01 June 2012


Feature: Blogger Talk, Novel Exposed - June

Hello and welcome again to a brand new month of the Feature, co-hosting with Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic! In this post we'll share with you a bit of information about the event and what book we'll be focusing on for June.

Blogger Talk: Novel Exposed
is a monthly feature where Jessica and I will take one book and read it simultaneously. Throughout the month the book and author will be showcased in reviews, interviews, quotes and more on both blogs. There will also be a Linky set up where you can share your review of the book as well.

Then at the end of the month, we'll post a discussion that we've had about this month's title and hope that you will all join in on the discussion about this months book in the comments. Now, on to the good stuff...

June's Novel Exposed Book: In Honor By: Jessi Kirby 

 Jessica and I had another great time during the month of May and were thrilled to feature Jackson Pearce with her new contemporary title, Purity and were really looking forward to our month with In Honor & Jessi Kirby! We hope you guys enjoyed it and that you've had a chance to read the book and love it as much as we did. We have the next few months books picked out, however if you have a book you think we should feature for a month, be sure to let us know!

Add In Honor to: Goodreads

For July, we're going to be taking a break for Novel Exposed. We have some other events happening & a HUGE August so we hope you'll understand. Novel Exposed will resume in August!

If you are an author or publisher and have a book you'd like featured in Novel Exposed, please feel free to contact either of us and include info on your book and what month you had in mind. Please remember that we only feature ONE book a month for this event and that Jessica and I will try to accommodate.

Should anyone have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email and I'd be happy to help.

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1 comment:

  1. Such a great idea! I've heard good things about this book.


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5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
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3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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