10 March 2011

Hi Readers,

Let me introduce you to my real life friend Cynthia from A Blog About Nothing or as I like to call it A blog about boys and books! I am Cari from Cari's Book Blogs and we decided that we would talk about our two favorite things, our favorite boys from YA and to give you swag, but more on that later. For now let's talk boys!

--EMO Guy--

Sam from Linger:

Cynthia: Ok well Sam of course is emo good guy and I luvs him, but I'm kind of digging bad boy Cole and all his lack of clothing in Linger. Sam is the kind of guy that likes to sing to you and make paper cranes for you.

Cari: Oh those paper cranes and what is hotter than a musician who has a good heart. I hear those are harder to find than a boy who goes all wolfy.

Cynthia: Yup! they will melt you into a puddle

Seth from Wicked Lovely:

Cari: Seth had a bit of a bad boy streak in him but kind of Emo and hello he was willing to get all FEY to be with Ash.

Cynthia: oh yeah Seth,,, mmmmh.. I love him but Keenan won me over.

Cari: GASP I'm sorry I don't think I heard you correctly!

Cynthia: LOL

--Bad Boy--

Patch from Hush, Hush and Crescendo:

Cynthia: what about Patch? lololololol

Cari: OMG YOU WENT THERE! You know I'm not speaking to Patch at the moment!

Cynthia: hahaha,,, I had too. I love Patch!

Cari: Depends Patch from Hush, Hush I loved! Patch is all bad boy hotness but Patch from Crescendo I can't even go there! PATCH YOU BROKE MY HEART!

Cynthia: I think Patch, Ash and Jace are under bad boys. They can be kind of jerky sometimes and hide their emotions so they won't get hurt but will redeem themselves eventually.

Cari: You did not just put Patch in the same category with ubber hot Jace and Ash! Patch is more Ren from Nightshade than my two loves!!!!

Cynthia: hehe, just go with Patch from Hush Hush, I'm sure he'll win you over in Silence. Remember you loved him in Hush, Hush. Bad boys can be jerky sometimes that's why they're bad boys, but they're irresistible and win you over with their snarkiness.

Cari: I don't know if I'll be talking to Patch in Silence. You have more faith in Patches than I do.

Cynthia: I do!!! I'm sure he'll redeem himself and win you over again.

Ash from The Iron Fey

Cari: Why is it that Fey make the best bad boys and no one does it better than Ash, the Winter Prince.

Cynthia: Yes, they do have the best bad boys. I love Ash soooo much!!! He's hot, has been emotionally damaged so he has a reason to guard his feelings and not getting to close to anyone.

Cari: I mean first he tried to kill her, then he got to know her and loved her and then he walked away! I wasn't sure about the series but I can say I was always sure about Ash!

Cynthia: Yeah but he was usually trying to protect her by walking away and he did end up leaving faerie for her.

Cari: It's not his fault he wanted to walk away he lost so much and it's not like he grew up a happy home. You forget him mom is mommy dearest.

Cynthia: I know that's why I love him even more, he sacrificed everything for Meghan and swore his loyalty to her.

It's safe to say we are in agreement with Team Ash

Jace from Mortal Instruments

Cari: Can I just say if you look up hotness and bad boy in the dictionary you will find Jace.

Cynthia: He's got everything! I love his snarky attitude and how he just makes me smile almost every time he speaks.

Cari: Ok I love Jace and I'll Team Jace but he did hurt me when Clary walked in and saw him with Aline and her shirt was all open.

Cynthia: Yes, I was just thinking of that.. I was torn too..it's just such a difficult relationship, they've gone through so much.

Cari: So are you worried about where Jace and Clary's relationship will go in City of Fallen Angels?

Cynthia: Yes, I am.. just concern that they will go through some heartache again. That something bad will happen that will damage their relationship a little. I'm not worried about Simon anymore being in the way but something else coming along.

Cari: I think we could go on forever about the super hot bad boys in books!


James from Lament and Ballad:

Cari: Are we going to talk about your favorite underdog? (Rolls eyes)

Cynthia: Who? Tell me!

Cari: James from Lament.

Cynthia: aaaaaaaaagggggghhh! How could I forget!

Cari: I can help with that because James if forgettable next to Luke who I LOVE!!!!

Cynthia: Whatever!!!! I love James... Luke is gone and will never return!

Cari: Break my heart why don't you!

Cynthia: James was the best friend and the underdog too,, I love him. The best friend always gets left out, he sacrifices himself for the girl but hardly ever does he get her in the end.

