04 March 2014


Blog Tour Review - Ungifted By: Kelly Oram + A GIVEAWAY!!!

Title: Ungifted (Supernaturals, #2)
Author: Kelly Oram
From: the Author
Format: eARC
Genre: YA paranormal/fantasy
Publisher: Bluefields, 398 Pages (March 2014)
Add to: Goodreads
Order a copy: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Amazon UK

Synopsis: Even though her father is running for President of the United States, Grace St. Claire is as normal a girl as they come. She’s clumsy, shy, and an outcast among her peers. She even manages to nearly die in a freak accident in front of the entire school. But when Grace survives a vampire attack she quickly learns that she is anything but ordinary.

There’s something about human Grace that has all the supernaturals around her going crazy. Her best friend’s brother suddenly wants to date her. Her worst enemy has sworn to protect her even against her wishes. Someone with very powerful magic wants her dead, and the vampire that attacked her has developed an obsession with making her his eternal mate.

In order to survive—and not as Count Dracula’s undead bride—Grace dives head first into the terrifying world of the supernatural. She teams up with a charming but mysterious warlock who strolled into town causing trouble and spouting stories of a Prophesy and Chosen One that looks exactly like Grace. Together they must figure out why Grace is different, who wants her dead, how she’s connected to the Chosen One, and who they can really trust. 

Review: 4 Stars - Ungifted is the second title in author Kelly Oram’s Supernatural series. In this novel some of the characters from the first book are intertwined with brand new characters in this exciting and mysterious world that Oram has created.

One thing that I liked with this one was that while it felt like a brand new story it actually runs somewhat parallel to the first book, Chameleon. There are brand new characters and some old friends who are again key elements to the ongoing story.

In this installment we meet Grace St. Claire. She’s pretty average, extremely shy and very accident prone. If not for her father running for President of the United States she’d be pretty invisible. Or maybe not? As for her dad… for someone who’s running for President he sure was a jerk. Trust me; jerks not a strong enough word but the guy needed to be taken down a few notches. The two have a horrible relationship and it’s all due to her father’s lack of interest in anything that has to do with her or her wellbeing. The only thing he shows any interest in is if she’s behaving correctly and up to his standards so there’s nothing that can or will damage his career.

Grace wants to stay out of the spotlight. She wants to graduate high school and move on with her life. The last thing she wants is more attention drawn to her when she’s already living in a fishbowl. What she wants is the furthest thing she gets as events start to happen around her and to her that she’s never in her wildest dreams thought could be true.

Grace might be shy and clumsy but she’s a pretty great character. She handles things so much better than I thought she would and I think that shows just how strong she is and will continue to be.

Now the guys of the story… oh yes, the guys. We have Ethan who too being an ass to a whole new level. For whatever his reasons he treated Grace pretty poor yet he is always there to save her from another accident. I couldn’t figure this guy out! Yet when things start to take a turn for the worst he’s a great person to have on your side. Now if he’d just get over his issues of being prejudice against humans….

There’s her best friend and all over her brothers too. Those guys were creepy and then they became endearing and then I wanted to scream! Then there was a moment I was just about in tears! I bet you’re wondering what all this is about… well, since I always try my hardest to write a review without spoilers… you’ll just have to read the book. Which you should anyway because they are GOOD!

As always with Oram’s books… they are extremely well written, the story is always entertaining and unique and the characters draw out enough emotions that they’ll leave their mark on you, which really is some of the most important parts in making a book a great one.

In the end I love Oram’s work. I have read many of her previous titles and I can’t wait to continue to read more from her in the future. She has without a doubt become an author that I look forward to her next book and once I finished this title I was looking for what was next. I’m sure others will feel the same so I do highly recommend this title and all of Oram’s other works. Fans of YA will without a doubt love her titles just as I have. So, go pick up a Kelly Oram book today! Happy Reading.



Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen–a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which family and friends still tease her. She's obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and loves to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and four children.
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1 comment:

  1. This book sounds very interesting. I love me some vampires and supernatural stuff :) So I am excited to read it


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