Title: The Future Without Hope (The World Without End Book 3)
Author: Nazarea Andrews
Publisher: A&A Literary (November 20th, 2014)
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NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+
Synopsis: Separated from Finn, captive of the Order, Nurrin has no hope left. But she has survived twenty years of zombies--and she has the unshakable faith that Finn will find her.
But Finn is a long way away. The Order's influence runs deeper than was ever suspected, and politics are shifting--and zombies may not be the most dangerous thing she's facing.
Finn always thought the war stripped him of all he had to lose. But with Nurrin missing and doors closing in his face, he realizes there is always more for the world to take--and he will drag the remains of civilization down with him before he gives up on the only promise that matters.
Part 3 of a 4 part short story. Follow the blog tour to find out what happens to Finn and Kelsey
The Battle for the Easter (Part 3)
The company is quiet—a tension has settled over the other men that I understand. We can’t sustain like this, and I know it.
“You going to talk to her?” Omar says. I glance at him from the corner of my eye. The black man is still, almost a year after meeting him, a little larger than life. But he picked up on the dynamics pretty quick—Kelsey keeps me moving. I keep Kelsey in line. The rest of the world can fuck itself, for all I care.
“She’s shutting me out right now, Omar,” I say, leaning back against a tree. We’ve moved steadily all day, and cleared a small town before making our camp for the night. The rest of the company is inside a barn that proved clean and sound. I can smell the fire they have crackling.
Infects don’t seem to care much about scent, unless it’s blood and meat. If we can keep our flames contained, we’ll manage the night warm and safe.
“She never shuts you out,” Omar protests.
I laugh, because that’s so far from the truth it’s the only real option. Laugh or curse.
“She shuts me out on a regular basis. She’s just generally good about keeping our dirty laundry in our closet.” I say. Omar grunts softly, and I stare into the gathering darkness, watching for any sign of infect activity.
“She can’t exile everyone who questions her place here.” Omar says softly.
“Then control your men. I’ll do my best to keep her leashed, but keep your men from pissing her off. Because her safety matters more than your guys—cross her and you won’t need to exile them. I’ll kill them just to make her happy.”
I say the words coolly, not bothering to look at Omar. I can feel the stillness that takes him, something I’ve watched him do before when he’s threatened. I wait until he releases his breath, and then I head back inside.
Kelsey is sanding in the doorway of the barn, and she stares at me for a long moment. I can see the questions in her eyes, and I know she overheard me. But I’m not ready to talk about it yet, so I just brush past her and climb the ladder to the hayloft she claimed as her own when we found the barn.
Mine, too. Because neither of us have been able to sleep in the field if the other was far away.
“What was that?” She asks, when she’s standing in the loft.
I shrug. Toe off my boots and pull her down to rest against me. Some of the tightness in my chest eases. “It was me explaining to the priest where things stand. It’s a good thing for him to know.”
“You can’t always put me before the company. We’re not here to stay alive. We’re here to make a difference.”
I laugh. “You make a difference. I’ve only ever been here to make sure you stay alive. That’s what I do.”
Nazarea Andrews Bio:
Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She is the author of the University of Branton series, Neverland Found series, and Edge of the Falls.
She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
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