Title: Fate (My Blood Approves, #2)
Author: Amanda Hocking
Publisher: LuLu, 250 pages (April 25th 2010)
From: ebook purchased from Amazon
Synopsis: Fate - the second installment in the My Blood Approves series...
Alice Bonham thinks she's finally found a balance in her life between the supernatural and real life with her brother Milo. Jack - her sorta vampire boyfriend - keeps her at arm's length to keep her safe. As for his brother Peter... she's not sure where he's at, or what he wants with her. Worse still, she's not even sure what she wants with Peter.
When tragedy happens, Alice finds herself struggling with a terrible choice. Her decision has consequences that reach farther than she'd ever imagined...
Review: 4.5 Stars - Fate, the second book in the My Blood Approves series by Amanda Hocking continues the saga set within her world where vampires exist. The story wasn’t what I expected on many levels, but was the perfect set up for future books in the series. Her characters are likeable and her story thrilling – with a few bumps and hiccups along the way – Fate, in the end, will leave you ready for more.
With many things that came to light in the first book, the issues and drama of being friends or more with a Vampire take root in this continuation of the story. Poor Alice is spending more time alone. She’s missing Jack and his family. She confused about many things including her draw to Peter. She knows why, but still doesn’t understand it when all she wants to be is with Jack.
Alice is… more than a tad down in this book. She’s miserable and can’t seem to find her way back to her version of normal again. For many reasons, but the main one is how alone she feels. She believes that Jack and his family have abandoned her. She feels alone at home too, which if were being honest here, she is. I could understand why she was so down; I mean who wouldn’t be with what’s happening around her. I can say that I missed the Alice from the first book, but everything happens for a reason and wow, those reasons were some doozys.
There’s more of Milo in this book, which was a huge plus. While it throws an even bigger wrench into things for Alice on so many levels, it makes her come to terms with the things she’s had running round and round in her head. And poor Jack has a lot to deal with as well. All three characters have been handed a bunch of crap in this book and it’s a wonder how they all managed to make it out at the end… or did they?
The back story to the vampires was an added plus to this one. I couldn’t wait to learn more as Ezra fills us in on some parts of their past and helps Alice to find some of the answers she’s looking for when it comes to her magnetic pull to Peter and her love for Jack. I always love a good back story; it always gives the reader a better idea to just who the characters are, what they might be facing or what just might happen with the choices they face and or make down the road.
All in all, it’s a fast paced read that’ll leave you ready for the next book - Flutter, so you might as well order or download the next two books to read them back to back, it’ll be hard not to want to find out what happens next.
FTC Disclaimer: I DID pay for this book and have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for reading this book and or writing this HONEST review.
Six Degrees of Separation
1 month ago
I've heard this series is addicting. Sounds like it has several great characters. Sounds like it's a tough road for Alice!