19 August 2010


Review: Holly's Inbox By: Holly Durham

Title: Holly's Inbox: Scandal in the City
Author: Holly Durham
Publisher: Sourcebooks, 512 pages (August 1st 2010)
From: the Publisher, Thank You!

Synopsis: Office rivalries, rumors, and scandals have never been so hilariously entertaining-or so addicting

Things are finally looking up for Holly. With her love life, career, and family all on the right path, Holly is looking forward to the next chapter in her life when a sudden rampage of gossip sweeps the city and threatens to destroy Holly's hard-earned happiness. Told entirely through emails, readers can catch a glimpse into the daily digital drama that is Holly Denham's life. Join Holly and her outrageous cast of family and friends as they navigate the ups and downs of living in a city where your world can be turned upside down faster than you can say "You've got mail!"

Review: 5 Stars - Holly’s Inbox: Scandal in the City held just as many laugh out loud moments as the first book in the series. With Holly’s unique voice and told completely in email format from numerous characters, makes this an entertaining read from the first page to the last.

In this second installment we learn more about Holly and her relationships with her boyfriend, her friends, family and work colleagues. She wants to move up in the job, pay off debts and be happy in her relationships. She wants her Happily Ever After moment just like anyone else. She goes out of her way to make things work for everyone around her - within her job and away from it.

With a promotion filled with drama and troubles at home, Holly’s once short lived happiness is put to the ultimate test and she’s forced to make some hard choices. It’s through her family and friends that we get a chance to see another side of Holly as she’s faced with huge choices. The drama in the work place is written where anyone who’s worked in or out of an office will understand and appreciate what each character goes through daily.

With a refreshingly unique writing style and realistic characters within the bubble of a London workplace - Holly, her troubles and her ever present sharp witty comebacks - will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope there will be a third in this series as there’s nothing more then to say I’m thoroughly hooked!

The first book in the series - Holly's Inbox is also availabe from Scorcebooks.

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing HONEST this review.

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  1. You know, you keep telling me how great these books are. I think I'll have to give them a shot...eventually.Lol. I've got quite the TBR pile as it is at the moment! Thanks for the review!

  2. Glad to hear it is good! I have been eyeing it for some time now. Its in my TBR pile :)

  3. Great review!

    I have this for review as well, I love the humor but I haven't read the first in the series!


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