23 July 2012


Stand Up Against Abuse: Giveaway and Resources

Hey everyone! This is the 2nd year for the week-long feature Stand Up Against Abuse. This year I was asked by my best blogging friend Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic to be her co-host! 

We will be posting interviews with 3 fabulous young adult authors and featuring their books. Each book has a theme related to relationship abuse. As Jessica mentioned last year, young adult books have the ability to alter the life of the person who reads them. Teens or adults can see similarities in a book that can allow them to maybe notice that their own relationship isn't healthy. They may finally get the courage to break free from violence. These books show warning signs, consequences, and the ultimate downfall that can occur do to relationship abuse. It may also provide the guidance a friend may need in order to seek help for someone else. 

All this week we hope to highlight these things and inspire people to pick up these books, and others, that carry a strong message. We would really appreciate it if you could help spread the word in any way possible. Post the button on your sidebar, write a blog post with the resources and links, tweet about these books, tell a friend -- anything at all. One small act may encourage someone to take action.

Young adult books can save lives!

Authors Holly Cupala, Angela Carling, and Jennifer Shaw Wolf  will be here answering some questions and they have offered up copies of their newest books.

In order to spread the word about this topic, we will only be offering extra entries for links on twitter and/or blogs that link to this page. I will update this page throughout the week and link the author interviews. In addition, this page will contain the important resources that individuals can use in case they are in an abusive relationship.

Please help spread the word about this topic and share the links on this page. 
You can grab the button below by copying the code. It will link to this page. 

Interviews Coming Soon!
Holly Cupala
Angela Carling
Jennifer Shaw Wolf

Phone Numbers

The National Domestic Violence Hotline

The National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline


The Hotline- www.thehotline.org

Teen site- www.loveisrespect.org

Break the Cycle- www.breakthecycle.org


  • 1 winner will win SIGNED copies of Don't Breathe a Word, Shackled, and Breaking Beautiful. 
  • You must be at least 13 (or have permission) to enter. 
  • Name and email must be provided.
  • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
  • Contest is US only and ends August 6th.
  • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
  • The form must be filled out to enter.

NOTE: This is the same form you will find on Jessica's blog (Confessions of A Bookaholic) as well. Please only fill it out once! 

First off, I have to say a HUGE thank you to Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic for asking me to co-host the amazing event she's put together to. If only one person is helped or is able to help someone else or even helped to feel not alone by these authors and their books, by these posts then in my eyes I'd view it a huge success. 

Thank you to our three authors - Holly Cupala, Angela Carling, Jennifer Shaw Wolf for writing these books and for taking the time to be part of an event and subject matter that needs a loud voice. It's because of you that it helps to get it.

Another thank you goes out to the authors and publishers for donating the copies of these titles provided in the giveaway.

And last but not least, Thank you goes out to our readers. Good luck to each of you who enters. If you have any questions please feel free to email.

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  1. I think this is so great!
    I wont enter the giveaway because I am no longer young adult, though most of the boooks I read are, and I would rather someone win that IS still young and can benefit from these books!

  2. Such a great idea. I'm not entering the contest, but I'll put the button up when I get home.


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In accordance with FTC Guidelines, I have not received any monetary gain for any information posted within the pages of this website/blog. Any and all information has been provided by the publisher, author and or publicist for free. Content is also based on purchases made by myself or of my guest reviewer(s). Any and all opinions expressed within the pages of this website/blog are solely my own or those of the authors of any and all guest reviewers(s) or guest bloggers.

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Hi, I’m Lisa and I'm a proud bibliophile.

I enjoy reading and reviewing a variety of different books within the Young Adult, "New Adult" & Adult genres/categories. If you have any questions or if you are an author or publisher and would be interested in promoting a book, please feel free email. You can find my email under the "mail" button or under the contact link at the top of the page.

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5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
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2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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