05 May 2014


Review - Killer Instinct By: S.E. Green

Title: Killer Instinct
Author: S.E. Green, Shannon Greenland
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 272 Pages (May 6th, 2014)
From: the Publisher
Format: ARC
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Synopsis: “A zippy, gripping psychological drama.” ~Kirkus Reviews

She’s not evil, but she has certain... urges.

Lane is a typical teenager. Loving family. Good grades. Afterschool job at the local animal hospital. Martial arts enthusiast. But her secret obsession is studying serial killers. She understands them, knows what makes them tick.


Because she might be one herself.

Lane channels her dark impulses by hunting criminals—delivering justice when the law fails. The vigilantism stops shy of murder. But with each visceral rush the line of self-control blurs.

And then a young preschool teacher goes missing. Only to return... in parts.

When Lane excitedly gets involved in the hunt for “the Decapitator,” the vicious serial murderer that has come to her hometown, she gets dangerously caught up in a web of lies about her birth dad and her own dark past. And once the Decapitator contacts Lane directly, Lane knows she is no longer invisible or safe. Now she needs to use her unique talents to find the true killer’s identity before she—or someone she loves—becomes the next victim...

Review: 4 Stars - Killer Instinct by author S.E. Green is a whirlwind of a story that will have readers captivated by the drama of one teens mystery and fascination with serial killers.

Lane isn't like any other character you'll ever meet. She's cut herself off from emotions and doesn't express herself to really anyone. She's smart and has somewhat of a dark side. She's almost obsessed with serial killers because she thinks she could be one herself.

I wasn't expecting what I ended up reading and the story itself is gripping because with each page you read you learn something more about Lane and her past. Also, you'll find yourself asking many questions from the beginning and thankfully those answers are sprinkled throughout.

With a real serial killer on the loose and one who's getting closer and closer to Lane and her family the clues as to who the real killer is will keep you guessing. I know I was surprised to see who it was!

The inner thoughts from Lane and the side stories made her a bit more “normal” and feel like a real teen. She without a doubt has some serious issues which I have to applaud Green on her writing in making this story go by in what might as well have been a blink of an eye.

While reading I kept wishing that someone would notice how different Lane was and see that she was in need of some serious help. She's borderline psychotic and I was worried for her, which might be weird for someone people because she's just a character but still, you can't help but wish better for her. Without giving too much away I found myself wishing for that more and more the longer I read her story.

In the end I was looking for something different to read and I did in fact receive just that in this well written YA title. With a serial killer on the loose and a girl who isn't sure she just might be a killer herself, how can you NOT find something interesting about this mysterious story.

Fans of mystery, thrillers and a YA title that is an episode of Dexter without all the gore shouldn't pass this one by. I for one will be on the lookout for more from this author in the future. Enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. I have read some great reviews for this one and I am glad you liked it too. it seems like a good mystery/thriller which I never find too many of in YA.

    The fact that everyone has said it is so well written makes it very appealing!

    Thanks for sharing & great review! :) xx

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries


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