13 February 2014

Hey everyone! Welcome to the fifth day in a week long event - Heartbreakers Blog Tour!

Over the next week I'll be one of SEVEN blogs featuring a bunch of amazing authors and their characters throughout.

Today, day #5 I have -

Sara Hantz & Tina Bustamante!!!

Please be sure to come back and check out each day during the week for more chances to WIN!

Title: In the Blood
Author: Sara Hantz
Publisher: Entangled: Teen, 154 Pages (November 5th 2013)
Add to: Goodreads
Order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK

Synopsis: For seventeen years Jed Franklin’s life was normal. Then his father was charged with the abuse and murder of four young boys and normal became a nightmare.

His mom’s practically a walking zombie, he’s lost most of his friends, and the press camps out on his lawn. The only things that keep him sane are his little sis; his best friend and dream girl, Summer; and the alcohol he stashes in his room. But after Jed wakes up from a total blackout to discover a local kid has gone missing—a kid he was last seen talking to—he’s forced to face his greatest fear: that he could somehow be responsible.

In a life that’s spiraled out of control, Jed must decide if he chooses his own destiny with Summer by his side or if the violent urges that plagued his father are truly in the blood…

About the Author:

I was born in Northampton, England, the eldest of 4 children (I have 3 younger brothers), and I took my eldest child responsibilities very seriously. When I said jump, they asked how high. They’re all a lot taller than me now, so I’ve had to change tactics for getting my own way.

School and I weren’t a match made in heaven. I was bored a lot of the time, and it seemed much more fun to dream up ways of disrupting lessons than to actually pay attention. Which could explain why I was always in trouble! But I redeemed myself later, when at twenty-one I went back to full-time study. Except, I got carried away and became a bit of a qualification tart. I even worked in education for a number of years – lecturing.

But all the time I was never content. I knew there was something missing, just didn’t know what. Until I discovered writing.

I wasn’t one of those people who wrote from being a small child. I did read though. I’ve always been an avid reader. And it took me a few years of thinking about writing before I actually started. But now, I wouldn’t do anything else, and I never get bored!
I moved to New Zealand (a beautiful country) from the UK twelve years ago, with my husband and two children. After working at a university for three years I left to work in our motel and devote more time to my writing. I wish I’d done it sooner! Two years ago we moved to the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Another perfect place to write.

In my spare time I love going to the movies, watching TV, walking on the beach, and playing with our gorgeous Labrador.

And, that’s about it. If I think of anything else to tell you I’ll add it later. And if you want to know anything just let me know!

Find Sara Online:

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Interview -

Can you tell us a bit about In the Blood and what you hope readers take away after reading?

In the Blood is about Jed Franklin, whose life for seventeen years was normal. Then his father was charged with the abuse and murder of four young boys and normal became a nightmare. Now, his mom’s practically a walking zombie, he’s lost most of his friends, and the press camps out on his lawn. The only things that keep him sane are his little sis; his best friend and dream girl, Summer; and the alcohol he stashes in his room. But after Jed wakes up from a total blackout to discover a local kid has gone missing—a kid he was last seen talking to—he’s forced to face his greatest fear: that he could somehow be responsible. In a life that’s spiraled out of control, Jed must decide if he chooses his own destiny with Summer by his side or if the violent urges that plagued his father are truly in the blood…

I hope readers might get a different perspective on how the families of murderers are affected by the situation.

In a perfect world for Jed, what would his dream Valentine’s date be with Summer?

They would drive into the hills and picnic in the moonlight under the stars. They would stay there for hours, sometimes talking about their futures, sometimes making out and sometimes sitting in silence enjoying each others company.

Title: As Waters Gone By
Author: Tina Bustamante
Publisher: Leap Books, 236 Pages (October 17th 2013)
Add to: Goodreads
Order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Amazon UK

Synopsis: Secrets in the Light... When Ellie moves in with her aunt on Orcas Island after her mother's death, she doesn't expect to have one of the most incredible summers of her life. She doesn't expect to restore a mysterious lighthouse that holds an important key to her past, or to rehabilitate a crazy dog, or to see a strange man who may or may not be a ghost. And the last thing she expects is to meet Will Larson, who flips her summer upside down. But, when Will's past and her own collide, will their relationship survive the secrets they both conceal, or will these unshared secrets tear them apart? Can Ellie gain the courage to uncover the truth of who she really is and finally find a place where she belongs, or will she choose to remain an outsider?

About the Author:

I’m a writer, a passionate reader, wife, mom, friend, and traveler. I’m native Northwest – third generation actually. But, for the first time in thirteen years I no longer live in Seattle. We are in the process of settling in Chile.

After high school, I joined a literature ship called the MV Logos II and lived there for two and a half years, went to over thirty countries, met wonderful friends from all over the world, and eventually got engaged to a man from Chile. We married and settled down in Bothell, Washington. I studied at Northwest University.

After my daughter, Emma, was born I began to feel a gentle nudge to write. I did … and discovered the bumpy, rough road that writer’s have truthfully titled The Writing Journey. It is indeed a journey and one fraught with rejection! I thought because I love to read the craft would come easily to me. Easy or not, I’ve discovered that all things worth doing take time and perseverance.

Currently, I speak when invited, and write fiction during the day. I’m married to Rodrigo Bustamante and we have two lovely children named Emma and Lucas.

Find Tina Online:

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Interview -

Can you tell us a bit about As Waters Gone By and what you hope readers take away after reading?

I hope readers find hope in that story. In particular, that there isn't one right way to grieve and that our stories matter, telling our stories matter. Even the parts we regret.

Can you describe the main characters from this title in 3-5 words?

Ellie is resilient, kind, and dares to hope.

Will is impulsive, angry, and sensitive.

Check out all the tour info and links HERE!

PLUS don't forget to check out the awesome trailer for the Heartbreakers Blog Tour and the Authors!


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Don't forget to check back all week long for more awesome interviews and chances to WIN BIG!!!

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1 comment:

  1. my favorite heartbreak song is king of wishful thinking


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