07 June 2012

I might be a little late to the party posting this cover reveal, but I'm SO excited about it, I'm chair dancing as I type up this post! Angeline knows just how much I love her, but I still will always been there to be cheering her on no matter what she does. She is a rock star to me. I could go on and on about this lady, but I think I'll share with you the amazing cover for her second book in the Vampire Born series - Enemy Within.

Enemy Within (Vampire Born, #2)
Available August 30th, 2012 from Accendo Press

Synopsis: Two guys who’ve stolen her heart.
Three races and only one of them worthy.
Countless enemies with insatiable bloodlust for power.
Will one girl's curse ultimately save her?

Half-vampire Brooke Keller barely survived the slaying of her worst enemy, only to learn that Zladislov—the world's most powerful vampire, leader of the vampire world, and her father—wants her dead. However, this time, she's not only fighting vampires but a raging monster within her that endangers what's left of her humanity. And when a deadly disease threatens to take her best friend's life, Brooke tries to convince Kaitlynn to accept a monster of her own: becoming a Zao Duh.

As a former slave to the Pijawikas, Mirko is driven to protect the innocent at all costs, but he has never faced a foe more formidable than Zladislov. And when the Commission bears down on Brooke, Mirko finds the stream of enemies runs deeper than he ever imagined.

HOLY AMAZING COVERS!!! I seriously love how amazing Brooke looks on the cover! Exactly how I pictured her! HUGE CONGRATS to you Angeline for scoring with the covers for your books. They just keep getting better and better...

I have been seriously on pins and needles for this book since I finished the first book in the series - Descended By Blood. And if you haven't read it yet... you are missing out on Mirko. You have no idea. Just wait til you meet him. *swoon!*

Oh... And some amazing news - Want to meet Booke & Mirko for yourself? Well, Descended By Blood eBook is available for FREE for 3 days only. Check it out, don't miss it! (June 7th - 9th, 2012)

And now, Angeline is having a giveaway offering a fantastic prize to THREE lucky winners! Here's the details and what you have a chance to win.

THREE LUCKY winners will each receive an eARC copy of Enemy Within.

As soon as the book is ready - ie. formatted, etc. the winners will receive their eBook around the end of July or early August, BEFORE the official release on August 30th, 2012.

You MUST be at least 13 years old to enter.
Please fill out the Rafflecopter form provided below for your entry to count. Please do NOT leave your email address in comments. No entries in comments will be counted toward this giveaway.
Giveaway is open INTERNATIONAL!
Ends: June 15th, 2012 at 12:01AM EST.

Please only enter the giveaway ONCE. This Rafflecopter form is the same on all the blogs who are taking part in the cover reveal.


Angeline, thank you for asking me to help out with the cover reveal! I'm more than happy and thrilled to help you out in any possible.

The winnings of this giveaway are being provided by Angeline, so another thank you goes out to her for making this giveaway happen.

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