25 April 2014


Review - Only Everything By: Kieran Scott

Title: Only Everything (True Love #1)
Author: Kieran Scott
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 336 Pages (May 6th, 2014)
From: the Author & Publisher
Format: ARC
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Synopsis: High school romance is tough—even for a bona fide love goddess. Can Cupid succeed as a mortal matchmaker?

When Eros (aka Cupid) is expelled from Olympus for defying Zeus after falling in love with Orion, she is banished to what she believes to be hell. We call it New Jersey. If she ever wants to go back to the comforts of her old life, she will have to find love for three couples—without using her powers.

Eros, now calling herself True, immediately identifies her first project in Charlie and believes finding him love will be a piece of cake. Charlie is new at school and eager to break out of his old image of band geek, so it’s lucky for him when he falls in with the right crowd on his first day. But music is still his passion. That is, until he meets Katrina...

Katrina is floundering after the death of her father and takes refuge with a boy who, while not entirely supportive, will be there when she needs him, unlike her mother. Too bad True thinks any girl Charlie talks to is perfect for him. Can she get out of her own way and help Charlie and Katrina connect, or will she be stuck in New Jersey forever?

Review: 4 Stars - Only Everything is the first title in the latest trilogy from author Kieran Scott. In this wonderfully written, laugh out loud funny title Kieran writes about the trials of High School life for banished goddess Cupid who has a task she must complete and only a short time to complete it in.

I had no idea what to expect before reading but knowing Kieran I was excited and jumped at the chance to read an early copy of what turned out to be an amazing story with quirky characters and lots of laughs. I found myself laughing out loud more than once and couldn't get over just how whacky Eros, better known as Cupid turned High School student named True was. Watching her for most of the book I cringed and chuckled because, well... you really need to read this title to understand what I mean. I couldn't get over this character who quickly found her way into my heart.

The book itself is written from three different points of view. We have True who I've mentioned above, we have Karina who is somewhat of an outcast and is dealing with her own set of heartbreak and issues. The other point of view is written from new student Charlie who loves the drums and just want's to be accepted by his football couch dad and to be seen for the person he is and not the person his family thinks he should become.

Each point of view and the three characters' stories are intertwined as they navigate high school and come to terms with choices and the other students around them. They stumble, True more than most as she tries to come to terms with her new status while trying to succeed at the task she had been given by Zeus in an effort to save her love Orion.

I enjoyed the flash backs of True's life because we only get a small piece of the puzzle at the very beginning of the book. It was nice to see how things happened, yet I was wishing for more. I wanted to know all about the time True spent with Orion before all hell broke loose. However, I think with how this ended we'll see much more of that in the next installment because that ending.. I didn't see coming. AT ALL and wow, my heart broke a bit for True and what she's going to have to do now.

I also loved having a new character to meet – Heath, he was there to help guide True and man, did she need it! I'm looking forward to more of him in the next installment as well. Speaking of Heath, I have a theory about this character that I won't say here for fear it'll end up a spoiler. At least I hope it'll happen. Since I've mentioned Zeus... can I just say HUGE jerk!? I get he's all powerful and a ruler but wow, harsh.

The lore was also interesting and entertaining and the writing was done extremely well which made the book so much more from beginning to end. I didn't want it to end, yet the ending was both satisfying and frustrating because of that last couple of sentences. Did it end on a cliffhanger? Yes! A shocking one that which I had to reread a few times to make sure what I was seeing on the page was correct.

In the end this was a fantastic book with tons of humor, great characters and writing from a wonderful author. I highly recommend this title to any and all readers because there is plenty to love and lots to relate to from the vast amount of characters and the issues they find themselves in. It's a clean YA title with kissing, talk of drinking and that's about it. Thankfully you won't have to wait much longer before it's release and when it does I know it'll be a huge hit with readers everywhere. Enjoy!

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