03 September 2012

The Dark Light Blog Tour It’s All About That Cover!

Hi, Lisa! Thanks so much for hosting this stop on The Dark Light blog tour and for your lovely review last week!

Of everything connected to The Dark Light, the one thing I’m most asked about is… the cover! So, it would be impossible for me to not include a stop on the tour devoted entirely to the steaming hot, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing”, “OMG, look at that tattoo” cover of The Dark Light.

The first thing I have to say about The Dark Light’s cover is that it wasn’t designed by me. I wish I were that talented! The responsibility for designing a cover, and the final say on all cover art, falls to the publisher. Because of this, the cover is often one of the things that authors get most excited about, because you really don’t know what you’re going to get until you see it. And that was certainly true of The Dark Light.

I have to admit, my editor did ask me about ideas for the cover, and I babbled something completely incoherent in response. In many ways, The Dark Light is a real blend of genres. It’s a fantasy, but there’s also mystery, romance, and adventure in story, and I had no idea how that could be represented as art!

I first saw The Dark Light’s cover at about 6pm on January 5th of this year--yes, I remember the time and date! It was at that time that the US Geological Survey noted seismic activity somewhere near the Chesapeake Bay. That was me. Screaming! I’d seen the fantastic covers coming from my publisher and knew they’d create something amazing. I’d had no idea it would be such a showstopper.

So what makes this cover so fabulous? For me, it’s a mixture of things. Yes, it’s hot, it’s sexy, and it certainly makes the jaw drop. But as someone who knows The Dark Light well, the cover actually tells a deeper story. Firstly, it speaks about the characters--Mia’s strength, Sol’s reserve, and the connection between them are perfectly captured by the models. It’s mysterious and fantastical with the strange, other worldly lights. And, of course, Sol’s tattoo looks absolutely amazing!

Another thing I hadn’t expected was the reaction once the cover went live in March. I have to admit, I was a little nervous. It is a sexy cover and I’d rarely seen anything like it YA, so I was eager to hear what people thought. The reaction was overwhelming. The cover is on desktops, it’s the wallpaper on peoples’ phones. Questions about The Dark Light were numerous: Is this a paranormal romance? Is it angels? Aliens? What is the story behind that cover? People were talking.

I know that great time, effort, and care went into creating The Dark Light’s cover. The perfect image had to be selected, the tattoo art created (by an actual tattoo artist, by the way!), and then digitally added to the model’s back. The font and lettering, which appear in gorgeous blue foil on the hardcover copies, selected. The overall effect is stunning, and I really can’t thank my publisher enough for what they gave me.

So what do you guys think of the cover? I’d really love to hear your comments!

Thanks for dropping in for another visit Sara! I'm so excited that we had a chance to find out more info about this amazing, hot, smouldering and oh so breathless cover! You are one LUCKY lady and scored one heck of an cover. I know Sara and I would both  love to hear what you guys think of the cover. And have you had a chance to read this one yet? If not... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???

Check out my review >>>HERE<<<

Currently available from Simon Pulse

Synopsis: Mia is torn between two guys—and two worlds—in this epic, romantic fantasy. Mysterious lights have flickered above Crownsville for as long as Mia can remember. And as far as she’s concerned, that’s about the only interesting thing to happen in her small town.

That is, until Sol arrives. Mia’s not one to fall for just any guy, but she can’t get Sol—or the brilliant tattoo on his back—out of her mind.

Then Mia’s brother goes missing, and Mia’s convinced that Sol knows more than he’s sharing. But getting closer to Sol means reevaluating everything Mia once believed to be true. Because Sol’s not who Mia thought he was—and neither is she.

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Order The Dark Light Online:

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ONE lucky winner will receive a SIGNED Hardback of The Dark Light and a SIGNED Poster!! Take a look at the picture to check out the amazing poster!

THREE other winners will each receive a SIGNED smaller poster!

Sara's office with amazing Dark Light Poster!

