Veronica Roth, Waterstones Birmingham New Street talk and signing- 10th March 2015.

When I saw Harper Collins were advertising a Veronica Roth signing in Birmingham, a mere 2 hours from my house I knew I had to be there.
In the grandeur of Waterstones Birmingham New Street, the crowd of 200 Veronica Roth fans were stunned to silence when the lady herself walked into the room. I have to be honest; I didn't recognize her with her new blonde hair- it looks great.
Fans attending the event had been asked to submit questions prior to the event with a chance of winning a signed book. The Q&A commenced and Veronica answered the 10 questions which were asked.
She wishes she’d written the Harry Potter series, and they influenced her writing. Also she praised The Giver by Lois Lowry; and she said she wouldn’t change any character deaths in her books.
It was a short but sweet Q&A and then we were asked to queue up for book signing.
Veronica Roth seemed very genuine when talking to fans and having photos taken.
I think this is up there as a once in a lifetime event that will never be forgotten.
Stupid work getting in the way for me. I really wish I could have made this one :(