24 September 2012

Hello and welcome to the first day of the Blog Tour for Jennifer DeLucy's Circle of Light! I've LOVED this trilogy from the first book and was excited to be able to be there with Jennifer right through the release of all three titles. It's been amazing getting to know her and her characters and I can't wait to see what she does next!

Hey Jenn! Congrats on the latest release – Circle of Light. It was really emotional for me as a reader, so thanks for all those ups and downs I had from beginning to end. So, my first question is - Would you say that Circle of Light was harder or easier to write than the first two books in the Trilogy?

I know this will sound ridiculous, but it was both. Really and truly. Here’s what happened.  I started writing Circle of Light as soon as Whisper was finished.  I wrote about half of the novel and then my life kind of exploded into a million different things and it resulted in a terrible, hair-pulling version of writer’s block. In fact, you might call it writer’s BLAH, because that’s how I felt. And I wasn’t about to force the second half of a book that meant so much to me, so I said, essentially, okay Universe…I’ll set it aside till the right time and then it’ll be okay. Then I broke away to start focusing on music (which I was feeling compelled to do at the time), and once I’d attained my goals in that area, I decided it was time to get back to Circle. Apparently, so did the muses, because I wrote the entirety of the second half of Circle of Light in two weeks. Some kind of mental or emotional barricade just whooshed open and there it came. Block gone. So when I say it was both very hard and very easy, you see what I mean. I consider it a nice miracle. These things always happen in the right time.

How do you think each of the main characters in all three books have changed from the beginning of their story on through to the end?

Oh, gosh, a lot! (SPOILER ALERT…LOOK AWAY, NEWBIES) For one, Lily had to learn to rein in her emotions and snap-judgments. She had to find balance in her passions so she could be strong enough to do what was hers to do. Nicole continued her progression toward self-realization and courage and you see how important that is. Christian—huge changes there. Probably the most blatant in the area of maturing. And William…well, his shift was more subtle because he really didn’t have as much growth to do as the others, but in his way, he grew too. Especially where understanding his own right to happiness is concerned.

Can you have Lily describe William in 3 words, William describe Lily in 3 words, Christian describe Nicole in 3 words and Nicole describe Christian in 3 words?

Hm. I need to tap them for a moment. Better bring them all into it.

Jen: William, we’re looking for three words about Lily:
William Maddox: Bold. Beautiful. Bully.
Lily Hunt: Hey! What the heck? You make me sound like a really mean soap opera.
Jen: Lily, only three words about William, please.
Lily Hunt: Fine. Handsome…
William Maddox: Thank you.
Lily Hunt: Selfless…
William Maddox: That’s very kind.
Lily Hunt: Is ‘pain-in-the-ass’ one word or two?
Jen: *clears throat*
Lily Hunt: I’m saying it’s one.
Jen: Okay, then. Moving on. Christian? Tell us about Nicole, will you?
Christian Wright: Endlessly. Let’s see… Gifted. Compassionate. Patient. I could go on…
Jen: Aaw. That’s very sweet, Christian. Nicole? When you’re finished blushing, it’s your turn to describe Christian.
Nicole Abbot: Okay. Charming. Hot-headed. Warm.
Christian Wright: What? Not handsome?
Nicole Abbot: I think you say it enough for the rest of us.
William Maddox: Ouch.
Christian Wright: Shut it, Maddox.

And there you have it. Three words. Now,guys, please leave. You’re stealing my thunder.

Can you tell us a couple things about each of the main characters that we might not know?

Hm. Well, William’s got one hell of a singing voice. And he’s really into reading historical fiction. Christian doesn’t like candy much, as a rule, but he’s got this thing for Twizzlers. He loves them. Nicole is dying to visit India. She wants to be brave and buy Samosas from a street vendor. And Lily hates all fish with the exception of scallops. She also loves Twizzlers, which makes for violent times when Christian is around. How have these characters and writing their stories changed you as a person and as an author? In so many ways. More than I probably even realize. For one, it’s made me see parts of myself that need balancing, growing, defeating, retreating, strengthening, etc. And for another, it’s made me see what I wanted…or more, what I never knew I could want.

Now that the Seer’s Trilogy has come to an end, what will you miss most about these characters? And what will you miss most about working on this trilogy?

Oh, man. Well, I’ll miss laughing and crying with them. I truly love them. And I will be so sad not to laugh at/with them. As far as the trilogy goes, I’ll miss their world, in general, because it’s one that just appeals to me on the most fundamental, inspiring level.

And lastly, can you tell us anything about what you’re working on next?

I’ve started a handful of things, actually, but nothing has jumped out and screamed “I’m the one!” yet. I can’t say thank you enough for inviting me to be part of celebrating such an amazing story and characters. It’s been fantastic getting

My pleasure. Love you for reading the series and taking it to heart!

Title: Circle of Light (Light, #3)
Author: Jennifer DeLucy
Publisher: Omnific Publishing (October 9th, 2012)
Add to: Goodreads

Synopsis: Empath and Pathcrosser to the dead, Lillian Hunt has finally come into her own as a Sentient being. All seems well in her brave new world...that is, until a tragic turn sends her tight knit Sentient group on a rescue mission through lore-infested Europe. Their goal is to save the love of Lily's life—vampire Sentient, William Maddox — from both the prejudice of their own society and the dark intentions of ancient vampires. But how will they keep hope alive, even as time runs out?

About the author: 

Jennifer DeLucy is an author of paranormal fiction, most notably The Light Series Trilogy, a freelance editor and a musician who believes in combining talents to create unique and inspiring work. Born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Jennifer moved to the Midwest in her early twenties, honing her passions and publishing her first two novels before moving to Seattle, Washington in 2012. She continues to pursue new and exciting avenues in both the writing and music fields.

Find Jennifer Online:

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Order the Light Series Online:

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository

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Circle of Light!!!

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This giveaway is open: INTERNATIONAL!!
Giveaway ends: October 11th, 2012

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Thank you go Jennifer & Omnific for providing this copy for giveaway.

If you have any questions please check my policy page or email.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the Circle of Light Blog Tour! For more dates, info and stops, please check out Jennifer's blog >>>HERE<<<

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  1. Thanks for a fun post and congrats on the new release!

  2. I loved it. I can't wait to read this book. Sounds very good.

  3. I think that it was awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Super cute, Thx for a great giveaway.

  5. Great guest post! because of it I have added Jennifer Delucy's trilogy to my tbr list!! :D


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