01 October 2011


Haunted Halloween 2011: Comment Contest!

For the month of October, here at A Life Bound By Books and over at my co-hosts blog - Confessions of a Bookaholic we will be hosting a Comment Contest! We love comments, authors love comments and for each comment you leave on either of our blogs during our Haunted Halloween Event - will get you entries to win some great prizes!!

How does it work you ask? It’s pretty easy – just leave a comment (one comment per person, per post) with your email address and your entered! Comment on as many posts as you’d like. The more posts you comment on, the more entries you get. Just remember, one comment per person per post and you must include your email address each time which lets us know you’d like an entry.

This applies to any Haunted Halloween posts from
October 1st through October 31st, 2011!!


* 3 winners

-1st Place - 7 books and swag

Fury (The Fury Trtilogy, #1) By: Elizabeth Miles + a signed poster!
Swoon (Swoon, #1) By: Nina Malkin (Signed)
Swear (Swoon, #2) By: Nina Malkin (Signed)
Cryer's Cross By: Lisa McMann
The Shattering By: Karen Healey
Cold Kiss By: Amy Garvey
Awake at Dawn (Shadow Falls, #2) By: C.C. Hunter
(Swag picture coming soon)

- 2nd Place - 5 books and swag

Pearl By: Jo Knowles
Raised By Wolves (Raised By Wolves, #1) By: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Trial By Fire (Raised By Wolves, #2) By: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Sweetly (Fairytale Retellings, #2) By: Jackson Pearce
Hourglass (Hourglass, #1) By: Mrya McEntire
(Swag picture coming soon)

- 3rd Place - 4 books and swag!

Ghost Hunt 2: MORE Chilling Tales of Unknown By: Jason Hawes,
Grant Wilson, Cameron Dokey
Dark Passages (Dark Mirror, #2) By: M. J. Putney
The Witches' Kitchen By: Allen Williams
The Midnight Palace (Niebla, #2) By: Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Lucia Graves (Translator)
(Swag picture coming soon)


* ONE comment per post on this blog and Confessions of a Bookaholic counts.
* Comments count as extra entries into the giveaway for the prizes listed. One comment with email per post = 1 extra entry to win!
* No form required. As long as you leave your email and are eligible to win (at least age 13 and have a US address) you can enter!

* You must be at least 13 to enter.
* You MUST leave an email with each comment for it to be counted.
* Only one comment for each post will count.
* Comments can ONLY be for Haunted Halloween posts! No other comments will count!
* Copying and pasting comments WILL NOT be counted.
* Contest is US ONLY and ends October 31st.
* Once contacted the winners will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address.
* Questions? Email alifeboundbybooks [at] hotmail [dot] com or totalbookaholic [at] hotmail [dot] com

Contest starts NOW so start commenting!
Remember to incude your email with each comment!

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  1. Wow! All I have to do is comment sounds easy for me but not so much for you. So thanks so much and those are some awesome books.

  2. Oh great I already messed up I forgot to leave my email so I guess this counts as my entry since the other one didn't have an email.


  3. Wow! This is awesome! I seriously love the prizes- esp. Prize Pack 1! :)

    Errr... I suppose this comment counts as an entry? ;D


  4. This is such a great contest. The prizes are wonderful and I cannot wait to see what posts you will be having for October. :)

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  5. Awesome prizes! I hope I can remember to comment a lot.

  6. Wow, this is an amazing giveaway!! Thank you so much!


  7. Fun contest with some great prizes. Thanks for the chance to win & happy Halloween!


  8. Great giveaways batman! I love the book choices.

    kprwrite at hotmail dot com

  9. Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  10. I'll try my best to comment as often as I can but lately I've been having fog brain lately =P and the hubby has me on a what feels like an endless exercise program *scowls at hubby* What a punk! .... I'm excited for Halloween don't forget your Jack-o-lanterns bcoz you don't want to be visited by the unwanteds =)

    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
    TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com

  11. This is a totally awesome giveaway!! :)
    Kait.Reader at gmail dot com

  12. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

  13. Your eyes are going to go bugggggg eyed from the amount of comments you are going to get because of this! haha

    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  14. I really like that you are doing an event that involves so many different contests. Its really fun!

    chelle2006 @ aol.com

  15. I'm definitely in!

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  16. What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for giving us a chance to win some awesome prizes so easily :)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  17. WOWZA! Fantastic contest! I will comment my little heart out! ;-)


  18. Great contest! Thanks for hosting.

  19. Yay! Great giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting it! :D

    katvela12345 AT hotmail.com

  20. This is awesome contest. With awesome prizes.


  21. This is a awesome contest. Love the prizes.


  22. Great contest!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  23. Commenting on each of the haloween posts you guys put up should be fun!!
    Thanks for the awesome contest


  24. I remember doing this last year! SO much fun! Thanks again for hosting!

    twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

  25. Wow! can I say it again....WOW! I will give it my best shot!

  26. I am prepared to comment as many times as physically possible!!! :p lol! jk! I'll just comment once! Awesome Giveaway!


  27. I am so excited about this event! Books! Lovely Books! Thanks for all of the great giveaways!


  28. Wow, this is cool! Thank you for the awesome event and the wonderful giveaways! :)


  29. Mary DeBorde
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

    October is certainly shaping up to be an epic *book love* month lol

    Thank you & your co-host for all these fun and generous giveaways :D

  30. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and for being so very generous! Definitely count me in!


  31. So many great books! As though I needed another reason to love Halloween so much!

    tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. ALL books won are donated to the Franklin Highschool library

  33. I just went and read through nearly all the posts, so I figured I might as well come back here and comment on this one as well. The posts have been fantastic so far and some have been so creepy.

    Thanks for hosting this awesome event and for the many giveaways!!


  34. i hope i have this right. i think i'm confused but here goes. i would love any book you have to give. and i am entering whatever contest i can find lol. i am on disablilty so this helps me get books to read. thanks alot. joannie jscddmj[at]aol[dot]com

  35. OMG! awesomeness overload XD
    thank you so much for the opportunity ^_^

    GFC: kimyunalesca

  36. Comment contests are great because everyone has something to say! Thanks for the contest!

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  37. ZOMG What an amazing giveaway!! You rock!!

    GFC kira meier

    hk11kira (@) gmail dot com

  38. Such a super fun contest! Thanks for doing it again this year- I love the spooky posts!

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  39. This is an awesome give away!! Happy Halloween all!!


  40. Thanks so much! Halloween is my favorite holidays! =)


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