30 June 2012

To celebrate the release of author, Sherry Soule’s new YA novel, MOONLIGHT MAYHEM, the second thrilling novel in the Spellbound series, Sherry asked one of her favorite fictional heroes, Trent Donavon to stop by today. He has started his own advice column “Dear Trent”. Since several people have asked Trent for help with some very interesting questions, he’s generously taken time away from his demon hunting duties to answer them. Trent is a blunt dude who tells it like it is. Pasted below are some of the emails sent to him. Enjoy!

Question 1:

Q: Dear Trent,
I joined the Navy to see the world. I’ve seen it. And I miss my mom. Now how the heck do I get out?
Wanna Go Home

A. Dear Wanna Go Home,
Well, I think you’re kinda stuck, dude. Best to ride it out and have your mom send you some books like the Spellbound series to help the time fly by.
Best of luck,

Question 2:

Q: Dear Trent,
My mom asked me to babysit my younger brother and sister this weekend. I hate babysitting them! Anyhoo, I found them playing a game called, "Knife Jab" in the kitchen. This game involves jabbing a knife into a wall socket. Instead, I suggested a game called, "Zappy Toaster", which is similar but requires thrusting a metal object into a toaster while it’s plugged in. So, are either of these games dangerous?
Hate Babysitting

A: Dear Hate Babysitting,
Well, jabbing a mental object into a toaster could give you a strong electric shock. So not good! Not only are these games dangerous, but possibly illegal and your siblings could get seriously injured. A more important question is why your mom would be stupid enough to leave you alone with them in the first place.
Best of luck,

Question 3:

Q: Dear Trent
I suspect that my girlfriend has been fooling around, and when I confronted her after taking pictures of her kissing another guy at school, she denied everything—and said it would never happen again.
Lost in Love

A: Dear Lost in Love,
My advice? Once a cheater—always a cheater. Dump that girl and find a nice one who’ll treat you right, like my awesome GF, Shiloh.
Best of luck,

Question 4:

Q: Dear Trent,
I think my friend, Charlie might be possessed or something. He can control the weather. He is inhumanly fast and strong. And sometimes when Charlie gets mad, his eyes turn completely black like a shark. It’s totally freaking me out.

A: Dear Friend-Possessed,
Uh, it sure sounds like something weird is going on. My uncle Tony says that most paranormals cannot enter houses of worship or walk on sacred ground. Try taking Charlie to a church or graveyard—to see what happens, or douse him with holy water—and if his skin sizzles, you’ve got major trouble. Let me know how it goes, because you may need to contact the Paranormal Research Group aka PRG blog.
Best of luck,

Have any questions for “Dear Trent” about the series? Just post them in the comment section and he’ll answer your inquiry within the next 48 hours. NOTE: Trent accepts no liability for anything resulting from his so-called sage “advice”.

Trent, thanks so much for visiting and sharing some of your sage advice. And Sherry, thanks for being the middle man between Trent and his fans for this post. I know I can't wait to see what happens next in Moonlight Mayhem.

Moonlight Mayhem, the second book in the Spellbound series is available July 1st, 2012
Book Blurb Info: Shiloh Ravenwolf thought she was getting used to the supernatural events of Whispering Pines, but the full moon has brought another surge of threats to her coastal town. Ferocious wolves, deadly necromancers, and shambling zombies have descended upon the neighborhood, and Shiloh must gain control of her magical abilities—fast! But it sucks that Shiloh has a crippling fear of the dark. As a demon slayer, this can be an epic problem.

When her classmates are attacked by a mysterious creature and her father is murdered, Shiloh vows vengeance. Forcing her phobias aside, she forms an unlikely coven of supernaturally gifted teens to help her eradicate this menace, but Shiloh’s battling a different monster within herself. She’s struggling not to become the very thing she fights: evil.

But with demon blood inside her—anything can happen…

Check out my review for Beautifully Broken (Spellbound, #1): HERE

Where you can find author, Sherry Soule online:

Official BlogOfficial Spellbound Series Universe | Twitter

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1 comment:

  1. It was an honor to be a guest here. Thanks for allowing me to chat up my new YA series!

    I sincerely hope everyone enjoys the fun post and they are interested in learning more about my thrilling books. :-D

    Happy Reading,

    Check out my Books!


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