10 November 2013

YAY for excerpt's and giveaway's! And what a way to celebrate the release of THE EDGE OF ALWAYS

The highly anticipated release by New York Times Bestselling Author J.A. Redmerski!

Publisher: Forever Romance
Release: November 5, 2013
New Adult Contemporary Novel

NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+

Synopsis: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. A. Redmerski brings us the second book in her heart-renching series about two 20-somethings who find each other in their darkest moment.

Camryn Bennett has never been happier. Five months after meeting on a Greyhound bus, she and her soul mate Andrew Parrish are engaged-and a wedding isn't the only special event in their future. Nervous but excited, Camryn can't wait to begin the rest of her life with Andrew, a man she knows in her heart will love her always. They have so much to look forward to-until tragedy blindsides them.

Andrew doesn't understand how this could happen to them. He's trying to move on, and thought Camryn was doing the same. But when Andrew discovers Camryn is secretly harboring a mountain of pain and attempting to numb it in damaging ways, there is nothing he won't do to bring her back to life. Determined to prove that their love can survive anything, Andrew decides to take Camryn on a new journey filled with hope and passion. If only he can convince her to come along for the ride...


          Camryn still loves the newer stuff and the Civil Wars more than anything and so that’s usually what we play.
          Tonight will be no different.
          I love watching her perform them next to me up on stage because she becomes so vibrant and playful and sexy as hell. Not that she isn’t all of those things already, but it’s like another more daring and flirty side of her comes out when she’s singing. And she doesn’t just sing—she puts on a show. I think it’s that little actress she’s always had buried somewhere in herself. She told me she performed in plays at school, and I can definitely see she has the knack for it.
But singing alongside me also seems to make her happy, and that’s why tonight is so important.
          “I’m so nervous,” Camryn says next to my ear, having to speak loudly over the music.
          I make a pffft sound with my lips. “Oh, please. Since when do you get nervous anymore? We’ve done this dozens of times.”
          “I know, but I’m singing in front of your brother this time.”
          “He can’t sing for shit, so his opinion is hardly valid.”
          She smiles. “Well, I’m not nervous to the point that I don’t want to do it. I guess it’s actually kind of exciting.”
          “That’s my girl,” I say and lean in to kiss her lips.
          “Those two girls,” Camryn yells to me without looking in their direction, “front table to your left, they’re having sex with you in their heads right now, I swear to God.”
          I laugh lightly and shake my head. We’d started picking people in the crowd to sing to lately.
          “And that guy standing next to the woman in the purple shirt,” I say, nodding subtly in his direction, “has had your thighs wrapped around his head since you walked on this stage.”
          “So it’ll be them tonight then, huh?” she asks.
          I nod and say, “Uh-huh.”
          “Make sure you give it to them good, baby,” she says, grinning wickedly at me.
          “Oh, I will,” I say with the same amount of wicked on my face.

About the Author: 

J.A. Redmerski, New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author lives in North Little Rock, Arkansas with her three children, two cats and a Maltese. She is a lover of television and books that push boundaries and is a huge fan of AMC's The Walking Dead.

Find J.A. Online:

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 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I am probably one of the few that hate to read excerpts/teasers from books I haven't read yet. LOVED the first book but I still need to read this one. :)

  2. Great giveaway that I'd LOVE to win!!!

  3. A great giveaway that I'd love to win!!!

  4. Lets take a moment and just stare at that man on the cover. Sigh. Wow and that excerpt... whoa

  5. Great excerpt. I LOVE Andrew Parrish and book one was so good. I really enjoyed The Edge of Always also.

  6. The book really sounds good! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D


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