25 July 2012

Today we have author Angela Carling as our guest in Standing Up Against Abuse. It's a pleasure working with her and having a chance to talk to her about about Abuse and how to help prevent it. Another author standing up... how about you? Are you standing up with us too?

What made you decide to share a story involving relationship abuse?

I go to a lot of Jr. High and High schools. I think teenagers are amazing! At the same time, I know they are also extremely vulnerable.  They don’t always know what is normal in relationships because it’s the first time they’ve experienced it. In short, I wrote about relationship abuse because if a boy or girl knows what’s not right or normal, they can get out of bad relationships before they become it becomes long term or even reaches marriage. In short, I wanted to lessen the pain for all those beautiful, smart girls out there that might be caught unaware.

What do you think teens should know in order to stay safe in a relationship?

First, get educated. Know what is healthy and what is not. Next, set your boundaries and stick to them.  For example, if your boyfriend wants you to do something you are not ready to or don’t feel comfortable with, tell him and then stick to it.  Either he will respect how you feel or he’s not worth the hassle. This is the only way Real lasting love will grow and isn’t that what all of us hopeless romantics really want. Third, if you are belittled or controlled in any way, get out of the relationship as soon as you realize it’s not good. You have control over your choices and especially your body, and no one has the right to take that away.

Was the process of developing the idea of this book emotional for you? Were you ever afraid of getting too graphic with the details? 

Yes, this book was emotional, partly because my sister was beat repeatedly by an abuser and partly because I know there are beautiful, talented women out there who are needlessly suffering. In fact, sometimes when I was writing I would have to take a break because my heart and sometimes my stomach would ache. That being said, I never intended to make this a graphic book about abuse. I hate that stuff. This book was written to, in sneaky way behind-a-super fast paced-and-majorly-engaging storyline teach you what to run from so that you never even got close to the graphic, abuse stuff. That is what inspired me as I wrote this story. I see Shackled as very hopeful and empowering story and hope you do too.

What do you hope teenagers take from reading SHACKLED?

I want them to know that true love, aka good healthy relationships do exist and not to settle for anything less!!!

Title: Shackled
Author: Angela Carling
Publisher: Acacia Publishing, 204 Pages (June 1st, 2012)
Add to: Goodreads 
Order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository

Synopsis: After shy, quiet Lucy and her family move from their small hometown in Minnesota to Seattle, Washington, she is surprised when Ryan, the most popular boy at school asks her out. Soon, she is swept up in a whirlwind romance and her naïve and trusting nature allows her to fall head over heels in love with her too-good-to-be suitor. Suddenly, Lucy finds herself enraptured by the excitement of her new relationship, leaving her blinded to the warning signs of danger ahead. Can her fairy tale romance last, or will she find that her prince charming is more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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