25 January 2011


Review: Seers of Light (Light, #1) By: Jennifer DeLucy

Title: Seers of Light (Light, #1)
Author: Jennifer DeLucy
Publisher: Omnific Publishing, 396 pages (February 16th 2010)
From: Purchased from the Publisher.

Synopsis: Lillian Hunt has never truly lived. Always sensing more to the world than is easily perceived, she fears that her instincts are stubborn flights of fancy, or worse, mental instability. But some things—disappearing strangers, tangible dreams, and visits from malevolent creatures—cannot be ignored. Before it's too late, Lillian is ripped from the only existence she’s ever known and thrust into a reality that she always suspected, but could scarcely believe. She must learn the truth about who she is, the powerful beings that wish to destroy her, and the two men who would die to protect her.

Review: 4.5 Stars - Simply put, Seers of Light By Jennifer DeLucy is beautiful. The writing flows off the page, the characters are more than memorable and the story utterly unique – easily making this a must read book for any lover of Paranormal books as a whole.

When Lillian Hunt has some strange things happening around her, she doesn’t know just what to do or who to tell. For fear her family and friends would think she’s unstable she tends to keep all the unexplained things to herself. She’s extremely independent and feisty. With a strong spirit and good head on her shoulders she wants nothing more than to be happy and live a peaceful life. To bad that’s not in the stars for Lily.

Before she knows it’s, she’s living a life she never dreamed of. With people who are strangers, yet seem to know her better than she knows herself… and with the all the unexplained things that happened to her in the past, she now finds more answers then she cold have ever dreamed of.

With a cast of characters who DeLucy has written to all complement each other – and two strong male leads – William, the strong silent type who feels to be more then just an outcast of the group; and Christian who’s the fierce protector – both fighting for Lily’s attention…. Let’s just say it’ll have readers busy fighting over Team William or Team Christian.

The relationships built throughout this first in a trilogy were well placed and paced. The relationship between Lily and her chosen guy – William or Christian – worked well with the flow of the story. You could see just when the spark caught and were able to watch it grow to a strong roaring fire and I loved how it all happened in its own time. There was no rushing, as many books seem to do.

The last few chapters of the book were very emotional, especially that last page or two – not just in reading it, but DeLucy did a wonderful job creating a story where, for me as a reader, I was able to feel the characters feelings and what they were going through as well.

All in all, DeLucy has a knack for writing. Seers of Light is hands down one of the best books I’ve recently read. With so much to offer any reader who enjoys a paranormal story, with yes a touch of romance in it for a slightly older crowd should not pass this title over. DeLucy is an author everyone should keep their eyes on. Happy Reading!

Seers of Light Trailer:

FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading this book and or writing this HONEST review.

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  1. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED this book. I just wanted to say that. Beautiful review and thanks for sharing. :)

  2. I haven't seen this one anywhere else yet, but it sounds like a great paranormal read. I'm kind of over love triangles, but if it's done well I enjoy it. I'll have to look more into this one - the cover is gorgeous, the story sounds interesting, and I tend to enjoy a lot of the same books as you.

  3. Excellent review! I just finished up the 2nd, Whisper Of Light, yesterday. I am desperately in love with the Seers cast of characters. Jen's story is indeed beautifully written and a page-turner. I'm anxiously waiting the next installment!

  4. I'm a great fan of the Seers of Light series too. The books are so memorable that I gave them an M-Award.



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