12 February 2016


Review - Always Room for Cupcakes By: Bethany Lopez

Title: Always Room for Cupcakes
Author: Bethany Lopez
Publisher: 143 Pages (February 2nd, 2016)
From: the Author
Format: e-ARC
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Order a copy: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Amazon UK

NOTE: This is a Adult novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 18+

Synopsis: One day I was be-bopping along jamming to the music in my head while wondering if my thighs could handle grabbing a cupcake on the way home. The next thing I knew, my entire world crashed and burned.

I used to wake up at night in a sweat, crying because I’d dreamt that my husband was cheating on me, or that he hated me, and resented my kids. He’d always hold me close and tell me it was all just a dream, that he loved me and our family and that he’d never let me go.

He was a fucking liar.

Now I spend my days taking photos of scum just like him, trying to be a champion for other's being taken advantage of by the losers in our town, and my nights being a single mom to my beautiful twins.

I've got great friends who have my back, and a sexy, mysterious motorcycle man who keeps showing up when I need him. Maybe things are starting to look up, and one thing's for sure... There's always room for cupcakes.

Review: 3.5 Stars - Always Room for Cupcakes by Bethany Lopez is a fast read about a woman looking to create a new life for herself after finding her husband cheating on her. And as the story goes on we see just how much she’s willing to take on to make the best life she can for her and her two kids.

One of the things I enjoyed the most about this… I’m going to say novella because it has that feel to it, was that it has things in it that I love in stories I read. It has a touch of mystery, a bit of danger, a strong female lead and a dark mysterious man who pretty much shows up out of thin air to maybe sweep the main character – Lila – off her feet. Another thing that it has that I love is watching a character grow before your eyes. It had that and then some.

The characters are all different and play off each other extremely well. These characters are a bit of an older bunch than what I’ve been reading lately, so that was a breath of fresh air. Seeing the struggle of a single woman with kids, as she navigates her new life after her marriage and cheating husband was inspiring. How different her husband was to this mysterious man – Cade – who enters her life was perfect and helped to give this female lead a bit of a push into the growth she was on the verge of.

The story is written really well; however it felt like it was missing something. And I think this is what’s difficult when it comes to writing a novella. Trying to balance the story without readers feeling like something was missing.

I do commend Bethany for the book she’s written here. While it feels like there were parts that are missing or a tad rushed, there were others that were spot on and flowed extremely well.

I really did like these characters’ and became invested in them quickly to a point where I wish this had been a full book or maybe the start of a series of books since I wasn’t ready for it to end. And the title fits perfectly with the story, which you’ll just have to read to understand and I suggest you do because it really is a great quick story and I mean, Cupcakes, Mysterious men and danger? Yeah, go jump on it! This title is very adult for all those great adult things and oh so steamy sexy times. And if you’d ask me if I’d read more should this become a series, the answer would be HELL YES! Bring it on! I could always spend more time with Lila and Cade. I mean there’s no real question there at all.

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1 Star - It just wasn't for me.


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