30 July 2012

I don't know about you guys, but I'm SO EXCITED for book four in the Soul Savers series - POWER by my author friend Kristie Cook! These characters & story have been amazing! I've loved everything about them from the beginning and I'm always biting my nails down to nothing when I get to the end of each book. I mean seriously, waiting for these always kills me!! So, you could say that I did a bit of jumping up and down to see the cover for Power. What do you guys think? Yep, tough chick & evil B.... Yep, there's BOTH! Not to mention some pretty nice drool worthy boys too.

While this series isn't YA, I think it would be considered - at the beginning at least - as New Adult & Adult. I highly recommend this series and think you should ALL go buy the books NOW! There are links below where you can order, which you know you want to.

Here's a sneak peak into chapter 1 from Power:

I never heard the rest of Tristan's sentence—what he didn’t want me to think. The handsome guy thought I’d nodded to him and had me by the hand, stumbling over his own feet as he dragged me to the dance area. As soon as we stepped onto the sunken floor, his hands were on my hips, pulling me close to him. For a brief moment, I forgot about all the mind signatures, the twirling lights and pounding music and could only think about how strange it was to be that close to a man other than Tristan.

But only for a brief moment. Before I could even do anything, a growl ripped through the music—or maybe just through my head—and Tristan was suddenly between the guy and me, his back to me and his arms out protectively. The drunk guy swung without even looking, and Tristan caught his wrist in mid-air. With the pain of the grip, the guy finally looked up into Tristan’s face. His eyes grew wide and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped. He gave me an apologetic frown as he carefully stepped away from the dance floor.

Tristan turned back to me and wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me to him as he swayed to the music. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“You can talk to girls all night but I can’t dance once?”

His nostrils flared. “There’s a difference. His hands were all over you.”

“I had things under control.”

He leaned closer to me and growled in my ear. “I didn’t like it!”

Kristie, you are SUCH A TEASE!!!! I need this book like I need air. You guys have NO idea what you're missing! Oh, and I just so happen to be a character too. This still makes me squee and giggle like crazy. LOVE IT! So, if you are looking for an amazing series of books to read, you have to check out the Soul Savers Series now!

Find Kristie Online:

Web Site | Soul Saver Series | Twitter | Facebook

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*I am not compensated at all for any of the links within this post.

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1 comment:

  1. Love the cover! Almost glam in a weird kind of way. Was on a review site earlier, where someone mentioned how dull the new Nora Roberts cover is. Which is sad, cause the books really good. I also heard mention made of a radio show called "The Book Report" I just took a look at some of their archived shows (bookreportradio(dot)com) and was surprised I haven't seen more mention made of the show-they seem to highlight some really good books-11th Hour, Gone Girl, Sacre Blue to name but a few. Thought you may be interested in checking it out.


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