Hey everyone! Welcome to the first day in a week long event - Heartbreakers Blog Tour!
Over the next week I'll be one of SEVEN blogs featuring a bunch of amazing authors and their characters throughout.
Today, day #1 I have -
Denise Jaden & B.A. Binns!!!
Please be sure to come back and check out each day during the week for more chances to WIN!
Title: Never Enough
Author: Denise Jaden
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 400 Pages (July 10th, 2012)
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Order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Amazon UK
Synopsis: From the author of Losing Faith, a novel about two sisters and the eating disorder that threatens to destroy their family.
Loann’s always wanted to be popular and pretty like her sister, Claire. So when Claire’s ex-boyfriend starts flirting with her, Loann is willing to do whatever it takes to feel special… even if that means betraying her sister.
But as Loann slips inside Claire’s world, she discovers that everything is not as it seems. Claire’s quest for perfection is all-consuming, and comes at a dangerous price. As Claire increasingly withdraws from friends and family, Loann struggles to understand her and make amends. Can she heal their relationship —and her sister—before it’s too late?

About the Author:
Denise Jaden enjoys writing craft books for writers and fiction for young adults.
Her first novel for teens, LOSING FAITH, was released from Simon Pulse, fall 2010. The first draft was written in 21 days during NaNoWriMo. NEVER ENOUGH, her second novel, was released July 10, 2012. A companion group of stories--NEVER ENOUGH STORIES is available for free at Smashwords.com. WRITING WITH A HEAVY HEART: Using Grief and Loss to Stretch Your Fiction is her latest release in 2012. FAST FICTION will be out from New World Library in 2014.
Denise lives just outside Vancouver, Canada with her husband and son.
Note: Denise does not usually check her message box on GoodReads. A better way to get a hold of her is through the contact page of her website at http://www.denisejaden.com
Find Denise Online:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
Interview -
Can you tell us what you’re currently working on and when it’ll be released?
I’m working on a lot of promotional stuff for my new non-fiction book for writers. It’s called FAST FICTION and will be out February 18th (next week! Eeee!) Aside from that, I have a fairly new YA novel I’m working on about a group of teens caught in an avalanche. I don’t have a release date on that one yet.
If you could celebrate Valentine’s day with any fictional character who would it be and why and what would you do on the day?
I would spend it with either Etienne St. Clair from Stephanie Perkins’s ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS or with Willem DeRuiter from Gayle Forman’s JUST ONE YEAR. With either of them, I think I could guarantee we would go somewhere completely unexpected in Europe, and it would probably involve some sort of tasty food I’ve never tried before.
Title: Minority Of One (Farrington Tales #3)
Author: B.A. Binns
Publisher: AllTheColorsOfLove, 224 Pages (March 27th, 2014)
Add to: Goodreads
Order B.A.'s books online here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Amazon UK
Synopsis: The brick walls of Farrington High School in Chicago feel like a prison to Sheila and a sanctuary to Neill when they end up in the same class, one taught by Sheila’s mother.
Being black, teenaged, and gay leaves Neill a virtual outcast. His life is controlled by a man who acts more like a parent than a big brother. Neill has many enemies, but he is unprepared for the level of animosity Sheila exhibits when they meet.
Sheila is a former poor little rich girl, now just poor, and facing an unknown future with a mother she barely knows. She gave up hope of a loving family after her father’s suicide. She recognizes Neill as the brother her mother’s former lover and is appalled to find her mother trying to throw her and Neill together.
Invisible ties bind Neill and Sheila together, ropes that tighten when Neill's brother is arrested for the murder of Sheila's mother. These two outliers have to work together to uncover the truth and make futures of their own while they uncover the past they share.
About the Author:
B. A. Binns is the eldest of five children and grew up in Chicago, Il. She now resides in a Chicago suburb where she works with the youth group at her church and volunteers at the local library and senior center where she assist users with computer problems. She finds writing an exercise in self discipline, and the perfect follow-up to her life as an adoptive parent and a cancer survivor. She is a member of both RWA (Romance Writers of America) and SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Wrtiters and Illustraters).
After graduating Hyde Park High School, she obtained degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Michigan State University, and in Computer Science from Roosevelt University, and DePaul University. At least the research side of being an author comes naturally. Her writing skills were honed at Chicago State University and Harper College.
She writes to attract and inspire both male and female readers with stories of “real boys growing into real men…and the people who love them.” Her debut Young Adult novel, PULL, tells the story of one young man’s journey from guilt and the fear that biology forces him to repeat his father’s violence, to the realization that his future is in his own hands.
In addition to PULL, she has had numerous short stories published and is currently working on a sequel.
Find B.A. Online:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
Interview -
Can you tell us a bit about Minority of One and what you hope readers take away after reading?
Minority of One asks the question – What happens if you are the only one of your kind? This question speaks to so much teen angst that finding an answer is part of the rite of passage into adulthood. There are two main characters, former poor-little-rich-girl (now just poor) Sheila, and Neill a gay black teen. Each feels alone, unique, isolated. When Sheila arrives at her new home in Chicago’s inner city she is prepared to hate Neill on sight. She knows that her mother is having an affair with his older, married brother. Neill has grown used to spending his days surrounded by haters, but he has no idea why the new girl in school looks at him with blood in her eyes. Neill is dealing with a breakup from his boyfriend, and Sheila finds herself drawn to the school’s player (seriously, the guy takes so many dates to the school dance he can’t remember all their names.) In spite of a rough start, Neill and Sheila find themselves drawn together as each works to help the other get what they want.
Then Sheila’s mother is found dead and Neill’s brother is arrested for the murder. Then the only question is: can they work together and find the real killer of end up bitter enemies?
I wrote Minority of One to be a story about finding yourself and becoming stronger than you ever thought you could be. I want people to take away the idea that we are all a little messed up by our families of origin, but that we can find connections to people in surprising ways.
Can you describe the main characters from this title in 3-5 words?
Neill – STRONG enough to come out as gay in eighth grade, SMART enough to fulfill his family’s dreams and become a doctor and SENSATIVE enough to never want to disappoint them by revealing how much he hates the very idea of medical school. Add in that he is a LOYAL friend and LONELY after being dumped by his boyfriend, Carl.
Sheila – SHY after being spending years in boarding school, she feels totally LOST in the presence of hunky Julian Morales. She is DETERMINED to honor the memory of her father whether he deserves it or not, SHAKY about being a minority (one of only 8% of white students in her new school). Most of all, she is ANGRY at the mother who sent her to boarding school and betrayed her father.
This is not a story about how the beautiful girl (oh, I forgot BEAUTIFUL for Sheila) helps the gay boy learn he really likes girls. Both Neill and Sheila have their own parallel romances (don’t forget about Carl and Julian).
Check out all the tour info and links HERE!
PLUS don't forget to check out the awesome trailer for the Heartbreakers Blog Tour and the Authors!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to check back all week long for more awesome interviews and chances to WIN BIG!!!
This book sounds like a great read!
ReplyDeleteNot sure why but it has always been Hit me with your best shot by Pat Benatar
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for hosting us! Great questions, too (I always love any opportunity to talk about Etienne <3 )
ReplyDeleteLove Hurts is always a good one. :)
ReplyDeleteLisa, thanks for hosting me on this tour.
ReplyDeleteIt's not my favorite but the first song that comes to mind is "Heart Attack" by Demi Lovato. I don't know but I always hear that song when I think of a heartbreaker song.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite romance songs is god gave me you by Blake Shelton. Thanks for the giveaway!