--Best Friend/Good Guy--

Dash from Dash and Lily's Book of Dares:

Cynthia: He's kind of a good guy, best friend type. he loves books and poetry.. he loves WORDS!!!! I would love to have him as a best friend. He's deep.

Cari: I would totally date Dash! I love his snarky ways and a boy who loves books is a dream come true!

Étienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss

Cari: Well to start St. Clair had a girlfriend for most of the time but would rather hang out with Anna who he should have been with since the beginning. I don't know where to put him. He does have the hot British thing going and he's very charismatic!

Cynthia: He's a good guy I think maybe he is the best friend mix. He was charming and a good guy, just perfect, a little bit of both.

Peeta from The Hunger Games and Jay Heaton from The Body Finder

Cari: Well if we are talking Best Friend/Good Guy we can't leave the subject without talking Jay and or Peeta!
I mean Peeta bakes cupcakes for crying out loud and he wants to marry her!!!!

Cynthia: Also Jay has always been there for Violet, I love them both. They're definitely good guys/best friend and Peeta went through all that torture,,, aghh!

You've read about some of our favorite boys in YA that easily fit into the Best Friend, Good Guy, Bad Boy, Emo, and Underdog category but what we want to know is who is your favorite and do you feel the same way we do about some of these guys?

What kind of guest would we be if we didn't bring you prizes?  We would love to give you some swag! We will be choosing 3 winners!

If you want to enter simply say *I want Swag* and
make sure to read the rules below.

One entry per person.
You MUST be at least 13 years old to enter.
Must provide email or twitter handle so we can notify you.
Winners have 48 hours to reply or a new person will be picked!
Open to: US/Canadian Residents only.
Giveaway ends: March 14th, 2011(4 days from the day posted)

Thanks to Lisa for having us here on A Life Bound By Books and you can find us at:



Cynthia, Cari... I can't say thank you enough for the fun and amazing guest post about a favorite subject.. Boys from Books! You both had me more than agreeing with so many of the boys you've mentioned, great fun post - thanks for taking the time to do this for me. Also, wow... a swag giveaway! Going above and beyond! Thanks girls and good luck to everyone who enters!

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  1. I want Swag (thanks!)
    My email address is kathrynlouw@gmail.com

  2. I want swag.

    Great list by the way, my favourite are the best friend boys :)


  3. I want Swag, please!
    Thanks for the great post!


    By the way, loved the guy descriptions. I wasn't fond of Patch either!


  5. I want swag. Who doesn't want swag?! :)


  6. enter via comment? Because swag would be nice.
    I havent read Wicked Lovely or Lament/Ballad, but I agree with the rest!

  7. Thank you Cari and Cynthia for a great post. It was so much fun. Sorry Cynthia, but I have to agree with Cari on Patch from Crecendo.
    As for my favorite...I still have a cougar crush on Edward. By the way, I love swag.


  8. I Want Swag!

    Great post guys!!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  9. I want swag! PLEASE!!!!!
    Loved the post. Emo boy Sam is my fave!

    adsanders77 at gmail dot com

  10. Thanks so much for having us on and good luck to everyone! I love swag and it's so much fun to share it with book lovers!

  11. I love swag!!! And I own all but 2 of those books! Great giveaway!

    Stephanie- thegirlonfire
    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  12. I want swag. Tore923@aol.com

  13. Of course I want swag.


  14. I want swag! please!

    clderwee at gmail dot com

  15. I want swag! Thanks for the giveaway! I loved this post, and I wasn't a fan of Patch either.

    erinberry12 at charter dot net

  16. I want Swag!

    Thanks for the giveaway! And I really enjoyed the post! :)


  17. I want swag.

    And, yes, James is amazing. I adore him. Sam, too. Have you met the Ryve brothers from Sarah Rees Brennan's The Demon's Lexicon? They're amazing.


  18. I want swag!!!!

    oreo_93 at hotmail dot com

  19. I want swag!

    Thanks for the post.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  20. Haha, I love this post! I guess my favorite book boys are the best friend/good guy types because Étienne and Peeta are my favorites. :D

  21. LOL! Love the types that were listed! What I really want to read now is The Iron Fey series. Thanks for the post. =D

  22. LOL! Love the types that were listed! What I really want to read now is The Iron Fey series. Thanks for the post. =D

  23. I WANT SWAG!

    I mean, who doesn't love swag! :)

    Twitter handle: BooksOverBoys

  24. Very comprehensive list. I really loved Ash too! I still have to read several of the other books discussed.

  25. I want swag! Thanks for the great post.


  26. I agree with you on Jace, Patch, Seth and Peeta and I'm looking forward to meeting Étienne and Dash, but my favorite book guy is Dimitri from Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead! *sigh* :)


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