22 April 2010


The Goddess of Partholon Series By: P.C. Cast

This series might not be new, but it's kind of new to me. I was lucky enough to be asked to review this series as it's being released in the UK. So, I thought I'd take the time to post about the series. To all my UK followers and lurkers and those that love to collect books with pretty covers from different countries, or those who haven't read this series yet, this post is for you!

The Goddess of Partholon Series By: P.C. Cast

Divine By Mistake

UK Release date: Feb 2010 £6.99
US  Release date: September 1st 2006 by Luna (first published 2001)
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US  Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble

Per Press Release: Waking up in another world Shannon Parker discovers she has swapped places with Partholon’s high-priestess and is revered as a Goddess by all. While she can’t believe her luck – who doesn’t like to have wall to wall wardrobes of made-to-measure silk dresses and wine on tap, not to mention the personal Spa and handmaidens – being Partholon’s high-priestess is far from easy.

On her first day in Partholon Shannon is expected to be married to High Shaman, ClanFintan, a centaur who has no idea of her real identity. Then there is the threat of Fomorian war on the horizon, and as the high-priestess of a warrior Goddess, Shannon must lead the people of Partholon into battle. Nothing a feisty high-school teacher can’t handle-right?

Divine By Choice

UK Release date: March 2010 £6.99
US  Release date: December 1st 2006 by Luna
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US  Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble

Per Press Release: Just when she’d got use to being treated as a Goddess, quaffing red wine with foot rubs on tap, Shannon is sucked back to earth where, frankly, she’d rather not be. Back in Partholon she was treated like a movie star, happily married to ClanFintan, her hunky centaur husband, and decidedly pregnant with their child.

Trying to get back to Partholon through the divide, Shannon realises an evil force has followed her and is threatening to destroy all she holds dear in her old world. With the help of an ancient power hidden in the forests of the Oklahoma wilds, Shannon must do battle with her most dangerous nemesis yet-but not until she’s explained to her father exactly where she’s been for the last six months.

Divine By Blood

UK Release date: April 2010 £6.99
US  Release date: September 1st 2007 by Luna
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, Waterstones
US  Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble

Per Press Release: Morrigan Parker knew she wasn’t like the other girls in her class. First there were the voices she heard on the wind and then there was the way she could make her skin glow with light – which was pretty cool. A trip with her friends to a local cave system unlocks an ancient power within Morrigan and she is sucked through a secret divide into the world of Partholon.
Discovering that her mother was chosen of the Goddess Epona and hearing whispers that she wields the same power, Morrigan sets out to become the most powerful priestess that Partholon has ever seen. But is it her destiny to become High-Priestess or will she be seduced by the same dark powers that plagued her mother’s life? With no friends except her pet Lynx Brina, Morrigan must face her destiny as the Goddess’s chosen.

Coming in May and June to the UK, from The Goddess of Partholon Series:


Elphame’s Choice

UK Release date: May 2010 £6.99
US Release date: September 29th 2009 by Harlequin (first published December 1st 2004)
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US  Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble

Synopsis: I was marked from birth as belonging to the Goddess Epona--but that didn't make my life easy. Because of my "blessings," I was set apart, worshipped, unable to make real connections with others. Then came the Feeling, and with it a glimpse of my destiny. It led me to the MacCallen castle of legend, deserted since the terrible Fomorian war.
I followed the wordless call to breathe new life into a place long dead, but I didn't realize there were dark remnants of the war lingering in the nearby forest--victims and survivors who remained hidden. Others marked as different, powerful. Feared.
My choice was now twofold. I could keep to the happiness and safety of my newfound home, or I could choose a path that led to something more terrible, more dangerous, more thrilling than anything I'd ever expected.
And in that future I might never be alone again...

Brighid's Quest

UK Release date: June 2010 £6.99
US Release date: December 1st 2005 by Luna
UK Ordering Info: Amazon, WH Smiths, Waterstones
US  Ordering Info: Amazon, Borders, Barns and Noble

Synopsis: Torn between the possibilities . . .
Fleeing her centaur clan's increasingly militant beliefs, Brighid Dhianna has begun to find peace and acceptance among the humans of Clan MacCallan. Still, she agrees to leave her newly formed friendships to guide her clan chieftain's grieving brother home.
As she journeys, Brighid discovers that the long-dormant Shaman blood that runs so thickly in her veins will no longer be silenced. As seductive new powers begin to beckon, Brighid glimpses a future that is more impossible -- and more magical -- than any she could have dared to imagine.
But when tragedy summons her back to the Centaur Plains, Brighid must make a decision that will affect not only her friendship with the humans, but the centaur herd and indeed the world. For the Great Goddess Epona has set her on a new path that demands everything she has to give.
When the whole world is turning to her for help, healing the heart of a warrior doesn't sound so daunting . . .

About P.C. Cast:

P.C. Cast is the bestselling author of the House of Night young adult series about a finishing school for Vampires which she co-writes with her daughter Kirstin. PC Cast has so far sold over 8 million copies worldwide, been published in 39 countries, is a WH Smith top ten bestseller in the UK and is hugely popular with fans of Stephenie Meyer.

P.C. Cast’s Goddess of Partholon series is to be published in the UK for the first time at the beginning of 2010. Written before her bestselling House of Night series (which so far has sold over 1 million in the UK) the Goddess of Partholon trilogy contains Cast’s favourite character, the sexy centaur ClanFintan and is a chance for adult readers to enjoy her writing. When the Goddess of Partholon series was first published in the US it was awarded the Prism, Holt Medallion and Laurel Wreath awards and was also shortlisted for the National Readers' Choice Award.

For more information on the author please visit her website: P.C. Cast

Check out this Exclusive Interview with P.C. Cast!

I just recently finished the first book, Divine By Mistake and LOVED it! Look for a review to come soon. Enjoy the series, I know I am so far.

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  1. I just discovered this series last week! I'm excited to start reading it... once I get my hands on them lol.

  2. These aren't my type of books but the covers are very cool. Glad you got a chance to review them.

  3. I've just read the first book and i couldn't put it down it was amazing, can't wait to read the second one :)


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