26 August 2009



Reading has been super slow for me the last week or so. I just don't have much time since my best friend will be here in a couple days, and were getting things ready for a yard sale and then we have plans to re-do a couple rooms. One thing I'm really excited about is a HUGE bookcase. I've run out of room from the bookcase I got just about this time last year for my birthday, so this year I've made plans to have a nice and large bookcase built to one of my walls. It'll be floor to ceiling and should be about 8.5 feet tall by 6.5 feet wide. There should be over 20 shelves which will, in the end be the home for all my many books and maybe even my dvds. I'm so excited I can't wait!

I just wish all this could have been done before my friend gets here, but it'll have to wait until right after she leaves. There's just way to much painting to do and with the heat here we have to wait to get started on the refab projects. It'll be nice to have the new bookcase (squeee!), some new paint, a total closet overhaul, new blinds, ceiling fan and maybe even a wood floor for one of the rooms were changing.....and depending on money we might even do a few other things but that's a wait and see for the time being.

Needless to say with all this my reading time has been a few mins here and there. I keep getting books in the mail, this week I have already gotten 12 and want to read so badly and I'm sad to say that I can't read anything else until I finish the ones I have going.

So, that's why it's so slow around here. I know it's a busy time for most as school has just started or is about to start again and summer ending and all. With that I don't feel as bad for my lack of updates. I'm off to finish a few things around here before I get ready to tackle another project. Stay cool and happy reading!

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1 comment:

  1. I seem to be kinda busy right now too. That's a REALLY big bookshelf! I hope you'll post pictures 'cause I'd love to see it. Hope you get some reading done when you can!



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