13 June 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday is an event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. The purpose of this weekly event is to spotlight a soon-to-be-released book that you are very much anticipating. "Waiting On" Wednesday will also give bloggers an opportunity to share ideas for our TBR lists.

Title: False Memory (False Memory, #1)
Author: Dan Krokos
Publisher: Hyperion, 304 Pages (August 14th, 2012)
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Pre-order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Miranda wakes up alone on a park bench with no memory. In her panic, she releases a mysterious energy that incites pure terror in everyone around her. Except Peter, a boy who isn't at all surprised by Miranda's shocking ability.

Left with no choice but to trust this stranger, Miranda discovers she was trained to be a weapon and is part of an elite force of genetically-altered teens who possess flawless combat skills and powers strong enough to destroy a city. But adjusting to her old life isn't easy--especially with Noah, the boyfriend she can't remember loving. Then Miranda uncovers a dark truth that sets her team on the run. Suddenly her past doesn't seem to matter...when there may not be a future.

Title: Cold Fury (Cold Fury, #1)
Author: T.M. Goeglein
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile, 313 Pages (July 24th, 2012)
Add to: Goodreads
Pre-order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository

Synopsis: Jason Bourne meets The Sopranos in this breathtaking adventure.

Sara Jane Rispoli is a normal sixteen-year-old coping with school and a budding romance--until her parents and brother are kidnapped and she discovers her family is deeply embedded in the Chicago Outfit (aka the mob).

Now on the run from a masked assassin, rogue cops and her turncoat uncle, Sara Jane is chased and attacked at every turn, fighting back with cold fury as she searches for her family. It's a quest that takes her through concealed doors and forgotten speakeasies--a city hiding in plain sight. Though armed with a .45 and 96K in cash, an old tattered notebook might be her best defense--hidden in its pages the secret to "ultimate power." It's why she's being pursued, why her family was taken, and could be the key to saving all of their lives.

Action packed, with fresh, cinematic writing, Cold Fury is a riveting and imaginative adventure readers will devour.

Hey everyone! It's time for another WoW and I have two books that I'm so excited for, you have no idea! Or maybe you do...? First off, False Memory. I have been waiting to read this book since I heard about it last year. I mean just reading the synopsis again when writing up this post has me extremely excited for this book all over again. And Cold Fury had me at Jason Bourne. I didn't even have to read the rest of the synopsis (but, yes I did) and I can't wait! What about you? Are you looking forward to either or, or maybe both of these books?

*covers are always subject to change.

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  1. These both sound great! Awesome picks :)

  2. Hmmmm....I think I will tell you that you will not have to wait much longer. : D

  3. I completely understand why you are excited for both of these, I am excited too ^_^. They both sound like they are going to be action packed and their covers are awesome. I've also read a review the other day about Cold Fury that was absolutely positive so that's made me even more excited.

    My WoW

  4. OOoh those look good!! Seeing them around the blogosphere!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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