My editor suggested we make the cover for Deadly “different.” In my secret heart, I wanted a typically beautiful cover, but then I thought about it, and she was right – the book itself is “different,” so why not make the cover reflect that?
A cover is one of the most important things about a book – it’s what makes a reader’s hand reach out or click on an icon. The process to a final cover in a publishing house is a long one. The designer comes up with a draft (and in this case, it was Sonia Chaghatzbanin, the art director at S&S), then it has to go through the editor and her team. If the author is lucky (and I was), she gets included in the loop. I did suggest some changes, which were adopted. When we have a final draft, it goes to the publisher and the sales team. Lots of people in the house look at it before it is finally approved.
By the end of the process, I felt that the cover for Deadly sure was different, and I loved it. The position of the girl feels very strong to me, and the germs crawling up her dress are cool and frightening at the same time. It has character. So, no, it’s not typically beautiful, but it’s compelling, I think, which is what draws me to covers on other books.
I’d have to say my favorite cover of last year was for Andrew Smith’s The Marbury Lens. That just took my breath away. It’s intriguing – what are the glasses, is it a boy or girl wearing them (the model is quite androgenous)? It definitely made me want to pick the book up. Just as I hope the unusual cover of Deadly will attract readers.
Here is a quote from Colleen Mondor, Bookslut columnist and reviewer for Booklist and Eclectica Magazine: 1/19/11, Chasing Ray blog: “DEADLY by Julie Chibbaro is due out next month and includes a turn-of-the-century NYC setting, the spread of typhoid fever and a teenage girl who is determined to prove if "Typhoid Mary" is really the center of the epidemic or an innocent bystander. I am very excited about this one for a dozen different reasons anyway but man, that cover really sells it, doesn't it? Rich yellow background (who expected that?) and silhouette and don't miss the bacteria skittering across her dress. Gorgeous design - this one needs to win an award.”
Thanks so much for stopping by today Julie! I think the people who all came together to create your cover did an amazing job. It's striking and the fact that it's different and a bit eerie and does without a doubt stand out.
Be sure to check back later in the week for my review of Deadly.
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