19 November 2014

Title: Don’t Let Me Fall
Author: Briana Pacheco
Publisher: (December 4th 2014)
Genres: New Adult, Romance
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NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+

Synopsis: A New Adult romance stand-alone novel.

I don’t want to be here.

When you lose the one person that was your whole life, you’ll understand. For me, it was my best friend, Alice. We spent every second of every day together. We planned a life. I was actually living. I was happy.

Now, it’s just gone.

And I’m still here. Lonely. A tatted up body with an empty soul.

Getting inside of my head won’t be pretty. I’m warning you now that you won’t like me. I hate people besides my family. I hate everything around me. I just want to be alone. And I HATE how Logan Mercer doesn’t understand that. He’s everywhere; getting inside of my head, kissing me when he shouldn’t be, messing everything up, and trying to get me to open up. He’s making me crazier than I already am. Why do I need to talk about my life? Why does he even care?

Why doesn’t anyone understand that I don’t want to get attached to people? I don’t want to get fixed.

I want to be alone.

I want to be free.

I want to fly.

My name is Rebeckah Lennox and this is my story…of how I fell.

WARNING: Due to heavy subject matter, strong language, possible triggering descriptions of self-harm and some sexual situations this book is not recommended for anyone under the age of 17.

Author Interview:

Q: What inspired you to write your newest book?

A: People in general. Everything a person says or does-positive and negative-is powerful. I admit to people-watching so I see a lot of things. What captures my attention the most are the quiet people. The ones taking everything in but not letting anything out. They’re fighting their own battles that no one can see. They feel trapped and I want to set them free in any way I can. That includes writing.

Q: How did you come up with the title?

A: Don’t Let Me Fall’s title hit me while I was about to fall asleep one night. Rebeckah’s story will not be pretty nor happy. She wants to give up and in a way, she already has. I wanted to give her something to fight for. To live for. I didn't want her to fall.

Q: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

A: Yes, I want readers to see the ugly side of life; the hurt, the pain and the loss one goes through when losing a vital part of your life bur I also want readers to see that there is hope. After everything, giving up shouldn't be an option.

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: I have to cheat and go with a series. Two to be exact. The Addicted series and the spin-off, the Calloway Sisters by Krista and Becca Ritchie. I absolutely adore these ladies and they are on my auto-buy list!

Q: Do you see writing as a career?

A: Writing is my life. I’d do it all day long if I had the chance!

Q: Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

A: My books; The Enough Trilogy and Don’t Let Me Fall, take place in or around Boston because it’s where I’m from so everything is within grasp. I need to travel soon for upcoming books and I’m looking forward to it!

Q: Do you have any advice for other writers?

A: Write. Whenever you have time and the voices in your head don’t stop, just write. Don’t let anyone stop you. The best ideas come when you least expect them.

Q: Do you listen to music while you write? What’s your favorite song?

A: All the time. Music plays a huge part in my writing so the playlists are on repeat while working on my book. And as of right now, my favorite song will have to be Untitled 27 by Polly Scattergood. It’s the theme song for Don’t Let Me Fall and 100% Rebeckah.

Q: Where can I stalk you?

A: (Love this question) You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Goodreads.
***Links below!

About the Author:

Briana Pacheco hates referring to herself in third person so let’s start off with I’m the author of the Enough Trilogy, Don’t Let Me Fall, and many more books to come in the future. I’m from Boston and a wannabe explorer so one day I’ll travel the world. So far, that’s only happening when I write but I’m not giving up just yet. I love coffee, music and books, and I have an obsession with tattoos and accents. Sadly, I have neither so I make my characters have them instead. I’m an avid reader and if I’m not writing, you’ll find me with a book (or Kindle) in my hands. I love hearing from readers about anything so please don’t be shy and stalk me.

Find Briana Online:

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  1. Looks hard read for me, but i am curious too with the story. Looking forward to read this book. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I love the title, and the book sounds like a good and interesting read. Thanks for having the giveaway.


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