Title: Phantom Universe (Summer Chronicles, #1)
Author: Laura Kreitzer
Published: Obsidian Mountain Publishing, 280 pages (February 15, 2011)
Synopsis: Sold into slavery to pirates at the young age of four, Summer learns to survive the rough seas of subterfuge and thieves through silence. When the boat she’s lived on most of her life is destroyed, Summer finds herself washed up on the shore of a new world, a phantom universe full of the bizarre and extraordinary. She meets Gage, the one boy who understands the girl with no speech. But when their lives are put on the line, will Summer finally call out? Or will all be lost in the fathomless depth of silence?
Book two in the Summer Chronicles, Forsaken Harbor, will be available June 30, 2011!
The Secret Clock Society has infiltrated every aspect of the government. You can’t hide from them, you can’t out run them—the only choice is to surrender or die fighting. Well, Summer’s found her voice and her confidence. She’ll fight if necessary, but for now she’s on the run. And the only place that can offer her refuge is the one city that’s been devastated with disease and death. Full of savages, Forsaken Harbor holds her life on the edge of a knife. Is there still hope to be found here after all? Or will survival mean savagery?
A Note from Obsidian Mountain Publishing -
Obsidian Mountain Publishing is asking for your help in spreading the news about Laura Kreitzer's newest titles. It's been officially announced that there will be a total of five books in her Timeless Series. For more information check out her blog post here.
We are also offering a free *unedited* digital copy of Laura Kreitzer's Phantom Universe (Summer Chronicles, #1) on January 1st, 2011. The official release date is February 15, 2011. Would you like a chance to read and review a digital copy? Just fill out the form and follow these simple rules: read, review, and post it on at least two websites listed on the form.
04 December 2010
Posted at 10:17 AM
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I filled out the form as this sounds like a fun book. Thanks for the information!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this. I really like helping authors to spread the word of their books.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like such an exciting book! :)