18 June 2013


Review: Clicks By: Amy Evans

Title: Clicks
Author: Amy Evans
Publisher: xoxo inc, 250 Pages (June 18th, 2013)
From: the Author
Format: eARC
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Synopsis: Born and bred to win, Cami’s family expects her to join a secret society called The Guard, marry one of the two identical twin boys next door, and stay on Pinhold Island for the rest of her life. Home to perfect waves, black sand beaches, and the world-famous Surf Carnival, Pinhold seems deceptively perfect. While visitors are jealous of the few hundred people who get to live there, Cami feels stifled. Thanks to the intense link she shares with her own twin, Mica, she can't even be alone with her thoughts. While Cami's more than happy to be a lifeguard, a lifelong commitment to the endless summer feels like a trap.

As decendents of the ten families who originally settled on the Island, Cami and Mica are part of a new generation, the most perfect example of what nature and time can create. This summer was their time to prove that the years of training have paid off, but it's not going as planned. It's suddenly impossible for Cami to resist the magnetic attraction between her and Blake, one of the twins next door. Just as the Surf Carnival competition starts to heat up, the best swimmers start going down. Something is pulling them to the ocean floor where they wind up in comas and can't be woken up. When Mica goes down too, Cami can no longer wait for those in charge to figure out how to help him.

With her twin link silenced, the clicks that she used to get from her brother start coming from somewhere else. Can she trust her instincts and learn to listen in enough time to save her friends, or will she lose them along with her island home?

Review: 3 Stars - Clicks by Amy Evans is a unique story with characters that have strong ties to their heritage and the ocean. The book is about an Island, 3 different sets of twins and their lives on land and sea. With strong twin connections and dolphins that are a larger part of the overall story Evans’ Clicks was a great summer read or a book to look forward to during a cold winter night

Cami and her twin Mica live on Pinhold Island. They along with pretty much all the rest of the residents of Pinhold are drawn to the water that surrounds them. They swim, surf and spend as much time in the ocean as possible. It’s part of who they are right down to their roots. This is the first summer they are eligible to join The Guard. The Guard takes their heritage very seriously so when strange things start happening to the people of the Island, to one teen from each set of the three twins, Cami takes it on her shoulders to find what’s wrong with the waters that surround her island.

I loved the relationship between Cami and her twin Mica. The link that they had would have driven me nuts, but for them it was all they knew and all they grew up with. Being able to hear each other’s thoughts so freely comes in handy until things start to change.

Cami and I had a rocky relationship. While sometimes I could relate to her there were others that she just made me more than frustrated, not only by the things she said but also her actions. She might be a desperate teen dealing with some crazy new emotions and issues around her but sometimes she pushed my buttons.

The part of the story that I was really interested in was the dolphins, touches of science, and the twin link. It was a pleasure to read all three of these factors and how Evans managed to weave them together to form such a unique story.

Without giving anything away I’ll just say that while I was reading there were parts that I saw coming, but those parts I could see unfolding didn't ruin the read. There were plenty of parts that I had no idea what would happen with each turn of the page.

In the end, Clicks was a memorable read that kept me up at night to finish because I wanted to find out what was affecting the island folk so badly and what The Guard and these extraordinary teens would do to stop and heal things. Its books like this, with such a different story that make me excited and happy that I love to read as much as I do. Finding myself on Pinhold Island, with the wind blowing off the sea and the smell that you can only find at the beach makes Clicks is one of those books that automatically whisk you away. I recommend this title to anyone who is looking for a YA contemporary with a touch of science. Enjoy.

FTC Disclaimer: I did NOT pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this HONEST review.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the review. I'm glad you liked the book. The dolphins are my favorite part too. xoox


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