Here's the rules and how to enter:

You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
Please fill out the rafflecopter form below for your entry to count.
This giveaway is open: INTERNATIONAL!
Giveaway ends: September 20th, 2012

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A HUGE thank you to Sara for asking me to be part of this amazing tour for her AMAZING BOOK! It's been a pleasure and please know you are welcome here anytime! Also, a HUGE thank you to Sara for providing the book and posters for the giveaway.

Be sure to check out the next stop on The Dark Light Tour Tomorrow with: Haley at YA-Aholic

 *I am not compensated at all for any of the links within this post.

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  1. The cover is interesting haha! I do like it though!

  2. This cover is amazing! I love the fact that it's b&w with a hint of blue.
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

    1. Hi, Evie!

      You know, the b&W is one of my favorite parts of it, too. It's so different and so mysterious. And the blue is in gorgeous blue foil on the hardcopy. It really catches the light.

      Sara W

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love it, I think is the best cover I have seen lately.
    The tattoo is amazing!

    Thank you for the giveaway,

  4. The cover is gorgeous and breathtaking. I love it.
    The synopsis sounds amazing.

  5. The cover is amazing and I love it ! It is one of the best covers I have ever seen.

  6. First, I would like to thank Sara for the signed copy she sent me, and for this blog tour, and for the other awesome giveaways she has during the tour. Second, OMG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS GIVEAWAY FOR A POSTER!!!!! I'm seriously SO excited. I love the cover. It's definitely one of my favorites of 2012. Or ever. It BELONGS on a poster. I want one. A big one. I will BUY it. Just give me one. Name a price. lol. Thanks for the guest post and giveaway!

    Alyssa Susanna

    1. Thanks, Alyssa!

      Fingers crossed for a poster! They are pretty cool. And the big one is... really big. It needs some wall space :)

      Sara W

  7. The cover looks beautiful! Can't wait to finally read this book when it comes out here.

  8. This cover is GORGEOUS! I love the tattoo and think it's awesome that it's more of an adult looking cover, though it's a YA novel!

  9. I.absofreaking.Adore.This.Cover! And it was actually the thing that drew me initially into this story. But then of course the story is jut as awesome as the cover!

  10. I LOVE the cover!! It's one of the best I've ever seen. I buy a lot of e-books but have to buy a hard copy of this to have the cover! (Would make an amazing poster too! *hint*;)

  11. WOW! Of course I LOVE the cover, it's gorgeous! It's very eye catching too, and I'm jealous of the readers in the US who can just walk into a bookstore and see it on the shelves. Anyway, now that I read your post, I can see the little details and thoughts out into 'story behind the jaw-dropping image'. Amazing, you must be so proud!:D

    1. Thanks, Deea!

      Yes, I am really proud of the cover. It's definitely different to a lot of what's out there. It is kind of edgy for YA, but the tattoo is just so amazing, there was no way it couldn't be shown.

      Thanks for much stopping by.

      Sara W

  12. I LOVE the cover! The guy has an awesome tattoo! I can't wait to read this book :)

  13. Hi, I Love the cover and the guy♥ so sexy like Daemon in Obsidian ¡More sexy guys in books covers! Ha!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. The cover is sooooooooo freaking hot!! Lol! It's soooo eye catching! I just LOVE it! Thank you so much for the giveaway! Fingers crossed! (Ileana-rafflecopter)

  15. I love the cover! And I especially love that the cover is relevant to the book. (:

    1. Thanks, Tiffany!

      The Dark Light is definitely a tricky story to design a cover for, because there's a lot going on in the book. My publishers did a wonderful job!

      Sara W

  16. The cover makes the book seem pretty mysterious and intriguing! I'm definately looking forward to this one.

  17. The cover is gorgeous! The tattoo is especially intriguing and click-inducing when you see the thumbnail. :)

  18. I think the cover draws you in and makes you want to pick it up and read it, Plus its hot!

  19. thanks for a great post and giveaway! The cover is awesome :)

  20. I love the cover. It is neat. Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. The cover got my attention & then I wanted to explore it more fully. It's beautiful.

  22. Whoa, there. That's a ... Heck of a cover. Incredible work.

  23. I think its great. Makes me want to check it out.

  24. No doubt about it, that cover is a total eye-grabber. Love the big tattoo and the piercing eyes of the young lady. I'm sure the hunky guy gets lots of attention as well.

