02 April 2012


Review: The Alchemy of Forever By: Avery Williams

Title: The Alchemy of Forever (Incarnation, #1)
Author: Avery Williams
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 256 Pages (January 3rd, 2012)
From: the Publisher & Amazon Vine
Format: ARC

Synopsis: Seraphina has been alive since the 1300's, made immortal when the boy she was beginning to love back then, Cyrus, saved her from death with a strange liquid - a method of alchemy that lets them swap bodies with any human being. But now, in modern day America, Sera has decided that she can no longer bear the weight of stealing people's lives so she can keep living on. So she decides to run away from Cyrus and end her stolen existence once and for all. Her plan goes awry when she accidentally takes the body of a dying teenager and feels forced to take over her life. When the lines between Sera and Kailey's identity begin to blur, Sera finds a reason to desire to live once more. But she can't shake the guilt of having taken Kailey's life, even if she was dying. And what if Cyrus finds her?

Review: 4 Stars - The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams was nothing what I expected, yet everything I enjoy in a fascinating story with engaging characters.

Seraphina has lived an extremely long life. She was born and became immortal in the 1300’s. Cyrus, a boy she had a crush on saved her the night she died using a liquid that him and his father had made using Alchemy. In present day it’s not just the two – Sera and Cyrus – anymore. They have a small group of people who Cyrus has also saved. They stick close together, live together and celebrate their “reincarnation” together. 

It’s a somewhat sad process, the way they reincarnate, having to jump from body to body to stay alive, I felt bad for Sera and reading her thoughts on the process made her feel more human and relatable as a person. She’s made up her mind over her life, she has a plan and goes out of her way to get away from Cyrus and make it happen. Sadly things don’t go as planned and she ends up in a place she never expected. 

Living in someone else’s shoes is one thing, but to live as someone else is a totally different story, yet that’s exactly what Sera is forced to do. I had no idea how she was going to make it, to live as someone else but she somehow manages and I have to say that it’s all down to the imagination and writing from Williams. Lots of pieces in this story, yet they all fell together nicely, yet sadly not lawlessly from our main protagonist Sera.

I can’t not talk about Cyrus… he’s evil through and through. He’s creepy and is on a massive power trip. I guess that’s what happens when you can control who’s immortal and not. He holds the key to living forever and believes that gives him the right to force a continuation of a long live on Sera too. He just doesn’t want to let her down and will do anything to keep her with him. Being that she’s hiding in a stranger’s body, life and family, you’d think that would make it harder for him to find her, yet he does. He just doesn’t know exactly who she is. He’s the ultimate scary if you ask me… knowing he can be anyone at anytime just gives me the willies. Talk about what nightmares are made of! Poor Sera!

As for the ending! WOW!!! I had a feeling that might be coming, but I kept hoping for the best. It’s an ending that has stuck with me and I’m eagerly waiting what Williams will have for us next. I highly recommend this title to anyone who’s looking for something different when it comes to young adult titles. So, don’t pass this one by and enjoy!

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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  1. I really liked this book! Cyrus was definitely very creepy and sinister. The ending totally caught me off guard and now I'm dying to read the next book. Awesome review :)

  2. Hmm...an ending that sticks with you? Now I'm curious...lol.

  3. Sounds really good! I'm a sucker for a great ending!


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