So, The Space Beyond was JUST released earlier this week and to keep the excitement rolling for this EPIC series, characters AND author let's do something different and FUN! Let's "Ask the Fans!"
Below you'll find a few questions asked and answers. Today is questions are all about this amazing authors books!
Yesterdays set of questions, was all about the author, Kristie!
>>>Click HERE to Check out the Q&A<<<
>>>Click HERE to Check out the Q&A<<<
Title: The Space Beyond (The Book of Phoenix #2)
Author: Kristie Cook
Publisher: Ang'dora Productions, LLC, (May 19th 2014)
Add to: Goodreads
Pre-order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Amazon UK
NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+
Synopsis: As members of the Phoenix, Jeric and Leni are thrust into their new lives, expected to lead Earth’s Guardians. But Leni struggles with trusting her own soul, and Jeric is more concerned about keeping Leni safe than meeting others’ demands. When Darkness swarms Lake Haven, they embark on their first mission with little preparation and no idea which soul the Dark hunts.
Born and raised in Lake Haven, Bex hopes to escape her small-town life, ideally in the arms of her soul mate. She knows he exists, and her heart aches with the need to find him. When her long-lost mama calls to announce she's knockin' on death's door, Bex reluctantly makes the trip to see the uncaring bitch (bless her heart), only to be knocked off her feet by the sexy and charming Dr. Mason Hayes. Is he really The One?
Leni’s soul felt an instant connection to Bex, but if Bex found her soul mate, she isn’t their mission. So who is, and why does Leni instinctively feel drawn to her? Can Leni even trust her intuition? And will Jeric step up and lead when the time comes orcontinue to hold them back?
If they don't learn to trust themselves and each other quickly, Darkness will claim them all…along with the rest of Earth’s souls.
About Kristie's Books:
Which of Kristie’s characters would you like as your best friend? Why?
Alexis or Leni because their kickass and loyal. --Jenny F.
Bex. I can relate to her pain. --Inga
I would like Shar as my best friend, because she kicks total ass, and I could get in better with her son ;). --Kelly V.
Alexis because she is amazing! --Lisa M.
Leni. Why? She’s AWESOME!!! Have you not read TSB1 & 2??? --Julie B.
I would like Blossom from The Soul Savers to be my best friend because she reminds me f me will do anything and everything for anyone and she seems like such a genuine person, these are rare to come across. --Kat W.
For sure Alexis! Her goodness shakes me wish for a friend like her. Not many people I have known were anywhere near Alexis and her wonderful heart --Sue V.
I would like for Alexis to be my best friend. Because she is generally badass, and she's nice, caring, giving, and would be a great friend. --Felicia
My best bud would have to be blossom as I'm a faerie and love sweet thing cakes and chocolate are my downfall ... --Stacey N.
Lexie. Why? Coz she is straight up, can kick ass and has Tristan around her all the time too ;) --Josephine M.
Asia from the Book of Phoenix series, or Owen from Soul Savers. I love Asia hair and she changes it as often as I do mine. Just think of the colours and styles we could try. Especially if she can change mine with just a thought like she does her own. --Debbie P.
Alexis. Why? She sounds like my bestie already so she would be a good fit. --Jennifer S.
Blossom. Why? She's fun and awesome and crazy loyal! --Heather B.
Stacey the Faery. Why? Because she is AMAZING and fun and sneaky!!! --Jeana T.
Probably Rissa. Why? I had a connection with her in the Thanksgiving book of Wonder --Char
If you could go to any of the locations in Kristie’s stories, where would you like to visit? Who would you bring with you?
The Space Between and hopefully I would have found my twin flame. --Jenny F.
Amadis Island. I would bring Kristie and Chrissi with me. --Inga
I would love to visit Amadis Island from her Soul Saver series because it seem so serene and safe. I would take all of her super-fans with me (they know who they are). --Lisa M.
Captiva. Who would you bring with you? Stacey Nixon (Stacey the Faerie…she’d kill me if I didn’t!) --Julie B.
I would love to go to the Amadis Island. I would take me, myself and I. --Kat W.
I think the Amadis Island and I would bring my daughters with me because they love Soul Savers as much as I do! --Sue V.
If I could go anywhere I'd like to go to Italy I've always wanted to go there and would take my fiancé with me. --Felicia
I would like to go to one of the safe houses where they convert the Daemoni, and I would bring my new best friend Lexie LOL I need to know someone is saving my human ass if the Daemoni wants me for lunch :P --Josephine M.
I don't like heat, so it would have to be the lake where Claire went in Wonder(Christmas). --Debbie P.
Captiva, I would bring my bestie --Jennifer S.
Amadis Island and I'd bring my daughter and husband so they could see why love these books so much! --Heather B.
Greece I just love the peacefulness of that country --Char
What is your favorite quote from Kristie’s books?
"We can't help who we fall in love with, even if the other person doesn't share those feelings"
Devotion --Jenny F.
I don't want to miss a single moment or a single word or a singe touch from you. I want to feel every bit of every moment, from the space beyond. --Kelly V.
That is a hard question. Here is one: "The problem with trust," I said slowly, deliberately, " is you don't know its broken until it is, when it's too late." - 'Promise' , 1st book in the Soul Saver series --Lisa M.
“If I could hear one more time for only a minute, it would be right now, to hear the music that makes your body move in that way.” Jeric ~ The Space Between. (*Sigh*) --Julie B.
"The sensation of being watched clung to me like a spider web, invisible threads bristling the back of my neck and down my spine. I brushed my fingers across my shoulders, as if I could drag the feeling off and flick it away." --Kat W.
