22 October 2013

Title: Without You (Stripped #1.5)
Author: Brooklyn Skye
Publisher: 85 Pages (October 22nd, 2013)
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NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+

Synopsis: *A novella to the best-selling New Adult novel STRIPPED*

She was broken when I met her, shattered from the death of her sister and running from love. Not to sound like an egotistical douche or anything, but I fixed her. Put her back together, filled in the cracks, and made her whole. A true fairytale in her eyes.

But now real life is getting in the way: school, jobs, and the unexpected opportunity to travel the world under a legendary photographer. This internship will open doors not even my father’s influence could. It’s something I’ve been waiting all my life for. But so is Quinn, and accepting this internship will mean leaving her.

And breaking her all over again.
Special Announcement: A Limited Edition of WITHOUT YOU will be available for release week only which includes a bonus interview between Torrin and the author!

Special Deal: Both STRIPPED and WITHOUT YOU will be on sale for $0.99. If you purchase both and forward the receipt to the author at brooklynskye1@gmail.com, she will send you a handwritten letter! 


        We ride in silence the rest of the way and once back to the small rental house Joel and I call “home,” Joel points to a small package on the porch. “Dish duty tonight says that’s for you.” He winks at me and steps right over the box as he enters the house, not even looking at the name on the package.
        It’s for me. From Quinn. I sit on the porch steps, package on my lap, remembering our conversation from last night:
        Her: “Anything exciting today? New?”
        Me: “Joel took me scuba diving to test out my new underwater camera. The water here is so clear. Nothing like our ocean.”
        Her: “Oh… Nothing else?”
        On the steps, a smile grows on my face. So this’s what that was about.
        I rip into the package, careful to preserve the box for the next time I ship her something. My first week here, I sent her a bunch of touristy stuff I’d picked up in the airport before meeting Joel: keychain, T-shirt, a little stuffed snake. Last week I sent her a pressed flower from our first jungle shoot. This is the first she’s sent me anything.
        A folded piece of paper rests on top. For a second, I debate setting it aside to dig through the crumpled white tissue paper. But it’s Quinn’s voice I want to hear, and if I can’t have that then her words are second best. I unfold the paper. On it, cut out and pasted from what looks like a magazine, is a checklist. Signs You are in Love. And in her messy handwriting, the words: Don’t even ask why I was reading this in the first place, but you should know I answered YES to every single one.


In the white space at the bottom, Quinn’s words again.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, falling in love with you was beyond my control… 
I miss you. 
-Q (See what missing you does to me? I’ve become a sap!) 

        I set aside the note and dig through the paper balls, my hand landing on a square metal tin. Like the kind Christmas cookies come in. Taped to the top is a note that reads: My new recipe and inside is a dozen or so impeccably round brown and white swirled cookies. She mentioned she’s been visiting her parents more over the past few weeks, cooking with her mom and maybe even discovering her passion.
        I lift a cookie to my mouth and close my eyes, imagining Quinn sitting beside me savoring the perfectly-baked chocolate and macadamia nut cookies with me. God, I miss her too.
        Later that night, she calls. “So…anything new today?”
        I insert my SD card into Joel’s computer, ready to go over the day’s shots. “Nothing too exciting. Went to the jungle, saw some monkeys, ate some cookies.”
        Is it possible to hear someone smile through the phone?
In the breath of silence my lips draw up, too. And in the next breath she’s got her comeback. “Cookies must’ve been damn good for Mr. I-Don’t-Eat-Sweets to mention them.”
        “I don’t know. If any cookie could make me an addict it’d be those.”

About the Author: 

Brooklyn Skye grew up in a small town where she quickly realized writing was an escape from small town life. Really, she’s just your average awkward girl who’s obsessed with words. You can follow her on Twitter as @brooklyn__skye or visit her web site for updates, teasers, giveaways, and more. www.brooklyn-skye.com

Find Brooklyn Online:

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Signed picture of cover, signed paperback copy of STRIPPED, and a $50 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble (winner's choice) (US only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. This book sounds so interesting. I am so excited to read it! Thank you for the contest!

  2. I've been binging on this genre lately, and this sounds so good. Plus, I love those books on the cover. ;)


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