14 August 2012


Review: Easy By: Tammara Webber

Title: Easy
Author: Tammara Webber
Publisher: Self-Published, 316 Pages (May 25th, 2012)
From: Purchased from Amazon
Format: eBook & Paperback
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Synopsis: When Jacqueline follows her longtime boyfriend to the college of his choice, the last thing she expects is a breakup. After two weeks in shock, she wakes up to her new reality: she’s single, attending a state university instead of a music conservatory, ignored by her former circle of friends, stalked by her ex’s frat brother, and failing a class for the first time in her life.

Her econ professor gives her an email address for Landon, the class tutor, who shows her that she’s still the same intelligent girl she’s always been. As Jacqueline becomes interested in more from her tutor than a better grade, his teasing responses make the feeling seem mutual. There’s just one problem—their only interactions are through email.

Meanwhile, a guy in her econ class proves his worth the first night she meets him. Nothing like her popular ex or her brainy tutor, Lucas sits on the back row, sketching in a notebook and staring at her. At a downtown club, he disappears after several dances that leave her on fire. When he asks if he can sketch her, alone in her room, she agrees—hoping for more.

Then Jacqueline discovers a withheld connection between her supportive tutor and her seductive classmate, her ex comes back into the picture, and her stalker escalates his attention by spreading rumors that they’ve hooked up. Suddenly appearances are everything, and knowing who to trust is anything but easy.

Author Recommendation: This is part of the ever growing "New Adult" genre. Mature Young Adults (language, drinking, sexual situations)

Review: 5 Stars - Easy by Tammara Webber is without a doubt a book that shouldn’t be passed by. I purchased the Kindle version as soon as it was available, read it in two sittings because I didn’t want the book to end and then quickly purchased a paperback copy because, well, it was just THAT wonderful. Seriously, there’s just no way that I could keep this book off of my shelves; they would have felt lacking with its epicness. If I could give Easy more than 5 stars I would. I know you’re wondering why, so keep reading and I’ll try to express how much I love this story.

This is a wonderfully written story of two collage students – Jacqueline & Lucas – who meet under difficult circumstances to say the least. Lucas is quiet, dark and mysterious. At first he came across as careful and as his part of the story unfolds you get a much clearer look into his life and his past. And Jacqueline, she’s a musician and questions choices she’s made and how she ended up at the school that she did. With both of their issues, which I applaud Webber in her writing because it furthered to make each of the main characters realistic and down to earth.

Jacqueline and Lucas found a special place in my heart within the first few pages of reading. It’s hard not to love these two and want the best for both. There are ups and downs, compassion and love to give you just a few of the many emotions you feel throughout both characters and the story. For me this was one of those books where the characters have puzzle pieces missing from their lives. They are looking for healing, to become more whole, to find answers to many lingering questions of their pasts and in just growing up into the person you are meant to be. All while they grow and change we’re able to see those puzzle pieces begin to fall into place. 

These characters have depth and so many layers that Webber does a phenomenal job peeling them back to get to the root of the issues at hand. The issues both face are empowering even for someone who hasn’t faced the issues these two have been fighting through.

There is no doubt in my mind that Webber is an author to keep an eye out for from here on out. In my eyes there’s not a question in my mind that her calling is to tell stories and share them with the masses. I can guarantee that my feelings aren’t alone and that she has more and more people rooting for her and her characters old, new and yet to introduce to the world. I for one am thankful beyond words to have read Jacqueline and Lucas’s story and I hope that others finding this review, or have found Easy via other means will fall in love with them just as much as I have. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s listening. Note: This title is classes in the “New Adult” genre. It’s intended for a slightly older YA audience.

FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book, and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading this book and or writing this HONEST review.

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  1. I just read this the other day because I couldn't hold out on it any longer. Everyone keeps telling me about this book how awesome it is and had to see myself. Lucas was basically the perfect bad boy good boy hero ever. Tammara is a genius and I know I'll read any of her books from now on :-)

  2. This book is SO tempting, I really want to read it ♥


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2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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