running in the background. Yes, I did say suspense; you never know what’s going to happen along the way.

I enjoyed reading The Phoenix Candidate, but I didn’t find myself bonding with the characters. I think this is down to me as a reader and not due to any fault within the writing of this book. I don’t seem to be able to read and connect with the characters in contemporary adult fiction as well as I do contemporary YA or NA fiction. And even then I’m new to the genre; I’m much more at home in a fantasy world.

Having said this, I found myself engrossed for hours reading it when I did pick up my kindle, and I will be reading the next book in the series when I can get my hands on it.

About The Author:

Heidi Joy is a sucker for campfires, craft cocktails, and steamy romance in books and real life. She sings along with musicals (badly), craves French carbs, and buys plane tickets the way some women buy shoes.

Her first career as a journalist took Heidi behind the scenes with politicians, rock stars, chefs, and detectives, all of whom inspire her stories. Heidi Joy is currently working on her eighth book from her home in Portland, Oregon. She adores hearing from readers at author.heidi@gmail.com.

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