"You should be angry right now, Leni. You should be fucking pissed off. You should be throwing things. Punching things. Flipping off the world." -Jeric from the Space Between --Felicia
“When the Angels first spoke of this plan for both of you,” Bree said as she looked back over the water, “ I had no idea two people of this world could be so perfect for each other. I didn’t fully understand what they meant. Now I finally see you two together and realize they truly did create a match in Heaven. There’s no doubt you belong together.” --Josephine M.
Can't pick just one. --Jennifer S.
"I actually wondered if we ever had a reason to have normal sex again because this was so much better." Jeric - The Space Between --Heather B.
Purpose - "We went balls to the walls fucking the hell out of each other! Got it now?!" I clapped my hand over my mouth. Oh! Did I really just say that? (Alexis) and from Devotion - Dorian to Alexis: " Okay. But don't worry, Mom. If anyone tries to take me away, I'll kick them in the knees and punch them in the balls." --Jeana T.
I am terrible on remembering quotes…. I have to get my kindle and look for hours to find one that sticks out. I know they are there and I should start writing them down when I first read them. I have a terrible memory. --Char
If you could pour chocolate on one of Kristie’s characters who would it be—and where would you put the chocolate?
It would have to be Jeric and I could not possibly say it's only 5pm. --Jenny F.
Jax. Lips. --Inga
Of course Owen...all over his chest so I could lick it off. --Kelly V.
Tristan Knight, on his abs, and do you really need to ask why? Lol --Lisa M.
Norman from Kristie’s “Wonder ~ Thanksgiving” EVERYWHERE!!!! --Julie B.
I'd pour chocolate all over Tristan - maybe pour is a loose word I'd dip him in chocolate and lick it off :p --Felicia
I want to pour chocolate all over Owen after I kick Vanessa ass . --Stacey N.
Tristan of course!! Down his body to the lower area! --Josephine M.
That's easy, on Owen and all over him. Lol --Debbie P.
Umm, that's easy, Tristan, and all over his chest so that I may lick it up. --Jennifer S.
Oh My! I think it would be Owen since I wouldn't want Alexis to kill me! And I'd put it EVERYWHERE just so I could clean it all up! --Heather B.
um.... well... Tristan or Jeric and I would put it everywhere... --Jeana T.
Lol! Probably I would say Jax and his manhood! I would love to hear him talk to me in his accent about how much he liked it! --Char
Is there a superpower that Kristie has NOT used yet that you’d like to see in one of her books?
Influencing the nature?! --Inga
I would like to see the ability to conjer different weapons. --Kelly V.
X-ray vision? I think she has already just about covered them all. --Lisa M.
Nope…She’s awesome! --Julie B.
Reality warping - Ability to change or manipulate reality itself --Kat W.
Something purely elemental would be cool - not like a witch, but where someone can manipulate fire, water,air, earth --Felicia
I really can’t think of one, I’m still seeing Tristan-→Chocolate--→Body!! --Josephine M.
Invisibility. --Debbie P.
Controlling fire. --Jennifer S.
X-ray vision, don't think that's been used yet. --Heather B.
I don't believe this is in there, but what about being able to use the persons imagination or fears against them. Or being able to manipulate an individuals size... (the person with that power can make themselves either really tiny to sneak in somewhere; or become a giant) --Jeana T.
Has she used the gift of premonitions yet??? --Char
How do you define Soul Mates?
Two people who feel affinity, who need and desire being together, who feel and act from the basis of the love. --Inga
Soul Mates, two souls meant to find each other, and when found complete the other fully. --Kelly V.
Well, after reading Kristie's 'The Space Between' and 'The Space Beyond', I would say that soul mates were born to be together. If they never meet, they are never fully happy and content in their lives. They always feel something is missing. --Lisa M.
I honestly believe Kristie explained it perfectly in The Book of Phoenix Series. If you haven’t read it…YOU MUST! --Julie B.
A person whom you have a connection with. A connection that is so strong you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. The connection develops the more time you spend with them. You experience a love so strong yet deep and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone before. You connect with him/her in every way. They bring a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them. I am delighted that I have married my soul mate. --Kat W.
Soul Mates - the person that is perfectly imperfect and you love then regardless. You would so anything for them to make them happy be whatever they need you to be, but that person would also do this for you just because they wanted to just like you would for them. --Felicia
This is two people made for one another there life's are whole when there together and make sence if they don't find one each other they feel like something's missing
There life need purpose two make one that's perfection --Stacey N.
Two people that connect and understand each other in every way and every level, who share this from the moment they meet. A connection that draws you to that person like no one you have ever met before, a love so strong that you never thought possible. --Josephine M.
Two people whose life without the other is boring, miserable and not worth living. When they're together it's like they are the only two people in the whole world, their hearts beat to the same rhythm. --Debbie P.
Two people who utterly love each other and would do anything for one another. --Jennifer S.
Soul mates to me are two people who complete each other. They know when to support each other and love no matter what craziness life gives them. They trust in each other unconditionally and can depend on the other to be there no matter what. --Heather B.
I don't think you can define soul mates... being/finding a soul mate is something you feel... --Jeana T.
That is a big one, especially since I just finished The Space Beyond. I was in tears through the last 30% of the book. I really felt I had met my soul mate even though he was also my abuser. Too confusing for me to answer right now. --Char

About the Author:
Kristie Cook is a lifelong writer in various genres, from marketing communications to fantasy fiction. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, traveling and riding on the back of a motorcycle. She has lived in ten states, but currently calls Southwest Florida home with her husband, three teenage sons, a beagle and a puggle. She can be found at
Find Kristie Online:
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Love these answers! My readers amaze me! Thank you for sharing, Lisa!