Hi everyone! I'm so excited about today's post I can hardly contain myself. Seriously guys, this is HUGE! MEGA! EPIC! Yes, it sure it! Today I'm here to help celebrate my author friend Ryan Potter's latest release which also just so happens to be a YA Kindle Serial title - Perennial. First, take a look below, check out all the awesome that is this serial and then keep scrolling because I have a HUGE giveaway from Ryan for some lucky winners!
Title: Perennial
Author: Ryan Potter
Publisher: Kindle Serial, Skyscape (Episode 1, November 5, 2013; Episode 2, November 12, 2013)
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Add to: Goodreads
Order here: Amazon
Synopsis: Perennial is all around you.
On the morning of the first day of senior year, Alix Keener awakens from a vivid, terrifying dream where a ghostly boy warns her: Perennial is all around you. Shaking off the dream – and the cryptic message – is more than Alix needs as she starts a new life in Beaconsfield, the posh Detroit suburb she and her dad recently moved to after her mom’s death.
Alix ignores the cryptic dream message until one of her new classmates, the alluring Lewis Wilde, mentions it – he knows something about Perennial, and hints that it has to do with a boy who died in Alix’s bedroom. Suddenly wracked by waking visions, Alix finds herself teamed up with Lewis to uncover the truth.
Alix’s developing psychic abilities become more powerful but reality becomes increasingly unclear: Alix wants to trust Lewis, but a shadowy person named Vagabond hints that Alix’s trust may be misplaced. As things become more dangerous and complex, Alix must choose whether to use her burgeoning psychic abilities or possibly lose everything that matters to her.
Need a teaser? Here you go: A studious teenaged girl risks it all when she falls in love with a bad-boy ghost.
Perennial will appear in seven or eight installments, with each installment spaced out a week apart. Afterwards, the completed Serial will be available as a full novel in both Kindle and paperback format.
More to come soon. In the meantime, you might want to follow @AlixKeener on Twitter. She’s the main character and has been dropping Perennial-related hints, pics, and quotes since early September.
I really enjoyed Ryan's title - EXIT STRATEGY, which you can check out my review HERE (It's one of my earlier reviews so please be kind).

About the Author:
After earning two degrees in American history, Ryan Potter realized he wanted to write about things he made up rather than analyze things that had already happened. He wrote his first short story in 2003 and has had several stories published both online and in print since.
EXIT STRATEGY is his debut young adult novel. Ryan's debut adult novel, THE CLEANER, was published in 2012. THE CLEANER is the ultimate competitive eating novel and tells the humorous story of Spinks Webb's rise from lifelong loser to professional competitive eater. WELCOME TO DETROIT: TEN YEARS - TEN STORIES (2002-2012) is his first story collection. His latest young adult novel is entitled ROMAN KING AND THE ARMIES OF FIRE AND LIGHT.
Ryan lives in the Detroit area with his wife and enjoys yoga, baseball, and routinely suffering through Detroit Lions football games. For more information please visit his website at www.NotSoMainstream.com.
Find Ryan Online:
Website/Blog | Twitter | Facebook
Some additional info on Kindle Serials:
This book is a Kindle Serial. Kindle Serials are stories published in episodes, with future episodes delivered at no additional cost. This serial currently contains one episode out of an estimated seven total episodes, and new episodes will be delivered every week.
An additional episode will be delivered every week until the book is complete. New episodes will be added to the same book on your Kindle, keeping your place and retaining your notes and highlights. You'll be notified via email when a new episode has been delivered.
HUGE thanks to Ryan for asking me to host this awesome giveaway for him. Today we have an amazing giveaway with FOUR lucky winners!
Here's what's up for grabs and how to enter -
ONE winner will receive a KINDLE PAPERWHITE & a eBook copy of Perennial!!
THREE runners up will receive eBook copies of Perennial!!!
Rules and how to enter -
Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter this giveaway.
Easy Entry for all! (Clicking this provides name and email which is the only requirement when entering. This is for the sole purpose of contacting the winner.)
You must be at least 13 years old and have your parents permission to enter.
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
Giveaway ends: December 21st, 2013 (12:00AM EST)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good Luck!!