28 March 2011



eBook copy of - Inevitable (Inevitable Trilogy, #1)
By: Jason Letts

Cherry Mischievous

Bethany C.


Siren's Surrender By: Devyn Quinn:


Good Reads, Good Cause - Signed copies of The Iron King By: Julie Kagawa & Willow By: Julia Hoban


Darkness Dawns (Immortal Guardians #1) By: Dianne Duvall

Sally @ elifylop
A HUGE congrats to each of you. Thanks to everyone who's entered each of the giveaways. The winners have been emailed and have 48 hours to respond. If you haven't received an email from me, please check your spam folders OR feel free to email and claim your prize! If I don't hear from any of the winners, I'll pick others to replace them. If you have any questions, please feel free to email.

I have to say I'm so sorry that this took me this long to pick, announce and contact the winners. Things are still a little slow around here as I play catch up. I hope each of you understand. :) It'll take me a few weeks to get things back to running as much like clockwork as they ever have, but I'm working on it.

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In accordance with FTC Guidelines, I have not received any monetary gain for any information posted within the pages of this website/blog. Any and all information has been provided by the publisher, author and or publicist for free. Content is also based on purchases made by myself or of my guest reviewer(s). Any and all opinions expressed within the pages of this website/blog are solely my own or those of the authors of any and all guest reviewers(s) or guest bloggers.

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Hi, I’m Lisa and I'm a proud bibliophile.

I enjoy reading and reviewing a variety of different books within the Young Adult, "New Adult" & Adult genres/categories. If you have any questions or if you are an author or publisher and would be interested in promoting a book, please feel free email. You can find my email under the "mail" button or under the contact link at the top of the page.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Guest Reviewer Jenny

Guest Reviewer Jenny
Click for info & links to her reviews!

My Ratings

When I review I rate from 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the highest rating. I review based on many different things from the writing, to the story - to the characters and how I can relate to them or how they are developed. I also review based on if an author has worked their magic and was able to draw me into a story so deeply that I don't want to put the book down. If you would like me to review a book, please contact me or view my Contact Information and Review Policy for further details.

5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
4 Stars - I Really liked/Loved it.
3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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