30 July 2010


Review: Promise (Soul Savers, #1) By: Kristie Cook

Title: Promise (Soul Savers, #1)
Author: Kristie Cook
Publisher: Ang'dora Productions, LLC, 368 Pages (July 30th 2010)
From: the Author - Thank You Kristie!

Synopsis: Alexis Ames has a life full of promise…but not all promises can be kept.

When Alexis Ames is attacked by creatures that can’t be real, she decides it’s time she learns who she really is, with or without the help of her mother, who guards their family’s secrets closely. After meeting the inhumanly attractive, multi-talented Tristan Knight, however, Alexis retreats behind her façade of normalcy…until she discovers he’s not exactly normal either. Then their secrets begin to unravel.

Their union brings hope and promise to her family’s secret society, the Angels’ army, and to the future of mankind. But it also incites a dangerous pursuit by the enemy – Satan’s minions and Tristan’s creators. After all, Alexis and Tristan are a match made in Heaven and in Hell.

Review: 5 Stars - Kristie Cook is destined to take the self publishing world by storm with her first novel in the brand new Soul Savers series – Promise. Thrilling, action packed, with rich and endearing characters, mystery and a love story unlike most others, this book has all the key ingredients and then some to quickly become the book everyone wants to read.

Alexis and her mother are on the move again. When everyone including yourself thinks you’re a freak because of your strange abilities and your mother doesn’t seem to age, you tend to move around a lot. With starting college it’s the perfect time to make a fresh start and begin again. Moving to Florida would be perfect, just no one was expecting it to be life changing.

Alexis is a strong level headed character and when Tristan enters her life you just know they are destined. I enjoyed watching their relationship grow into something epic. What’s interesting is that this wasn’t a love at first sight type of love, it was a love that grew from friendship which was a breath of fresh air. Alexis has her guard up and has good reason to and Tristan has some secrets as well. That’s where the beauty of their relationship comes in. They took the time to sort through things and listen and learn about each other, to figure out that what they needed most might just be what the other is willing to give.

Tristan is fierce and loyal and has his own set of problems to deal with and he wants nothing more then to be a better person for not only himself but for Alexis and a whole race of people. He might have a lot of history to make up for, but wants nothing more than to do just that. The inner battles he faces are part of what makes him perfect to me. Knowing a character is flawed and watching their internal struggle to be better and overcome them is something that always draws me in.

With a war looming above Alexis, Tristan and everyone around them they must figure out a way to keep Alexis safe and keep their love secret from the evil forces at work. It’s a war between good and evil with little to no way to stop it.

The story flowed easily from one page to another with the descriptive writing, strong characters that were easy to cheer for and a love story to leave your heart tingling - Kristie’s Promise is a book bursting at the seams - with an ending that’ll leave you wanting more.

To help celebrate the release of Promise, I was lucky enough to take part in the Blog Tour. Check back for a Guest Post with Kristie later today!!

FTC Disclaimer: I did not pay for this book, nor have I been compensated at all in any way or means for reading and writing this review.

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  1. FABULOUS review hon! This book sounds awesome! I like that you said it wasn't love at first sight, but love built on a friendship. It seems there's too much of the former in the book world today!

    So glad you enjoyed this one! I'll have to get my hands on a copy eventually. Looking forward to your guest post! :D

  2. Wonderful review Lisa! Wow! I read Promise, LOVED it and you summarised so well why Promise is such a fantastic novel! Thank you! :-)


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