24 January 2011


Review: Born at Midnight (Shadowfalls, #1) By: C.C. Hunter

Title: Born at Midnight (Shadowfalls, #1)
Author: C.C. Hunter
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, 416 pages (March 29th 2011)
From: the Publisher, Thank You!

Synopsis: Don’t miss this spectacular new series that will steal your heart and haunt your dreams, Welcome to Shadow Falls camp, nestled deep in the woods of a town called Fallen…

One night Kylie Galen finds herself at the wrong party, with the wrong people, and it changes her life forever. Her mother ships her off to Shadow Falls—a camp for troubled teens, and within hours of arriving, it becomes painfully clear that her fellow campers aren’t just “troubled.” Here at Shadow Falls, vampires, werewolves, shapshifters, witches and fairies train side by side—learning to harness their powers, control their magic and live in the normal world.

Kylie’s never felt normal, but surely she doesn’t belong here with a bunch of paranormal freaks either. Or does she? They insist Kylie is one of them, and that she was brought here for a reason. As if life wasn’t complicated enough, enter Derek and Lucas. Derek’s a half-fae who’s determined to be her boyfriend, and Lucas is a smokin’ hot werewolf with whom Kylie shares a secret past. Both Derek and Lucas couldn’t be more different, but they both have a powerful hold on her heart.

Even though Kylie feels deeply uncertain about everything, one thing is becoming painfully clear—Shadow Falls is exactly where she belongs…

Review: 4.5 Stars -Born at Midnight is the first book in the exciting new Shadow Falls series from author C.C. Hunter. Featuring a strong unique voice from a feisty female lead, myriad of supporting Supernatural characters, a fiery romance with two intriguing guys - mixed all together with a bit of mystery – making Born at Midnight a sure fire hit!

When our main character Kylie gets in trouble for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she is sent to Shadow Falls, a summer camp for troubled teens. Soon after arriving she finds out the camp isn’t what was first thought. It just so happens that the campers aren’t human, they are Paranormals. Coming face to the face with what should be the impossible; Kylie quickly learns that she just might fit in more then she originally thought. Throwing her into an emotional whirlwind leading to a path to self discovery, Kylie has to figure out, not only who she is, but what she is.

Kylie has a good head on her shoulders, and an inner voice she listens to. I found out a lot about her inner struggles and difficulty with choices, making her an absorbing character.

Much of those choices had to do with the guys in her life. With an ex who’s pretty much a jerk and out of the picture, and the two guys from camp – Lucas a werewolf and the other, Derek a Fae – Kylie has more on her plate then she ever dreamed. Each of these characters was different from one another and I could see either – or both – holding a continuing strong presence in future books within the series. I have to say, let Team Lucas or Team Derek commence!

Her roommates might be a witch and a vampire, but they were typical girls living in close proximity to each other with all the drama that follows. Just add in the fact that they are otherworldly teens and presto, instant love hate relationship. Highlights were this unlikely trio coming together to tackle some bigger issues showing that in the end, they could and would be there for each other when things got messy.

All in all Born at Midnight has a bit of everything. Fans of YA Paranormal will find this a welcome addition to the genre. With her fresh writing and entertaining characters as the building blocks, Hunter has created a solid foundation within her world of Shadow Falls.

Summer camp will never be the same……

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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  1. Hmm, sounds like this one could be interesting. I hope I might be able to get my hands on a coy of it myself, at some point!

  2. Awesome review. I have a feeling when I read Born at Midnight I'm gonna enjoy it.

  3. Great Review. I won this book on goodreads and I loved it!!

  4. This book is on my TBR pile since, I think, 2 weeks I can't wait to read it!
    Thanks a lot for the review! :)

  5. Love the review. I can't wait to read this book! It is definitly being added to my TBR list.


  6. Great review! I'm looking forward to reading this one. And I must say that I am more than guilty of picking teams and wholeheartedly supporting them, so I can't wait to see if Derek or Lucas steal my heart.

    P.S. Team Peeta all the way (Just because I feel I must always express my love for the boy with the bread).

  7. This sounds really good! I hadn't heard too much about it so thanks for the review :)

  8. I loved this book too! So are you Team Derek or Lucas (at this point)?

  9. I enjoyed this one too. I hadn't heard of it until I received the book and really enjoyed it when I read it. Great review!

  10. I like the wolf the best lol. I have some extra bookmarks for this book, I am giving away on my blog if you are interested.

  11. this book sounds really interesting and the cover is amazing. thanks for bringing this to our attention. we also liked your blog design and decided to award you the Stylish Blogger Award. You can check out the link here http://quirky-fate-press.blogspot.com/2011/01/stylish-blogger-award.html


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