14 July 2012

Hey everyone! Welcome to Blogger Talk for.... June? Yep, June. We're a bit behind with two parts to our June pick - In Honor, but we're here to bring you one of the last two posts. Life has been crazy for both Jessica and I this summer and were playing catch up. We hope you'll enjoy the interview with Jessi and quotes from In Honor. Which was a FANTASTIC book, to say the least. So, here's the long lost Jessi Kirby interview from June.

Title: In Honor
Author: Jessi Kirby
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 240 Pages (May 8th, 2012)
Add to: Goodreads
Pre-order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository

Check out my review: HERE
Synopsis: Hours after her brother’s military funeral, Honor opens the last letter Finn ever sent. In her grief, she interprets his note as a final request and spontaneously decides to go to California to fulfill it.

Honor gets as far as the driveway before running into Rusty, Finn’s best friend since third grade and his polar opposite. She hasn’t seen Rusty in ages, but it’s obvious he is as arrogant and stubborn as ever—not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. Despite Honor’s better judgment, the two set off together on a voyage from Texas to California. Along the way, they find small and sometimes surprising ways to ease their shared loss and honor Finn’s memory—but when shocking truths are revealed at the end of the road, will either of them be able to cope with the consequences?


Today, I'm excited to welcome Jessi Kirby to the blog. Sorry it's a little late! But as they say, better late then never, right? I'm thrilled to have a chance to talk to you about your latest contemporary title - In Honor.

So, lets get started with the questions -

Even though we don't get to meet Finn, he was very much apart of the story because of Honor's memories of him. Did you base any of these childhood memories on your own real-life experiences?

I totally did--just not my own.  I always wanted an older brother, but I'm the oldest of three girls.  I do, however have a son and a daughter who are very close, and so a lot of the dynamic between Finn and Honor came from watching my own kids interact and imagining how that might change as they get older.  Right now, they're each other's best friend and playmate, but I know that won't last forever, though I do hope that the bond and the closeness they have (like Honor and Finn's) is something that will.

Rusty is HOT with a capital H-O-T! How did you manage to make him so frustrating and lovable at the same time??

I've always had a thing for the kind of characters that can be frustrating and loveable at the same time because I think that's how a lot of people are in real life. I wanted Rusty, at his core, to be a good, honorable person even if his behavior doesn't always reflect that.  Yes, he can be rough around the edges and a little hard to deal with sometimes, but when it comes to the things that really matter, I tried to make sure he did the right thing, no question.

What were the easiest and hardest parts in writing In Honor?

The easiest, most fun parts of writing it were definitely the flirty scenes between Honor and Rusty.  That was just like sitting down with the two of them and watching it unfold.  The more difficult parts were the emotional scenes because I always want to make sure I get them just right so that the emotion is genuine and deep, but not overdone.

Once you’ve finished writing a book and are getting ready to start a new project, do your characters from the past still “talk to you”? And if so, do you think you’d ever visit any of the characters from Moonglass or In Honor again? Maybe to share a different side of the story or a continuation of a story?

I wouldn't say they still talk to me.  They kind become fond memories--people I liked hanging out with for the time we had together.  As far as revisiting any of them again, I don't want to say I never would, but I don't think about it very much.  Maybe now I will, though!

Can you tell us some of your favorite quotes from In Honor?

Oh gosh, it seems funny to choose my own quotes.  I think if I were going to pick one, it'd have to be something Rusty says.  He's got a lot of good lines to choose from.  *runs off to flip through them*

Jessi, thanks again for being part of Blogger Talk, Novel Exposed! It's always wonderful to have you here on the blog. Please don't be a stranger! <333

Quotes from In Honor:

Here is where we share quotes from Jessi, Jessica and myself. We can totally understand why Jessi can't just pick one good line or two from Rusty, because he honestly steals the show. It was hard for Jessica and I to keep it to a minimum too, so here's a couple from both of us. Let us know what you think.

A couple of my favorite quotes:

 Rusty lifted his arm off his face and gave me exactly the kind of look I'd expected. I was satisfied for less than a second before he leaned forward and hit the eject button and yanked out the cassette adapter. He held if up, my iPod dangling like it was some sacrilegious thing, and I grabbed for it.

He shook it. "An iPod? This is a 1967 Chevy impala. Are you f'in kiddin' me?"

I flinched as he wrapped the cord around it and stashed it in the glove box, shaking his head at my disregard for the old rules. I knew what he was gonna say before he said it. Somewhere along the line, he and Finn had decided that the only music that could be played in the car was classic rock. The kind they turned up and sang along to and that I associated with people my aunt's age but was probably even older than that. Secretly, I liked a few of the songs, but I never would have admitted it. -- pg. 30

Rusty leaned back next to me and signed, "I'm sorry, H, about earlier. I-"
"Don't worry about it. Finn probably would have wanted you along anyway..." I let my words drift off. I didn't want to talk to him right now, and I got the feeling Rusty didn't either, so I sat up. "So. You think that guy was drunk?"
"Hope so." Rusty sat back up. "Good line about the boots, though. Too bad he has no idea how bad your feet stink under those things."
I smacked him on the thigh. "You really are an ass." But it was true, and I had to laugh. "Just don't tell him, or it'll ruin my superhotness." -- pg. 42

After a long moment, he did something that surprised me. A small thing that just about did me in, coming from him. He wrapped a warm hand around the back of my neck and squeezed gently. And for the first time since we left, he said something right.
"Finn woulda loved that, you know. That you did that." He paused a beat, looked right at me quick, then away again. "He'd be proud of you H." -- Page 84, 85

A couple of Jessica's favorite quotes:

 "Good line about the boots, though. Too bad he has no idea how bad your feet stink under those things."
I smacked him on the thigh. "You really are an ass." But it was true, and I had to laugh. "Just don't tell him, or it'll ruin my superhotness."
- Page 42

"Yes, Barbie-Legos. You played it with me if Finn was doing something you didn't want to do. You'd bring all your Lego guys over to my Barbie house, and they'd have pool parties and barbecues together." I paused, remembering something else. "And your Lego guys were always trying to get my Barbies to go skinny-dipping."
Rusty nearly spit out his sunflower seeds. "Maybe I do remember that," he said laughing.
- Page 103

I sucked in a big breath of air, cleared my throat, and did my best to mirror his straight face. "So... you're just gonna... drive in your underwear. Because it's hot. And you're ... sweating balls". I pressed my lips together and nodded like it was totally reasonable.
"Pretty much." He turned the key, then adjusted the mirrors back to his liking. "Wouldn't bother me if you did, too."
- Page 112

*Quotes were taken from the ARC copy of In Honor

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