13 July 2012


Blog Tour: Shackled By: Angela Carling + A Giveaway!

Hi there, my name is Angela Carling and I am the author of Unbreakable Love and Shackled (Just newly out June 1st).

Check out my website: http://www.angelacarling.com/

Today Lisa has graciously allowed me to commandeer her blog to talk about something very personal.  Whenever an author writes a book, they are exposing themselves, letting you into one of the most innermost and intimate parts of themselves, their imagination. Those of you who thought I was talking about something else… shame on you. Tonight I am taking an even bigger risk and talking about my personal feelings as I wrote Shackled. I am exposing myself on multiple levels. (Now I feel so cheap!)

 You see, the inspiration for Shackled was my own sister and her experience with an extremely controlling boyfriend that almost killed her while she was pregnant with his child.  The dedication reads: I’d like to dedicate this book to my sister who had the courage to throw off her abusers shackles and imagine a better life for herself.

Shackled is a fast-paced story of a tender and innocent high school girl, the most popular boy school and a father who willfully passes on his tainted view of love and control to his son.

One of my reviewers, Avery Olive described it as a story of triumph, which it is, but mixed in with the outrageousness, that makes it so fun to read, is a terrifying dose of reality. Writing about that tragic reality that many mistreated and abused women face was, for me, an eye-opening, compassion-expanding, information-understanding experience. In other words, it was very uncomfortable for me.

I had to internalize that statistically, 1 out 5 high school girls have dealt with abusive and coercive behavior from their boyfriends.  I had to delve deep into Lucy’s psyche as she rationalized Ryan’s outrageous behavior to a point that she was isolated from anyone that might have helped her.  But, the worst part of all, the part that physically made my stomach hurt was thinking about the real women who live in fear every day, women like my beautiful, insanely talented sister.

Yes, writing this book was hard, but it was awesome because I knew someone would read this cautionary tale and look at their own relationship and be able to recognize the danger they were in.  I love this book because it is a great story, with a kick butt surprise ending, but most of all I love it because it has the potential to change someone’s life. How’s that for vulnerable, raw and to the heart of the matter. Thanks so much for stopping by!  I’d love to hear from you in the comments with questions or just your thoughts.

Angela, thanks SO much for asking me to participate in your blog tour for Shackled! I've more than enjoyed sharing my blog space with you today and hope you'll come by to visit anytime. The door is always open.

Title: Shackled
Publisher: Acacia Publishing, 204 Page (June 1st, 2012)

Synopsis: After shy, quiet Lucy and her family move from their small hometown in Minnesota to Seattle, Washington, she is surprised when Ryan, the most popular boy at school asks her out. Soon, she is swept up in a whirlwind romance and her naïve and trusting nature allows her to fall head over heels in love with her too-good-to-be suitor. Suddenly, Lucy finds herself enraptured by the excitement of her new relationship, leaving her blinded to the warning signs of danger ahead. Can her fairy tale romance last, or will she find that her prince charming is more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Enter to win a SIGNED FINISHED copy of SHACKLED!!!

Rules and how to enter:

Please fill out the SIMPLE form below to enter. No entries in comments will be counted in this giveaway.
You MUST be at least 13 years old to enter this giveaway.
Giveaway is open: INTERNATIONAL!
Ends: July 30th, 2012

Good luck to everyone who enters. If you have any questions, please feel free to check out my policy page or send an email.

A HUGE thank you goes out to both Angela and Acadia publishing for donating the copy of this title for giveaway.

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