  25. I love the cover! I really do judge books by their covers:)

  26. I really like the cover esp the design on the person's back.

  27. I ADORE the cover! It is stunning. <3 Thank you so much for this post and giveaway :D

  28. Sara is correct. The cover models capture the essence of the characters beautifully!

  29. Sara is correct. The essence of the characters come through beautifully in this GORGEOUS COVER!!!

  30. I like the hint of magic in the bird tattoo in the cover! :)

    Cherry Mischievous

  31. I love the cover! It looks awesome! : )

  32. I love the cover it's very sexy! I love the guys tattoo!!

  33. That cover is amazing and caught my attention from the time I first saw it.

  34. WHen I first saw this cover my jaw totally dropped! and I thought it was an adult book, then I read the description and I was like! wow! sounds amazing and is a YA!! yay! so I added it asap to my list ^__^

  35. I absolutely love the cover it's so sexy and hot :)

  36. Ugh! I saw this cover awhile ago and was floored!! AHHH!! *gasp* No fainting again!!

  37. I fell in love with this cover. It still makes me pause every time I see it. There are so many little things that grab my attention. The grey and blue are amazing! Who wouldn't love a poster of this?

  38. I LOVE the cover! I love how it's in black and white with just the title in blue : ) It definitely grabs your attention with how the tattoo is shining. Love it!

  39. It is definitely my favorite cover that I have seen this year!

  40. The cover is just AMAZING! I love how the tattoo reflects light/ radiates light, it really catches your eye.

  41. I love the cover of this book. It is very subtle being b&w but still extremely sexy!

  42. I love the cover. Awesome. I love covers and think they can sell the book all by themselves sometimes.

  43. GOD i love the cover!!
    It's so damn sexy.
    That girl with the pervert look (and hands xD).
    And the super hot guy.
    If it was for the cover, i'll buy it.
    It's really amazing (:

  44. I love the cover! It's gorgeous. I love how striking, yet simple it is. The font isn't fancy, and the cover is black and white, which is super unique! <3

  45. Love the cover! Very eye catching and very sexy! Thanks for the chance.

  46. I absolutely LOVE that cover! Not only does it reflect some of the ideas in the book by showing the tattoo on Sol's back, but I feel as if it's so alluring and draws readers into the beautiful romance between Sol and Mia as well! Awesome, awesome, awesomee! :D

  47. I LOVE this cover! Sexy but just the right amount. Love the image on his back too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. The cover is perfect for the book, I love it!

  49. The cover is really just WOW~!!!
    it so catchy and I love that I don't see anything beside his back.. the tatoo is fantastic! plus the girl face has really cool expression ;D


  50. I love the cover and that tattoo---droooooLs! Also, that poster would look AMAZING in my room! ;) *grabby hands*

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. Love it. A lot. It's mysterious. You want to know more about this guy. An tattoo...just HOT.

  52. I like it. A lot. It mysterious. You want to know more about this guy. And the tattoo...just HOT :D

    I want to thank you, both of you. We international readers don't have this opportunities very often. Thank you so much.

    Al bezt wishes.

  53. First I have to say that I'm total sucker for a pretty cover. More than once, I've bought a book just because it has gorgeous or interesting cover. :) And this one is absolutely freaking perfect - love that it's black & white and the guy with tattoos is just added bonus. :) Can't wait to get my hands on this one, thanks for a chance to win it. :)

  54. Cover is so perfect!!!! :) Very nice! :)

  55. Cover is so perfect!!! :) Very nice! :)

  56. First I have to say that I'm total sucker for a
    pretty cover. More than once, I've bought a
    book just because it has gorgeous or
    interesting cover. :) And this one is
    absolutely freaking perfect - love that it's
    black & white and the guy with tattoos is just
    added bonus. :) Can't wait to get my hands
    on this one, thanks for a chance to win it. :)

  57. Love the cover as my friends say and what I would say it's very seductive..and oh..sexyy :))

    thanks for the giveaway!


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