05 October 2012

Title: Circle of Light (Light, #3)
Author: Jennifer DeLucy
Publisher: Omnific Publishing, (October 9th, 2012)
From: the Author
Format: eARC
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NOTE: This is an adult series and intended for readers 18 years and older.
Synopsis: Empath and Pathcrosser to the dead, Lillian Hunt has finally come into her own as a Sentient being. All seems well in her brave new world...that is, until a tragic turn sends her tight knit Sentient group on a rescue mission through lore-infested Europe. Their goal is to save the love of Lily's life—vampire Sentient, William Maddox — from both the prejudice of their own society and the dark intentions of ancient vampires. But how will they keep hope alive, even as time runs out?

Review: 5 Stars - Circle of Light, the third and final book in the Light trilogy by author Jennifer DeLucy took this reader on an emotional ride from beginning to end. Being a huge fan of the series, right from the beginning I was elated and yet heartbroken to see this amazing story come to an end. Without giving too much away, I’d like to applaud Jennifer, someone who’s become a friend on writing such a beautiful story with equally beautiful characters. Her world and those that live in it are in a word, stunning.

This trilogy is full of everything that makes a story captivating. Her characters are real. Down to earth and giving, they grow and help each other and anybody they cross path with. They are a family thrown together under sometimes difficult circumstances and yet they never give up. They lean on each other and draw strength from each other. While they each have some paranormal aspects to their person, that doesn’t make them any less “real” to me. They could very well be the person next door.

And Jennifer’s writing… it flows and moves with ease. The three books come together with the final conclusion in a pace that ebbs and flows around the plot and the characters. If you ask me, she didn’t miss anything in the story. There’s action, mystery, fast paced fight scenes and love. There’s humor and humanity and well… you get the picture. Like I said, it has a bit for everyone.

As a reader one of the things I love about a story (which I’ve mentioned once or ten times in the past) is when you can watch a character grow right before your eyes on the page. It happened here time and time again. Each character did just that as they found their way around the changes in their lives and the lives of those around them.

I have a huge soft spot for two characters in the Light Trilogy. That would be Lily and William. They’ve both been through enough to make any of us want to hide away in a dark place to hide from the world. Yet, neither of them does that. They bend, stretch and reach to be better people. Even when there’s an evil just dying to pull them apart, which is what happens in Circle of Light. And let me tell you, that evil is disguised as a woman. UGH, don’t even get me started on that part of the story. I saw red!

As always, there’s lore and travel to faraway places. This time it happens to be Europe and meeting some new characters in the process. I cringed, I gasped and I shed a few tears along the way and yeah, I’ll admit that maybe I was a tad more emotional in this one… knowing it was the end, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Jennifer wrote another amazing book! Seriously guys, you have NO idea what you’re missing. I could talk about this series, these characters and what an amazingly talented writer that Jennifer is for days. Now it’s your turn to give her books a try and pick up the first book in the trilogy – Seers of Light. You have to start from the beginning, because really… the beginning is the only place to start. Enjoy it and thank me later.

I have some AMAZING news to share with you all!!! Jennifer has written a Prequel to the Light Trilogy! Here's a look at the cover and some news right from Jennifer herself!

Here's new's straight from Jennifer and her blog -

Announcing "Glimpse of Light" to my Light Series (and William Maddox) lovers....

We have exciting news! Everyone who orders Circle of Light in e-book or paperback on release day (October 9th) or the day after (and those who pre-order!), will receive a FREE PREQUEL story told from William Maddox's point-of-view, describing the events leading up to Lily's retrieval in Seers of Light! Just remember, this is free on October 9th and 10th ONLY, and you'll need to forward your email receipt to publisher@omnificpublishing.com to claim your prequel! And spread the word!

Amazing right? RIGHT? I can't wait!!! I'm totally #TeamWilliam

So, don't forget to pre-prder and then get your FREE PREQUEL!

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  1. This is a wonderful review of a series that I'm quite the fan of too. I totally agree that this series has everything - and in just the right doses too. I hope it sells a million copies! It certainly deserves to.

  2. I barely ndiscovered this series and i'm in love with it, is there any way of still obtaning a copy of the pre quel?


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