18 May 2015


Book Wars! Out of Control By: Sarah Alderson (82)

Book Wars a weekly feature hosted between two book review blogs – A Life Bound By Books & Much Loved Books!

It’s a fact that book lovers know all about the covers of the books they covet.  Often when a title is released here in the US, it’s sometimes vastly different across the pond in the US.  So, Michelle from Much Loved Books and I have come together to create Book Wars to talk about the difference in covers when it comes to the US vs. UK versions.

We hope from time to time authors will chime in with their thoughts as well. We welcome everyone to comment and share their thoughts too! The more the merrier!

Before we get to this weeks Book Wars, we have a winner to announce. The Book Wars winner for The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey is..... the US COVER!  Thank you to everyone who voted for both books, and for picking a winner.

Also, there's a poll at the bottom of the post that we'd love to hear your input for the two covers! Tell us which one YOU love the most.

Left: US - Right: UK

Title: Out of Control
Author: Sarah Alderson
Publisher: US - Simon Pulse, (May 12th 2015) UK - Simon & Schuster UK, 320 Pages (May 22nd, 2014)
Add to: Goodreads USA Version | Goodreads UK Version
Order online here: USA: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository UK: Amazon UK, Waterstones, W H Smith, The Book Depository

Synopsis: A girl looking to escape her past in New York City ends up on the run from a dangerous conspiracy in this sizzling, high-stakes novel.

When seventeen-year-old Liva came to New York City, all she wanted was to escape the painful memories of her past and finally find a fresh start. Her hopes for a new future were dashed the moment she became the sole witness to a brutal murder. When she’s taken into police custody—supposedly for her own protection—she realizes something isn’t right, but it’s too late. Soon, bullets start flying, and Liva realizes that she is not just a witness, but the target—and she needs to escape before it’s too late.

With the help of a sexy car thief that she met at the station, Liva manages to get away from the massacre unharmed, but now the two of them are alone in New York, trying to outrun and outwit the two killers who will stop at nothing to find them. Liva and Jay are living on the edge, but when you’re on the edge, there’s a long way to fall.

About the Author:

Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. After several months in India, Singapore, Australia and the US, they settled in Bali where Sarah now spends her days writing by the pool and trying to machete open coconuts without severing a limb.

She finished her first novel, Hunting Lila, just before they left the UK, wrote the sequel on the beach in India and had signed a two book deal with Simon & Schuster by the time they had reached Bali.

A third book, Fated, about a teenage demon slayer, was published in January 2012.

The Sound, a thriller romance set in Nantucket, was published in August 2013. She has a further three thrillers due for release in the next few years.
You can find Sarah on facebook and at www.sarahalderson.com or follow her blog at www.canwelivhere.com

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Let the Wars Begin: Its now time to make our decision, let's see what we think about the covers and pick our favorite cover.

Lisa Somethings my love of a good book cover comes down to something as simple... or not as colors. And the US one does it, at least in my opnion so much better than the UK cover.

The UK cover feels off in some way. And since I haven't read the book yet if these two were side by side I'd pick up the US cover over the UK cover first to check out what the book's about.

Once you look a bit deeper than just the colors of these two there's a lot of other things I like in the US cover from the silhouette of the couple running hand in hand. I like that you can see it's a guy and a girl but other than that, they could be anyone. And I like the hint of the cityscape in the back ground. Also, it makes you wonder if they are running away from something or to something.

This week my vote goes to the US cover. Click and vote below to tell us which one you like best.
Michelle I own the UK copy of this book and I've never really liked the cover, the style just doesn't work for me at all. The USA cover is a different story, it's a lot more basic than the UK cover, but it feels more dramatic and more eye catching.

For me it's a USA win this week, don't forget to vote for your favourite below.

VOTE for YOUR favorite cover of Out of Control NOW!

What is YOUR favorite cover of Out of Control By: Sarah Alderson?

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