08 March 2011


Guest Post: Author, Kristie Cook

Authors, Reviews and Bloggers (or an Author Reviews Book Bloggers)

A few months ago, while planning the release of my second book, Purpose, Lisa and I were discussing a guest post for this blog and she gave me a list of ideas because I was fresh out. And her list was full of awesomeness. Of course, what else would you expect? If you haven’t noticed…Lisa herself is the epitome of awesome. Back then, we both agreed on a post about Tristan because, well, he’s Tristan. As in yummy. An excellent topic.

But I’ve been wanting to do one of her other ideas, with a bit of a twist, and this is the best time to do it. Because her idea was about what authors look for in reviews. Or something like that. Anyway, since Lisa is recovering and we all want her to get well soon – very soon, Lisa! – the timing is perfect for this post. It’s sort of a review of book bloggers…and it’s a good one. This is for you, girl. I hope it lifts your spirits and helps you feel better.

I can’t speak for all authors, but for me, I don’t like all reviews, but I love book bloggers. Everyone has their own way to review a book. Some just post a star rating on Goodreads and leave it at that. Some go into great detail about the plot, pretty much summarizing the story so the reader will know what it’s about. Others (like me) might say something quick and simple about loving (or not) the book.

These kinds of reviews might be helpful for readers who are scanning ratings and reviews while deciding whether to invest their time in a book. They’re basically reinforcements, supporting what the book bloggers have to say. As an author who checks her reviews on an embarrassingly regular basis (only because I want to thank people for reading, yep, that’s why), I can tell the difference between book bloggers and others.

See, book bloggers put a lot of time and effort into their reviews and it’s obvious. They tell us what they like about the book and, sometimes, what they don’t. They might share their feelings about particular characters or plot twists. And if they really enjoy a story and its characters, they’re enthusiastic about spreading the love. Their reviews aren’t just something they throw up on a site or two. They are thoughtful, well-written and meaningful to readers, helping them make a decision about how to spend their precious time.

After all, with all the (unpaid) time and effort book bloggers put into their gorgeous blogs and everything that goes with them (hops, contests, giveaways, interviews, etc.), they’re not going to write crap reviews. And I love this. I love their love of reading and sharing their passion with others. Even if my books get a bad review (which, thankfully, isn’t often), I can appreciate everything the reviewing blogger sacrificed just to read my book and write a thoughtful review about it. Much more than I can appreciate a rating without any review at all.

So, thank you, Lisa and all you book bloggers, for all that you do…for readers, authors and literacy as a whole. Your love for reading and books is contagious. Your support of authors is overwhelming. And the connection you bring between reader and author is groundbreaking. It truly is. You’re paving new roads in the publishing industry, whether you realize it or not. When the world is talking about the fall of literacy, the lack of interest in reading and the end of all books, you’re right there in the epicenter of proving them wrong, showing them that not only do people still enjoy a good book, but there’s a whole new way to share that enjoyment.

In short…I give you 5 of 5 stars (purple and shiny, of course!). No, wait. 5 of 5 wings, like angel wings.

Kristie, thank you again for writing such an amazing guest post. I'm always excited to host you on my blog and you are welcome back anytime!!

Find Kristie Online:

Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Promise Novel | Purpose Novel

Promise (Soul Savers, #1)

Synopsis: Alexis Ames decides to learn who she really is, with or without the help of her mother, who guards their secrets closely. After meeting Tristan Knight and discovering that he s not normal either, the secrets begin to unravel. Their union brings promise to the future of mankind. But it also incites a dangerous pursuit by the enemy. Because they are a match made in Heaven and in Hell.

Order Online:
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository

Find my review HERE

Purpose (Soul Savers, #2)

Synopsis: Lost in despair, Alexis teeters on the edge of an abyss, her lifeline of hope fraying into a thin thread. If it snaps, she’ll plunge into complete darkness. With the help of her son and her writing, she’s been able to hold on. Until now. Erratic impulses, disturbing delusions and her own demonic blood threaten her sanity. When she’s forced to choose between hanging onto hope or letting go to serve her Amadis purposes, she faces a decision with inconceivable sacrifices.

Alexis runs to the one place she thinks will provide answers, only to find herself at the center of another battle of good versus evil, not only with the Daemoni, not only within herself…but also against the worst opponent imaginable. But even if she wins, what will she lose?

Order Online:
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository

Find my review HERE

*I am not compensated at all for any of the links within this page.

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In accordance with FTC Guidelines, I have not received any monetary gain for any information posted within the pages of this website/blog. Any and all information has been provided by the publisher, author and or publicist for free. Content is also based on purchases made by myself or of my guest reviewer(s). Any and all opinions expressed within the pages of this website/blog are solely my own or those of the authors of any and all guest reviewers(s) or guest bloggers.

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Hi, I’m Lisa and I'm a proud bibliophile.

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My Ratings

When I review I rate from 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the highest rating. I review based on many different things from the writing, to the story - to the characters and how I can relate to them or how they are developed. I also review based on if an author has worked their magic and was able to draw me into a story so deeply that I don't want to put the book down. If you would like me to review a book, please contact me or view my Contact Information and Review Policy for further details.

5 Stars - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
4 Stars - I Really liked/Loved it.
3 Stars - I liked it/Was pretty good.
2 Stars - It was, eh okay.
1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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