21 March 2011


Updates: One, Two, Three........

Surgery News:

Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I wanted to do a quick post to let everyone know that my surgery went well. There was one slight problem that happened and I wont get into, but yeah... it happened and it sucked. Thankfully I'm well on the road to recovery! YAY! It's been three weeks since my surgery and while I feel pretty much right back to my old self, I'm still a bit sore here and there. That'll take a little bit of time yet, but the worst is far behind me.

I have some HUGE thank yous to send out to so many of you. From everyone who sent well wishes, guest posts, cards and care packages, each of you are not only the best but if you ever need help with something that I can do from afar, please just ask. It was through all of you - friends, bloggers - some I know and some strangers that helped me so much through this stressful time, I don't think I could have gotten through it all without you. So Thank You again for making my recovery much easier on me.

Kindle Giveaway News:

Since I've been away... this HUGE giveaway has ended. I have been in touch with two of the other girls who let me know that they were working on adding up entries - which there were A TON!! I'm sorry that this has taken longer to pick the winner and announce, however with me and with the blogger who's ordering the Kindle - life has gotten in the way. I believe we will be choosing the winner soon, so keep an eye out for the announcement post. Again, I'm so sorry for the delay. I hope everyone understands. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email.

Other Giveaways:

Some of my other giveaways here have ended. Actually, I think they have all ended now. Sometime this week, I'll use Random.org to help me choose the winners, and a post will follow soon after. Again, I hope you all understand. :)

It'll take me a few weeks or so to get caught up, but I'm back... or partially back and will be working a little bit here and there to catch up.

I can't say Thank You enough for everything... you are all the best! Keep an eye out for more from me soon - I have some great stuff planned :)

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  1. Yay! Glad to have you back, hon! :)

  2. YAY glad to see you semi back we have missed you. Don't you worry take your time we all understand :)

  3. Just get well. Other things can wait.

  4. Really glad your getting better, I missed all of the posts from you!!! Cant wait to visit the blog again daily :)

    Iona xxx

  5. Welcome back! Glad to hear you are doing well.

  6. Glad you are well and on the mend! :)

  7. I hope you get well really soon! :)


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5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
4 Stars - I Really liked/Loved it.
3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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